
Chinese parents only deny their children? Chen Xiaoyi plays this kind of parent very well

Chinese parents only deny their children? Chen Xiaoyi plays this kind of parent very well

"If Running Is My Life" poked the backbone of many people.

Chen Xiaoyi's role as Zhao Lao Er this time is estimated to be the most unpopular role in the whole play, but this kind of Chinese-style parents grab a lot of them. They will only deny the child, hit the child, and do not understand the importance of encouragement and humor in this life. Of course, these traditional parents, their thinking pattern, is related to the times, and their growth is also like this, they are constantly whipped and intimidated by their parents of that generation. They can only plant melons and get melons, plant beans and get beans, and pass on this self-righteous majesty from generation to generation.

The sorrow of Chinese parents is that they strictly adhere to the dogma of "I am for your good".

Chinese parents only deny their children? Chen Xiaoyi plays this kind of parent very well

Chen Xiaoyi's old mother is like this, she can't get out of this dogma, and she is getting deeper and deeper. She sees her parents as an authority, a power.

Her daughter relied on her own ability to be admitted to a key university in Beijing, and relied on work-study to earn tuition fees and living expenses, she had no encouragement, only suppression.

From childhood to adulthood, reading must be controlled, and love and job hunting must cast a net, which can only be implemented according to the wishes of parents.

Such a family atmosphere is suffocating.

Chinese parents only deny their children? Chen Xiaoyi plays this kind of parent very well

Parents treat their children not as management nor as control, but step by step, grasping the big and letting go of the small.

As long as the child does not make mistakes of principle, the other aspects are self-growth in the midst of setbacks.

Times are different.

Now the baby is made by all kinds of chicken baby parents from the mother's womb to start involution, listen to all kinds of prenatal music, and participate in various classes after landing.

Then there are all kinds of battles on the score track.

A lot of the pressure on scores is extra pressure from parents, because this is an important data for parents' face, parents' vanity, and comparison.

Not to mention, this kind of vanity will flood and become the main theme of the whole family, grandparents want to show off, go to the square dance sisters to shout, and the circle of friends will shine all over the sky.

Chinese parents only deny their children? Chen Xiaoyi plays this kind of parent very well

In the play, the old mother first went to Beijing to live in her daughter's dormitory, and offended all the classmates around her.

insisted on pulling her daughter back to her hometown, she just wanted to collapse her daughter's self-confidence and destroy her daughter's will. Then in his hometown, he lived according to his mother's wishes.

The ideological gap between the big city and the hometown is here, and the daughter's ability is not bad, especially under the high pressure of the mother, it is not easy to get such results. She longed for affirmation, encouragement, but never to. Otherwise, the achievement will be even greater. Looking for a job in a big city is originally going through a low period and a run-in period, where is there a one-step process? The old mother didn't take the old family and the sophistication of the old family and went to morally kidnap her daughter's boyfriend at that time.

After Beijing was all chicken feathers, her daughter was forced to return to her hometown.

The old mother began to mobilize the favor of her plastic sisters, and at the dinner table, she still blew her daughter to the sky first, and then arranged the blind date table.

Chinese parents only deny their children? Chen Xiaoyi plays this kind of parent very well

You see, this kind of parents' affirmation of their children only exists in "social dinners", and this kind of praise carries too much insincerity, and what sincerity can there be in the talk of a group of vain people? The daughter is one of her tools.

The daughter rebelled and messed up the blind date bureau, and the mother's plastic sisters turned against each other, and she was kicked out of all the group chats.

Chinese parents only deny their children? Chen Xiaoyi plays this kind of parent very well

In the end, the daughter decided to treat others the way she would go.

She gave her all kinds of negation and suppression of her mother and gave her back.

If a mother doesn't respect her daughter, she doesn't respect women, then she will be hit with the same crit. See if her humanity is shocked and then have a little reflection.

Too many Chinese-style parents put their own ideals and dreams on their children, completely ignoring their children's own wishes.

They have been unsatisfactory all their lives, unhappy and controlling, and only then do they want to destroy others.

Many things backfire will create family tragedies, and children who are obedient to it, even if they survive the school days and enter the society, have poor resistance to pressure, lack of self-confidence, and then collapse completely, and collapse psychologically, at this time there is no room for maneuver at all.

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