
Lu Yao: At the age of 7, he volunteered to pass on to his uncle for studying, an ordinary world, a life that does not admit defeat

author:Li Huhu views the history
Lu Yao: At the age of 7, he volunteered to pass on to his uncle for studying, an ordinary world, a life that does not admit defeat

Although the road of life is long, there are often only a few steps at the critical point, especially when one is young.

—Liu Qing

Lu Yao liked Liu Qing's passage the most, and he even put it at the beginning of the novel "Life".

Lu Yao: At the age of 7, he volunteered to pass on to his uncle for studying, an ordinary world, a life that does not admit defeat

Lu Yao's life, just like this passage, a young man from the Loess Plateau, all the way up, finally stood in front of the people of the whole country, became a hot public figure, relying on those important steps.

Taking history as a mirror, we can know the rise and fall; taking people as a mirror, we can see the gains and losses, Li Huhu looks at history, a person who tells the history of 5,000 years, today, we will talk about the life of the writer Lu Yao.

Lu Yao: At the age of 7, he volunteered to pass on to his uncle for studying, an ordinary world, a life that does not admit defeat


Out of the clear stream, to Yanchuan, is the uncle's house, more than 100 miles of dirt road, 7-year-old Lu Yao walked for two days.

In the early years, the uncle and the eldest mother moved to Yanchuan County, and they responded to the call of the border district government and have not given birth.

When Lu Yao was born, the country had just ended the war, and the life of the people in the country was generally very difficult, Lu Yao's family had 8 children, and eating became a problem.

Lu Yao didn't care if he could eat enough, but not being able to read became the biggest pain in his heart who loved reading, and the uncle promised to provide him with study, and his parents saw through Lu Yao's thoughts, so they reluctantly agreed to pass him on to the uncle.

Lu Yao: At the age of 7, he volunteered to pass on to his uncle for studying, an ordinary world, a life that does not admit defeat

One early morning in the late autumn of 1957, my mother cooked a pot of gruel early, made an exception and fished out some more rice grains for Lu Yao, Lu Yao bowed his head and ate silently, then followed his father out of the door, and his mother chased him out and put a new pair of shoes on his feet.

Lu Yao rarely wore shoes, and before he walked far, his feet were blistered, so he simply took off his shoes, still barefoot, and walked to his uncle's house with his father step by step.

Although his parents didn't say it, Lu Yao, who has been a "human spirit" since he was three or four years old, clearly knew that the purpose of this trip was to leave his familiar home and go to his uncle's house to beg for a living.

During this journey, Lu Yao walked extremely painfully, and later he mentioned his experience more than once:

"I knew my father wanted me to throw it here, but I pretended not to know and waited for this day. That day, he told me that he was going to the market and would come back in the afternoon, and we would go back to our hometown together tomorrow. I knew he was going to slip away. I got up early in the morning, and while no one in my family knew about it, I hid behind an old tree in the village, and watched my father, stepping on the hazy morning mist, slipping out of the village like a thief, crossing the river, getting on the road, and leaving. At this point, I had two options: I yelled and rushed down, and I wanted to go back with my father, who was only seven years old at the time. ...... But I gritted my teeth and held back. Because I thought that I was old enough to go to school, and when I came home, my father couldn't provide for me to go to school. Although tears flowed down my face, I gritted my teeth and didn't go with my father......"

Even when he was critically ill, he still couldn't let go, and often cried tears of sadness.

But this journey has also become the most critical first step in Lu Yao's life.


Lu Yao has been a child who does not admit defeat since he was a child.

When he first arrived at the uncle's house, he was often bullied by the children in the village, whenever this happened, he always rushed up directly and scuffled with them, sometimes, Lu Yao would beat the other party to the head and bleed, sometimes, Lu Yao would also lose, every time he lost, he would find an adult to stand up for him.

Once, Lu Yao lost a fight with an older child, so he went to find the other party's parents, who knew that the parents also protected their children, Lu Yao's personality came up all of a sudden, he directly lay on the door frame of the house and cried, saying that he would not leave, and in the end, the eldest child took the initiative to apologize and shook hands with Lu Yao.

Time flies like a white horse, in a blink of an eye, 6 years have passed, in 1963, Lu Yao finished primary school, and ranked second in the unified examination of Xiaosheng Junior High School, and was admitted to Yanchuan Middle School, Yanchuan Middle School is the only full-time middle school in Yanchuan, more than 1,000 candidates in the county, she only recruits about 100 students.

When the news came, Guojia Village was a sensation, and Lu Yao was also very happy, and his desire to study was even stronger, but the uncle felt that it was good to be literate and settle accounts in the countryside, so he resolutely let him drop out of school and go home to do farm work.

Lu Yao's unyielding personality was shown again, he directly found the village party secretary, who felt very sorry for this excellent and sensible child, so he personally came forward to borrow two buckets of black beans, and exchanged them for money to let Lu Yao pay the tuition, and Lu Yao finally walked into the gate of Yanchuan Middle School.

"Do your own thing, and arrange your own destiny. This is the truth that Lu Yao has always believed.

Lu Yao: At the age of 7, he volunteered to pass on to his uncle for studying, an ordinary world, a life that does not admit defeat


Lu Yao in primary school, has always been the "child king", because of excellent grades, outstanding literary and organizational skills, he has always had a strong popularity and appeal, to middle school, among many cadres and children, he is still very eye-catching, deeply supported by his classmates.

In the dazzling grades and poor life, Lu Yao finished junior high school, after graduation, he was admitted to a secondary school, just when he was ready to run to the next goal, a political movement that swept the country began, colleges and universities across the country were suspended, and Lu Yao was forced to interrupt his studies.

But fate opened another window for him because of his efforts, and because of his outstanding talent in literature, he was transferred to the county communication group to engage in creation.

A few years later, he became the backbone of the county-run publication "Shanhua", and was also named and praised by the "People's Daily" and "Shaanxi Daily".

In 1973, new opportunities finally came, national universities resumed enrollment, Lu Yao was naturally recommended to study in the Chinese Department of Yan'an University, Lu Yao was favored by fate for the first time, he rejoiced, and determined to use all his enthusiasm to sing for the muse.

Lu Yao: At the age of 7, he volunteered to pass on to his uncle for studying, an ordinary world, a life that does not admit defeat


After going to university, Lu Yao still insisted on literary creation, and began to publish his works in provincial journals, which soon attracted the attention of many large publications in the provincial literary circle.

Lu Yao: At the age of 7, he volunteered to pass on to his uncle for studying, an ordinary world, a life that does not admit defeat

Once, at a symposium held by the editorial department of "Shaanxi Literature and Art", Lu Yao got acquainted with the well-known editor Dong Mo and Beijing educated youth Ye Yongmei.

Dong Mo found that Lu Yao was a rare horse, so he introduced him to the magazine for an internship, and after more than a year of internship, Lu Yao won everyone's recognition. After graduating from university, the two editors-in-chief of the editorial department personally went to Yan'an University to ask for Lu Yao, and the school leaders agreed to "special affairs", and Lu Yao was assigned to the editorial department of "Shaanxi Literature and Art".

Lu Yao's creative enthusiasm was completely ignited, and later, he created "Life", which won the second National Outstanding Novella Award, and subsequently, "Life" was adapted into a movie and released nationwide.

Lu Yao: At the age of 7, he volunteered to pass on to his uncle for studying, an ordinary world, a life that does not admit defeat

At this time, Lu Yao was only in his 30s, this young man from the Loess Plateau, all the way to the ups and downs, through the vicissitudes of life, finally came to the bitter end, stood in front of the people of the whole country, and became a hot public figure.

Lu Yao is an extremely calm person, some people predict that "Life" is the pinnacle of Lu Yao's creation, after the ecstasy of the world, Lu Yao is also constantly thinking, has he really reached the top?


After countless sleepless nights, Lu Yao shouted from the bottom of his heart: No, "Life" is by no means my peak, I want to create an epic novel.

Subsequently, he began to write "Ordinary World", in order to collect materials, he went to the grassroots coal mines, universities, and fields, and in order to improve his writing level, he planned to read 150 novels.

In three years, he had torn through almost all the newspapers of the past ten years, so much so that his fingers had been ground out of capillaries, and he had to continue reading them with the palm of his hand.

The three-year preparation work was finally completed, and Lu Yao began to create words for three years non-stop.

Lu Yao's younger brother Wang Tianle commented on him like this:

"Throughout the six years of creation, he experienced hardships that cannot be expressed in words. I witnessed the entire creative process of a writer. I learned a profound truth from Lu Yao: a real writer is not a human being. The kind of life that surpasses cattle and horses, not to mention ordinary people, even 'second-class people' should not casually step on that minefield that costs people's lives. ”

The emperor lived up to his wishes, "Ordinary World" was a huge success, Lu Yao once again caused a huge sensation, but his body couldn't hold it, and at the same time, it collapsed, as well as his marriage.

Lu Yao: At the age of 7, he volunteered to pass on to his uncle for studying, an ordinary world, a life that does not admit defeat


In 1992, Lu Yao's wife Lin Da filed for divorce again, and before that, Lin Da had filed for divorce many times, and Lu Yao was worried about affecting her daughter and never agreed.

Lu Yao: At the age of 7, he volunteered to pass on to his uncle for studying, an ordinary world, a life that does not admit defeat

Regarding Lu Yao's marriage, his younger brother Wang Tianle said: I don't blame my sister-in-law for divorce, it's not easy to be a writer's wife.

Wang Tianle also revealed another thing, when the second part of "Ordinary World" was completed, Lu Yao's body had serious problems, and he even vomited blood.

Wang Tianle persuaded Lu Yao to give up creation for the time being, treat the disease first, and give up the nominal marriage, and then find a girl from northern Shaanxi, preferably illiterate, to take care of his life.

Lu Yao refused without thinking about it, what he needed was a soul mate, not a nanny, an illiterate woman from northern Shaanxi, he couldn't accept it from the bottom of his heart.

In June 1992, Lu Yao's health was getting worse and worse, he finally stopped insisting on a marriage in name only, and agreed to divorce by agreement with Linda.

Lu Yao: At the age of 7, he volunteered to pass on to his uncle for studying, an ordinary world, a life that does not admit defeat

On August 6, 1992, with the support of his younger brother, Lu Yao returned to Yan'an by train, and under the persuasion of everyone, he was admitted to the hospital, and his friend Cao Guxi inquired to see him, Lu Yao couldn't help crying: "My illness, you don't know, it's very serious, I'm afraid it won't work this time......" Lu Yao, who has been strong all his life, was finally vulnerable in front of his most familiar friends.

Lu Yao: At the age of 7, he volunteered to pass on to his uncle for studying, an ordinary world, a life that does not admit defeat

On September 5, Lu Yao's condition deteriorated and he was transferred to Xijing Hospital in Xi'an for treatment, but his illness dragged on for too long, and the developed modern medicine was unable to recover.

Lu Yao: At the age of 7, he volunteered to pass on to his uncle for studying, an ordinary world, a life that does not admit defeat

At 8:20 a.m. on November 17, 1992, Lu Yao left this ordinary world forever and finished his extraordinary life, just the day before, he also said: "Life is too cruel, I must stand up and ......"

But this time, fate did not give him a chance to stand up again, and forcibly took him out of this ordinary world that he loved so much.


Lu Yao's life, in addition to literary talent and personality that does not admit defeat, can be said to have no longevity, but he used amazing perseverance and cattle and horses-like labor, forcibly reversed his fate, and achieved remarkable achievements that attracted the attention of the world, and played a bad hand of cards to be extremely exciting, he left behind the masterpiece "Ordinary World", which is still our rare spiritual food, and his spirit of fighting for his dreams still inspires generations of young people to move forward bravely and strive for self-improvement.

If "the length of a writer's life is determined by his works," Lu Yao should live up to this life!

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