
The famous dish of the state banquet, "boiling water cabbage", this "boiling water" is not simple, and the guests have learned to prepare face

author:Huatai Catering

Cabbage is a very ordinary ingredient, it can be said that ordinary to even if you accidentally save it, you will not be sad to take it and throw it away. However, such an ordinary ingredient was actually made into a famous state banquet food in China, and there is still this dish in the state banquet menu. I believe that at this point, everyone must know what kind of food I want to share, yes, that is, "boiled water cabbage", many people may hear this name, feel bland, even similar to some home-cooked dishes such as green pepper potato shreds.

The famous dish of the state banquet, "boiling water cabbage", this "boiling water" is not simple, and the guests have learned to prepare face

In fact, boiled water cabbage was not a state banquet dish before, but it was only because of its delicious taste and unique taste that it was added to the state banquet menu. And boiling water cabbage production steps are not difficult, but in the cooking process is somewhat cumbersome, especially in the early production of boiling water, the so-called boiled water here is not the real sense of boiled water, it is cooked by a variety of high-end and very grounded ingredients, it can be said that nutrition is very rich, drinking spirit seems to have increased many times.

The following words are not much to say, today I will share with you the specific steps and details of boiling water cabbage, I will use the simplest, easy to understand words to express it, so that everyone can understand, can understand, you small partners with me to see it together.


Ingredients: Cabbage

The famous dish of the state banquet, "boiling water cabbage", this "boiling water" is not simple, and the guests have learned to prepare face

Accessories: 1 old hen, 1/2 duck, 3 kg of Jinhua ham, 5 kg of pork knuckles, 10 grams of dried scallops, 3 kg of chicken breast, 40 kg of water, a little ginger and onion.

Seasoning: 2 grams of salt, 10 grams of cooking wine

Step 1, first prepare all the ingredients to clean up (be sure to use fresh ingredients, so that there will be no odor in the pot), soak the scallops in water for an hour in advance, Wash the Jinhua ham and set aside, and then soak the old hen, duck, and pig's elbow in water for four hours (the purpose of soaking is to remove blood water, and the later pot will not be fishy), and then fish out the ingredients, put them in the pot and blanch the water for three minutes and then fish out (the purpose of the boiled water is also to remove the blood water).

The famous dish of the state banquet, "boiling water cabbage", this "boiling water" is not simple, and the guests have learned to prepare face

Step 2, add water to the pot, add old hen, old duck, pork knuckle, Jinhua ham, dried scallops, lean meat, chives, ginger peeled whole pieces flattened to join, boiled on high heat and turned to low heat for eight hours, the lid is half open, the soup can not be tumbled (this step step is not complicated, the focus is to simmer).

The famous dish of the state banquet, "boiling water cabbage", this "boiling water" is not simple, and the guests have learned to prepare face

Step three, and then use a dense mesh sieve to filter the clear soup again, remove the excess residue in the soup, then you will find that the soup is clear in color, and the taste is very fragrant, then add a little salt to flavor it (just salt can be, chicken essence MSG does not have to be put), the early clear soup has been made.

The famous dish of the state banquet, "boiling water cabbage", this "boiling water" is not simple, and the guests have learned to prepare face

Step 4, then prepare fresh cabbage to remove the outer layer, leaving only the tender cabbage hearts inside, and then use a knife to cut the cabbage into small pieces (to ensure that the cabbage out of the pot is intact, do not have a separate cabbage leaf, otherwise it will affect the overall appearance), and then wash it and set aside.

The famous dish of the state banquet, "boiling water cabbage", this "boiling water" is not simple, and the guests have learned to prepare face

Step 5: Add the boiled clear soup to the pot, bring it to a boil over high heat, then add the processed cabbage, blanch the cabbage until it is seven ripe, and then immediately soak the cabbage in ice water to cool down the cabbage (this step can achieve a crispy taste), and after cooling, remove the excess water from the squeezed cabbage (be careful not to squeeze it out).

The famous dish of the state banquet, "boiling water cabbage", this "boiling water" is not simple, and the guests have learned to prepare face

Step six, the last step is simple, the plate containing cabbage is added to the broth boiled in advance, and then sealed with plastic wrap, steamed in the steaming box for about five minutes, at this time open the plastic wrap, the aroma of this boiling water cabbage will instantly come to the nose, and it will be made here.

The famous dish of the state banquet, "boiling water cabbage", this "boiling water" is not simple, and the guests have learned to prepare face

Summary of boiling water cabbage

To sum up, from the name we know that this boiling water must be a clear soup, that is, it must be seen at a glance, and it is not the kind of white soup that is boiled into a thick white soup. And if you want to boil the soup, then the heat is very critical, you must reduce the fire, this step is very critical.

To sum up two, some people make boiling water cabbage will be more complicated, will use minced meat to slowly boil, the blood and water in the soup are adsorbed clean, to the point of thorough clear soup, but it is necessary to have a certain amount of patience.

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