
When killing chickens, should the large piece of "butter" in the chicken's belly be eaten or thrown away?

author:Longnan Liangdang released

For us, chicken is also a very common food.

Its unique taste and nutrition cannot be replaced by other meats, so among the major meats, chicken is very popular.

But, do you really understand it?

When killing chickens, should the large piece of "butter" in the chicken's belly be eaten or thrown away?

Butter in the belly of the chicken

In rural areas, many people buy some chicks and raise them at home.

When it comes to the Chinese New Year, the big rooster and the old hen have just grown up, and they can eat their own chicken.

And at this time, killing chickens is the top priority.

When killing chickens, should the large piece of "butter" in the chicken's belly be eaten or thrown away?

But in the process of killing chickens, people will find that there will be a very greasy butter in the belly of the existing chicken, which looks very disgusting.

After taking this piece of butter out of the belly of the chicken, you will notice that the whole chicken is much lighter.

When many people see this thing, they will think that it is a big fat in the belly of a chicken, and then throw it into the trash, or feed it to the cats and dogs at home.

When killing chickens, should the large piece of "butter" in the chicken's belly be eaten or thrown away?

After all, according to people's experience when killing pigs, when cleaning the internal organs of pigs, there will be a lot of white oil lumps inside, and they are all one by one.

And this, in fact, is what people call "lard".

When killing chickens, should the large piece of "butter" in the chicken's belly be eaten or thrown away?

However, when we buy meat, we generally can't see this piece of white oil, because when people kill pigs, they easily remove the lard.

The butter in the chicken belly is actually the same as the white oil in the pig's body, which is accumulated from fat.

Some people say that since all of this is formed by fat accumulation, then eating it in one bite will definitely increase your body fat, which is actually very bad.

When killing chickens, should the large piece of "butter" in the chicken's belly be eaten or thrown away?

However, some people say that this is a very precious "treasure", and it is not something that can be seen every time a chicken is killed, and it should not be ruined.

So, how is the butter in a chicken's belly formed? Can it be eaten?

When killing chickens, should the large piece of "butter" in the chicken's belly be eaten or thrown away?

What exactly is butter?

What we need to know is that the butter in the belly of the chicken is not available in all chickens, so to speak, this is a very rare thing.

In fact, this is also very understandable, you can imagine that if we eat three meals a day very richly, then the excess calories will be stored in the body, and over time, it will accumulate into fat.

And the butter of the chicken belly is also formed in this way.

When killing chickens, should the large piece of "butter" in the chicken's belly be eaten or thrown away?

Generally speaking, chickens with butter in their stomachs are basically free-range chickens in people's own homes.

You must know that the formation of butter basically requires the chicken to grow for more than six months before it will be formed slowly, and it is not formed all at once.

Not only that, but the appearance of butter actually has a lot to do with what chickens eat.

When killing chickens, should the large piece of "butter" in the chicken's belly be eaten or thrown away?

According to relevant information, the chickens raised by people in the countryside often eat some grains such as corn and millet, which are all grown by people themselves, and are rich in fat and carotene.

And this, in fact, is the reason why it appears yellow.

When killing chickens, should the large piece of "butter" in the chicken's belly be eaten or thrown away?

Carotene is a yellow pigment, free-range chickens have been eating some carotene-rich food, so when it is digested in the stomach, it will naturally make the chicken fat turn yellow.

The chickens we eat outside or buy whole live chickens are basically broiler chickens or free-range chickens, and most of these chickens are grown up on feed.

When killing chickens, should the large piece of "butter" in the chicken's belly be eaten or thrown away?

You know, the demand for chicken in our country is very huge, basically at least 8 billion chickens a year are eaten, of course, this is still a conservative estimate.

If it is like people's own chickens, then the supply of chicken will definitely not be able to keep up with people's consumption, and at this time, the instant chicken "white feather chicken" appeared in the market.

Under normal circumstances, it only takes 45 days for a white-feathered chicken to grow into a chicken that can be slaughtered.

When killing chickens, should the large piece of "butter" in the chicken's belly be eaten or thrown away?

And it is absolutely impossible for butter to appear in the stomachs of these chickens, because in order to ensure the supply of quantity, they eat pure feed, and the nutrition is definitely not as high as that of eating whole grains.

Therefore, chickens that have been raised in captivity and fed will naturally not have butter in their bodies.

So, can you eat all this butter?

When killing chickens, should the large piece of "butter" in the chicken's belly be eaten or thrown away?

Can you eat it?

The answer, of course, is yes.

Butter is not only edible, but also has a very high nutritional value!

You know, if butter appears in a chicken's belly, it can only mean one thing, and that is that the chicken eats well.

When killing chickens, should the large piece of "butter" in the chicken's belly be eaten or thrown away?

In the process of its growth, it is relatively nutritious, which is why the fat accumulates in the body to form butter, so this kind of chicken must be very tasty.

And this piece of butter, its nutritional value will naturally not be low.

According to relevant research data, this yellow chicken fat is rich in nutrients such as fat, protein and some vitamins.

When killing chickens, should the large piece of "butter" in the chicken's belly be eaten or thrown away?

We all know that the lard on the pig can be used to make lard, and the oil residue it boils out is less and the amount of oil produced is particularly high.

And the butter in the chicken belly also has a similar effect.

When killing chickens, should the large piece of "butter" in the chicken's belly be eaten or thrown away?

We can extract some chicken fat from this piece of butter just like boiling lard, whether it is used for stir-frying or boiling noodles, its taste is very unique.

Therefore, the nutritional value of butter is very high.

Generally speaking, a piece of butter can boil out about half a catty of chicken fat.

When killing chickens, should the large piece of "butter" in the chicken's belly be eaten or thrown away?

I don't know if you have noticed, sometimes when you go to a restaurant to eat, the chicken soup you order is yellow in color, and the taste is very delicious.

And this, basically, can be concluded to be made of butter.

In fact, butter can also be seen in supermarkets.

When killing chickens, should the large piece of "butter" in the chicken's belly be eaten or thrown away?

The chicken juice on the supermarket shelves is actually made from chicken fat, which is the same content as the oil consumption, but the price is several times that of it.

However, it should be noted that if a chicken is slaughtered for a long time and only finds a large piece of butter in it, then it is not recommended for everyone to use it.

After all, where the butter is located, it happens to be near the chicken butt.

When killing chickens, should the large piece of "butter" in the chicken's belly be eaten or thrown away?

If the chicken has been slaughtered for a long time, it is very susceptible to bacterial and viral infections, and once people eat such butter, it is likely to have an impact on their own health.

Not only that, but if people themselves suffer from the three highs, then it is not recommended to eat too much butter, after all, it is also very rich in cholesterol.

But now there are also many unscrupulous traders who add some oil flavonin when feeding instant chickens with feed in order to make money.

When killing chickens, should the large piece of "butter" in the chicken's belly be eaten or thrown away?

And the effect of this thing, even those chickens who are not so nutritious, grow butter in their bodies, and then use this to increase the price of their own chicken.

Although this kind of butter looks no different from normal butter in appearance, it tastes very different.

When killing chickens, should the large piece of "butter" in the chicken's belly be eaten or thrown away?

Therefore, when we kill chickens in our daily life, if we see the butter in the chicken's belly, we must not throw it away, this is a "baby".

Source: Internet

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