
I mistakenly thought it was high-end bread?

I mistakenly thought it was high-end bread?


"Shandong steamed bread!" "Every Fujian child has eaten Shandong steamed bread in his childhood? You can buy a bag of red bean paste for one dollar. Netizen: Fujianese's childhood memories, the happiness that can be bought for a dollar, are now gone!

I mistakenly thought it was high-end bread?

Drink porridge with pickles, today a steamed bun is gorgeously transformed, you may not believe that this is a steamed bun when you see it, the taste and texture have really changed dramatically, it is really fragrant, so delicious.

I mistakenly thought it was high-end bread?

The leftover steamed bread can also change the pattern, simply cut it, brush the butter and sprinkle white sugar, bake for about ten minutes, the steamed bread will expand a little after the butter is done, just like a petal slightly opened, very beautiful. The taste is also crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, which is used to make afternoon tea, not too wonderful!

I mistakenly thought it was high-end bread?
I mistakenly thought it was high-end bread?

Butter baked steamed buns


Ingredients: 2 leftover steamed buns

Seasoning: 50 grams of butter + appropriate amount of honey + appropriate amount of white sugar

It's a good time to be in the world.

Knife + cutting board + ingredient small bowl N pcs + oil brush + oven + small plate + spoon

● Practice

I mistakenly thought it was high-end bread?

(1) Prepare ingredients: leftover steamed buns, butter, honey, sugar.

I mistakenly thought it was high-end bread?

(2) Peel off the thin layer of colored skin on the outside of the leftover steamed buns, staggered horizontally and vertically, and cut into grids.

I mistakenly thought it was high-end bread?

(3) The butter is softened by water.

I mistakenly thought it was high-end bread?

(4) After softening, brush a layer of butter on the cut steamed bun, if the butter is rich, brush more butter, and bake it out more crispy and fragrant. After brushing, sprinkle with a layer of white sugar.

I mistakenly thought it was high-end bread?

(5) Put the processed steamed buns in the preheated oven at 180 degrees and bake for about 15 minutes.

I mistakenly thought it was high-end bread?

(6) Take out the baked steamed buns, pour some honey on the flavor, don't be too delicious! You can also add sauce according to your own taste, if you have jam at home, you can also eat it! Or eat it directly, it is also very good.

I mistakenly thought it was high-end bread?


Don't cut the steamed bun too deep around it, it will swell when you bake it, and if you cut it too deeply, it will fall apart.


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