
When killing chickens, there is a piece of "butter" in the stomach that is often thrown away, but I don't know that it is a treasure.

author:Nan Qiao said history

On this day, Xiaoyang got up early in the morning and went to the vegetable market with excitement to buy a fat local chicken and go home. He plans to use the chicken to stew a pot of old turkey soup and give his family a taste of the most authentic farmhouse.

Carrying chicken wings into the house, Xiaoyang couldn't wait to put down the burden in his hand, and tied the chicken to the edge of the pool to prepare to kill the chicken. This is not the first time Xiaoyang has killed chickens, and he knows the whole process well.

When killing chickens, there is a piece of "butter" in the stomach that is often thrown away, but I don't know that it is a treasure.

Soon, in a quacking chicken, this native chicken ended its short life. Xiaoyang picked up the basin of water and began to bleed and dehaired the dead chickens. Just as he cut open the belly of the chicken and took out the internal organs, Xiao Yang was stunned - the yellow fat in his stomach caught his eyes, and Xiao Yang was stunned.

"What is this? Why is there a lump of butter in the belly of the chicken?" Xiao Yang muttered to himself, puzzled. He scrutinized the yellow mass, much like ordinary grease, poked by his fingers, sticky, slippery to the touch. Could it be that cream can also be produced in the body of chickens? Xiaoyang was puzzled. This is not the first time Xiaoyang has seen internal organs, but it is the first time he has seen this peculiar "butter".

"What the hell is it, can you eat it, or just throw it away?" All kinds of questions came to Xiaoyang's heart, which made him full of infinite curiosity and deep interest in the "butter" in front of him.

When killing chickens, there is a piece of "butter" in the stomach that is often thrown away, but I don't know that it is a treasure.

Xiaoyang decided to keep this piece of "butter" and carefully study what it was...... Does this content description meet the requirements and expectations, does it basically follow the original plot, and what changes or additions are needed?

In order to find out where this strange "butter" is sacred, Xiaoyang decided to conduct an in-depth investigation. He picked up his mobile phone as soon as possible, took a few close-up photos of "butter", and posted them on social platforms to solicit the opinions of netizens.

To Xiaoyang's disappointment, most netizens on the platform didn't know what it was, just like him. Just when Xiaoyang was about to give up, he suddenly received a private message from Uncle Li, it turned out that Uncle Li had raised chickens before and was very good at it.

Uncle Li told Xiaoyang that this piece of "butter" is actually the fat in the chicken's body, which is formed by long-term feeding. Many merchants feed some colored foods, such as corn, rice, etc., in order for the chicken to grow faster, so it has a yellow color.

When killing chickens, there is a piece of "butter" in the stomach that is often thrown away, but I don't know that it is a treasure.

Uncle Li also emphasized that only chickens that grow up and are fat will have this layer of fat. Xiao Yang, who got this important information, suddenly became enlightened, it turned out that this was the case! Thinking about the fat chicken he bought, he completely understood. Xiaoyang excitedly expressed his gratitude to Uncle Li and decided to verify Uncle Li's statement in person.

The next day, Xiaoyang came to the vegetable market to find a chicken dealer master, and carefully inquired and learned that in order for the chickens to grow fast, the master would feed some corn and millet every day in addition to chicken feed for the chickens to eat.

Xiaoyang immediately thought of what Uncle Li said, and knew it in his heart. In order to find more evidence, Xiaoyang asked other chicken farmers to discuss, and they all got the same answer. At this time, Xiaoyang was completely convinced that the "butter" in the chicken's stomach was the fat deposit caused by overfeeding. With his perseverance, Xiaoyang finally found out the truth about "butter". Through his own investigation, Xiaoyang has figured out that the "butter" in the chicken's stomach is the fat accumulation after overfeeding.

When killing chickens, there is a piece of "butter" in the stomach that is often thrown away, but I don't know that it is a treasure.

Xiaoyang conducted an in-depth analysis of this. It occurred to him that the state of a person's body can also be reflected through skin fat. For example, people who often can't find a matching end label tea will have better skin and a healthy body.

And people who stay up late and work overtime for a long time will have a bad complexion. Since this is the case with people, animals like chickens should follow the same rules!

After figuring out this connection, Xiaoyang suddenly became enlightened - there is "butter" in the stomach, which is the result of the chickens eating well for a long time, which shows that their usual living conditions are very good, not only the feed is nutritious, but also the life is carefree and happy.

It doesn't matter if there is more fat in the body of such chickens, but it can better reflect their health status, and the meat will be more tender and delicious.

When killing chickens, there is a piece of "butter" in the stomach that is often thrown away, but I don't know that it is a treasure.

What makes Xiaoyang even more relieved is that this chicken is completely natural green food, and has not undergone any artificial growth of hormones or chemicals. This is very good for the health of myself and my family. Thinking of this, Xiaoyang couldn't help but feel overjoyed and extremely satisfied with the results of the investigation.

Now, Xiaoyang is completely relieved. He decided to share this analysis with all his friends, so that they could share this valuable wealth of knowledge with them.

Through this series of investigations and analysis, Xiaoyang has a new understanding of the "butter" in the chicken belly. He was well aware of the wealth of knowledge contained in it, and couldn't help but have an idea: to spread these knowledge to more people in need.

So Xiaoyang decided to give some suggestions on choosing chicken at the end of the article to help consumers choose really good chicken and not be deceived by those fake and shoddy products.

When killing chickens, there is a piece of "butter" in the stomach that is often thrown away, but I don't know that it is a treasure.

On the first point, Xiaoyang solemnly warned everyone that they must distinguish the authenticity of the so-called "farmhouse". Nowadays, many merchants are pretending to be rural farmers, selling some passers-by who do not know the truth to buy low-quality meat at high prices, and beware of being deceived.

The second point is that Xiaoyang seriously recommends that everyone try the chicken soup and the taste of the chicken to judge the freshness and feeding status of the chicken. This requires consumers to practice and develop a wealth of experience to distinguish between truly good meat.

Finally, Xiaoyang solemnly emphasized once again that he hopes that the general public can be vigilant, enhance their discernment, compare more when buying chicken, do not be confused by superficial phenomena, and choose the best quality ingredients.

It's not just about your own health, it's also about encouraging sincere farmers and businesses. Xiaoyang earnestly provided these suggestions, hoping that his knowledge and experience can benefit those who need it, make the right consumption choices, and at the same time support those enterprises that sincerely serve the people.

When killing chickens, there is a piece of "butter" in the stomach that is often thrown away, but I don't know that it is a treasure.

After preliminary discovery, investigation and analysis, Xiaoyang finally figured out the origin and significance of this accidentally discovered "butter". He decided to summarize the entire research process and the final conclusion in detail to tell the reader.

Xiaoyang first recounted that when he bought chicken to prepare for cooking, he happened to find this mysterious "butter" in the chicken's belly, and he didn't know what it was at all, and he was full of great curiosity about it.

Xiaoyang then described the process of his inquiries and research, including asking veteran chicken farmers and personally questioning chicken dealers and other chicken farmers. Finally, I finally figured out that it was the fat in the chicken's body, which was yellow because of eating too much corn and other colored foods.

After clarifying its origin, Xiaoyang began to analyze the significance of this layer of fat to the quality of the chicken. He gave an example that this actually means that chickens usually live well and are green and pollution-free natural food.

When killing chickens, there is a piece of "butter" in the stomach that is often thrown away, but I don't know that it is a treasure.

So this kind of chicken is the most reassuring to eat. In addition to scientific analysis, Xiaoyang also sincerely provides advice to everyone. He told readers to be sure to distinguish between real and fake farmhouses, to identify the freshness of chickens by taste, and to be careful not to be confused by the appearance of some fake businesses.

At the end of the article, Xiaoyang sincerely thanked all readers for their attention. He hopes that his findings and conclusions will benefit more people in need, and no longer throw away the "butter" in the chicken belly by mistake, but cherish its meaning even more.

Xiaoyang sincerely sighed that so many small details in our lives contain valuable knowledge and positive energy. As long as we have an active mindset, we can continue to improve our posture and help others improve together.

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