
Yimeng Mountain Folk Songs and Yimeng Spirit


Everyone said that Yimeng Mountain is good, and Yimeng Mountain is beautiful. The green water in the green mountains is so beautiful, and the wind blows the grass and sees the cattle and sheep. The sorghum is fragrant with red beans and flowers, and the millet is full of thousands of quintals. Our Communist Party is well led, and the people of Yimeng Mountain are beaming. Walking into the Yimeng Mountains, this Yimeng Mountain tune, in the mountains, in the fields, echoing everywhere, this song has been sung by the people of Yimeng Mountain for 70 years, and the Yimeng Mountain tune has become synonymous with Yimeng Mountain in 70 years. Yimeng Mountain Minor and Jasmine Flowers have been rated as excellent folk songs in China by UNESCO, and are well-known at home and abroad, and "Yimeng Good Scenery" has gradually infiltrated into people's hearts and become the theme image of Yimeng land.

My hometown is in Shandong, and I am proud that I am a child of the old revolutionary base area. In fact, there is no "Yimeng Mountain" on the geographical map of China. Geography, Yimeng Mountain refers to the geographical area with Mengshan Mountain and Yishan Mountain as geological coordinates. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation, it was one of the famous revolutionary bases, and was known as the "Holy Land of World War II" and "Red Yimeng". In people's hearts, she is a revolutionary old area, a revolutionary resort, a revolutionary tradition, or "Yimeng Mother", "Yimeng Hongsao" and "Yimeng Six Sisters", and it is also the Yimeng spirit of "hard-working, courageous, never admit defeat, dare to win, love the party and the army, forge ahead, work hard, and selfless dedication".

As a native of Shandong, there is a classic song that occupies a very important place in my heart. It is the Yimeng Mountain Minor. Located in the southeast of Shandong Province, the Yimeng Mountains are famous old revolutionary base areas and glorious red base areas in the country. After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Party Central Committee and Chairman Mao Zedong judged the situation and sent the party, government and military to the Yimeng Mountains to open up the Yimeng anti-Japanese base area. Since May 1938, the Fourth Detachment of the Shandong Anti-Japanese Guerrilla Force of the Eighth Route Army, the Shandong Branch of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Shandong Column of the Eighth Route Army, the 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army, the First Column of the Eighth Route Army, the New Fourth Army, and the East China Field Army have been stationed in Yimeng, creating a revolutionary base area centered on Yimeng Mountain. Under the leadership of the party, the people of Yimeng shared the same hatred for the enemy, threw down their heads and shed their blood, made tremendous sacrifices and contributions to the struggle for national independence and the people's liberation, and dyed the land of Yimeng red for 800 miles with their lives and blood.

Everyone said that Yimeng Mountain is good, the scenery on Yimeng Mountain is good, the green mountains and green water are beautiful, and the wind blows the grass to see cattle and sheep. Every sentence is like a poem, every sentence sings a moving melody, this beautiful minor key mottled the blood-stained years, but still exudes a new brilliance, it pushes the wheel of history to witness the difficult years of the Yimeng people, witness the happy life of the children of Yimeng today. Mengshan is majestic and long, and this melodious melody can't help but remind people of the most difficult years of the Anti-Japanese War. It is such a song that boosts the fighting spirit of our army and disintegrates the morale of the enemy. It is such a song that embodies the belief in the struggle of the army and the people, and brings together the Yimeng people's yearning for a better life. Looking at the sea downstairs, Baishiwu Village, the birthplace of Yimeng Mountain Minor.

"Everyone says hey, Yimeng Mountain is good, Yimeng Mountain is good, Yimeng Mountain, good scenery, ......" This beautiful and beautiful "Yimeng Mountain Minor" has become popular in the land of Qilu and has swept the north and south of the country. Although people are familiar with the beautiful melody of "Yimeng Mountain Minor", many people do not know the true origin of this song, let alone know that the predecessor of "Yimeng Mountain Minor" was actually composed by "Against the Yellow Sands". What kind of story is hidden behind this:

1. In the revolutionary struggle against the "Huangsha Society", the song "Opposition to the Huangsha Society" was born and born, which is the predecessor of today's "Yimeng Mountain Minor".

(1) During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the "Huangsha Society" was a reactionary organization manipulated and used by the Kuomintang diehards, with a large number of people and a powerful number of people who opposed the anti-Japanese regime led by our party, and at that time it was extremely harmful to the Eighth Route Army to establish an anti-Japanese base in the Yimeng Mountains.

1. The "Huangsha Society" was originally a non-governmental armed self-defense, anti-bandit and anti-theft organization that integrated martial arts and witchcraft. The "Huangsha Society" was later manipulated and used by Zhang Liyuan and other Kuomintang diehards, and became a reactionary organization against the Communist Party and the Eighth Route Army in the early days of the Anti-Japanese War. After the establishment of the "Huangsha Society", due to its rapid development, large number of people, and chaotic management, contradictions and entanglements of interests arose within it, fought with each other, and all parties co-opted, gradually changed and betrayed its purpose of "protecting the family and defending the people", and slowly degenerated into a reactionary landlord armed force, and was manipulated and used by Zhang Liyuan, a diehard of the Kuomintang at that time and commissioner of Linyi District, to deal with the Communist Party and the Eighth Route Army, the "Huangsha Society" It also transformed from a non-governmental self-defense organization to prevent bandits and thieves into a reactionary landlord armed force, and became one of the targets of the dictatorship that the Communist Party and the Eighth Route Army had to attack.

2. "The Yellow Sand Society will riot". In 1940, during the arduous years of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Japanese invaders, traitors, and Kuomintang diehards colluded together to jointly encroach, encircle, suppress, and sweep the anti-Japanese base area in Yimeng Mountain, which had just been established by the Communist Party. In May 1940, under the manipulation of the Kuomintang diehard Zhang Liyuan, the "Huangsha Society" launched an armed riot in the Yimeng Mountain area in the area of present-day Mengyin, Yinan and Feixian, where they robbed the people's property, killed anti-Japanese cadres, and used feudal superstition and armed violence to prevent the local people from joining the army and fighting against the Communist Party and the Eighth Route Army. In order to sweep away the obstacles to the resistance against Japan and to strike at the arrogance of the Kuomintang diehards and the "Huangsha Society," and when political education and the work of winning over failed to achieve results, in June 1940, the Luzhong troops of the Shandong Column of the Eighth Route Army, the Second and Fifth Brigades of the First Branch of the Anti-Japanese University, and the local anti-Japanese forces of Yinan County launched a campaign against the Kuomintang reactionaries and the reactionary Daomen "Huangsha Society" in the Yimeng Mountain area. In August 1940, a regiment of the 115th Division attacked from the south of Mengshan to the north, and the first branch of the Anti-Japanese University attacked from the north of Duozhuang to the south, and captured Shiwushan in one go, completely defeating the troops of the Kuomintang diehards and the "Huangsha Society" mob forces, Zhang Liyuan led the remnants to flee the Mengshan area in disarray, and the "Huangsha Society" was quickly suppressed and disintegrated. At this point, the north and south of Mengshan became newly opened anti-Japanese base areas, and the "Huangsha Society" was declared a reactionary organization by the anti-Japanese democratic government because of the riots, and it was explicitly banned.

In 1946, the "Huangsha Society" revived and carried out armed riots again, known as the "Second Huangsha Society Riots", but it was immediately completely suppressed and eradicated by the armed forces led by the Communist Party. In March 1946, under the covert manipulation and support of the Kuomintang's sleeper spies, Nie Fengkui, the former incense master of the "Huangsha Society", gathered Huang Wanyi, the former leader of the puppet army, and Qi Youxiu, a Kuomintang ruffian, to secretly set up an incense hall in Shagouyu Village to restore the "Huangsha Society" and plot to carry out armed riots again in Yinan County, Mengyin County, and Mengshan County. Huang Bo, head of the public security unit of Mengshan County (note: Mengshan County was established in February 1946 and is now renamed "Fei County"), took people to the Matouya Township Office to investigate and learn about the situation after receiving the secret report. On the night of April 30, 1946, Nie Fengkui, Qi Youxiu and Huang Wanyi gathered more than 30 thugs to surround the militia headquarters of Shagouyu Village, cut and wounded militia captain Yang Shicheng, militia Nie Huaiyin and others, snatched 4 guns, and then rushed to the Matouya Township Office and Pengjialanzi Village, killed Huang Bo, the head of the county public security bureau, Liu Dianzhi, a young cadre, and Huang Wanqi, a cook, and also cut and kidnapped many people, and robbed the property of the township office. On May 1, 1946, more than 200 people from the Mengshan County Brigade and the Public Security Bureau and the militia of the Armed Forces Department of Qingshi District went to encircle and suppress them, and the rioters resisted stubbornly. More than 200 people from the county brigade rushed to the top of the Jade Emperor in 4 ways, killed 13 people including bandit leaders Nie Fengkui and Huang Wanyi on the spot, and captured 16 people alive. On May 9, 1946, the Mengshan County Party Committee and the county government held a memorial meeting for the fallen comrades in Matouya Village, and after the meeting, Qi Chengjun, Qi Sihu and Qi Baowen, the backbone members of the "Huangsha Society" who were captured, were shot to death. The broad masses of the people applauded this, and the "Second Huangsha Society Riot" was completely quelled, and the "Huangsha Society" was wiped out from then on!

(2) In order to completely eradicate the muddy water of the "Huangsha Society", expose the reactionary features of the "Huangsha Society", and rescue the deceived congregation, Li Lin and Ruan Ruoshan, members of the Art Troupe of the First Branch of Kang University, were ordered to compose the revolutionary song "Against the Huangsha Society", which played a very important role in banning and dismantling the "Huangsha Society". In early June 1940, while participating in the armed crackdown on the "Huangsha Society", the first branch of Kang University also gave the branch art troupe a political propaganda task - using literary and artistic propaganda as a weapon to write a song against the Huangsha Society, exposing the ugly face of the "Huangsha Society" and its conspiracy to cheat money and money, accusing the "Huangsha Society" of its crimes, educating the blinded masses, and disintegrating the power of the "Huangsha Society". Under the cover of our combat troops, in order to facilitate the collection of materials and intensify propaganda, the art troupe was stationed in Baishiwu Village near Shagouyu Village. Yuan Chenglong, head of the art troupe (note: he was the vice minister of the Ministry of Agricultural Machinery after the founding of the People's Republic of China), assigned the specific task of composing songs to Li Lin, head of the editorial review unit (note: after the founding of the People's Republic of China, he served as the Minister of Culture of the Navy and an adviser to the Shanghai Opera House) and Ruan Ruoshan, a member of the art troupe (Note: he was the vice president of the Central Academy of Drama after the founding of the People's Republic of China).

1. The "stone shed" (note: the local people's common name for the natural stone house) in the middle of the mountain of Shagouyu Daqingshan (also known as Shagouyu Dongshan) is the original place and inspiration for the lyrics of "Against the Huangsha Society". After accepting the task of composing songs against the Huangsha Society, Li Lin and Ruan Ruoshan went deep into the villages around Shagouyu, Luoshigou and Matouya, where the "Huangsha Society" was prevalent, to conduct on-the-spot investigations and interviews and collect materials for creation. One evening in June, after completing the survey of Luoshigou Village halfway up the Daqing Mountain, Li Lin and Ruan Ruoshan relaxed, sat in the cool stone shed halfway up the mountain, listened to the murmuring sound of the stream on the edge of the stone shed and the melodious birdsong around them, and looked at the rolling mountains in the distance, the Qinglong River (also known as the Xuezhuang River) like a silver streamer, the brilliant and beautiful sunset and the herds of cattle and sheep on the hillside...... Li Lin and Ruan Ruoshan were relaxed and excited, and Ruan Ruoshan wrote the lyrics of "Opposition to the Huangsha Society" (the predecessor of "Yimeng Mountain Minor"): Everyone (that) said (hey) that Yimeng Mountain is good, and Yimeng (that) Mountain has good scenery. How beautiful the green mountains (that) and green water (hey) are, and the wind blows (that) the grass to see cattle and sheep. Since (that) started (hey) the Huangsha Society, every family (that) has suffered. The horns of the ox (that) blew (hey) and made a beep sound, forcing (that) young man to go up the hill. insisted that my physical body could block the gun, but who knew that (that) bullet passed through the king of Hades. Pretending to be a god (that) makes ghosts (hey) harm people, burns incense (that) and kowtows to cheat money. The eight-way (that) divine soldier (hey) descended from the sky to destroy (that) pest. The people of Yimeng Mountain (hey) have been liberated, and men, women (that) are full of joy. 2. Baishiwu Village, Xuezhuang Town, Fei County, is the place where the song "Against the Huangsha Society" was composed, finalized and originally performed. After writing the lyrics of "Against the Huangsha Society" in a stone shed halfway up the mountain in Taiqingshan, Ruan Ruoshan and Li Lin immediately returned to Baishiwu Village, where they began to compose and revise the song overnight in a simple house with stone walls and a thatched roof. The beautiful melody sounded, and the green waters and green mountains of Yimeng flowed and stirred in the notes. After the initial creation of the song was completed, Li Lin held the manuscript in his left hand and played the croaking board in his right hand, and sang it to the comrades by the river at the edge of Baishiwu Village, so that everyone could give their opinions. The popular and easy-to-understand lyrics, beautiful tunes and his funny performances immediately tugged at everyone's heartstrings and won bursts of warm applause from the members of the art troupe.

3. The song "Against the Huangsha Society" played a very important role in cracking down on and dismantling the reactionary Taoist organization of the "Huangsha Society". After the completion of the composition of the song "Opposition to the Huangsha Society," the members of the art troupe learned to sing it one after another, and then went to the troops and the masses in the garrison to sing and teach the song "Opposition to the Huangsha Society." This song played an outstanding role in disintegrating the enemy, educating the masses, and boosting the morale of our army in the stage of the anti-stubborn campaign and the political offensive against the Huangsha Society, and was praised by the leaders and the broad masses of the people. After listening to this song, some local ordinary people who participated in the "Huangsha Society" clearly recognized the ugly features and deceitful nature of the "Huangsha Society" and turned their backs one after another; after listening to this song, the family members of the Huangsha Society persuaded their families to break away from the "Huangsha Society." This song played an important role in dividing and disintegrating the Huangsha Society at that time, played the effect of bending the people without a fight, and cut off the claws of the Huangsha Society to confuse and oppress the people, and the "Huangsha Society" immediately collapsed. Since then, under the leadership of the Communist Party, the local people have embarked on the road of resisting Japan and saving the country, and the people have formed a deep relationship between the army and the people with the Eighth Route Army, and loving the party and the army has become an indelible soul imprint of the Yimeng people.

2. In August 1940, Ruan Ruoshan and Li Lin made a major revision of the lyrics of "Opposition to the Huangsha Society," which had completed the historical mission of attacking and dismantling the "Huangsha Society," and renamed it "Yimeng Minor." This song became a revolutionary song that encouraged the vast number of soldiers and civilians to resist Japan and save the country. In August 1940, with the collapse of the Huangsha Society and the development and change of the anti-Japanese situation, Ruan Ruoshan and Li Lin made major changes to the lyrics of "Opposition to the Huangsha Society", and on the basis of retaining the first two lyrics, the content of the opposition to the Huangsha Society was modified to the content of anti-Japanese resistance, and the words and phrases against the "Huangsha Society" were deleted, and the name was changed to Yimeng Minor, which was compiled into the "Battle Songs of Duozhuang". In August 1940, at the Battle Victory Conference of Duozhuang, Ruan Ruoshan sang the song of Yimeng Minor, which was warmly welcomed by the vast number of soldiers and civilians, causing a sensation and competing to sing it. The Yimeng minor tune then disappeared and spread throughout the anti-Japanese base areas such as Luzhong, Lunan, Binhai, Jiaodong, Jinchaji, etc., and became a famous war song that inspired the people and disintegrated the enemy army. Due to the limited conditions at that time, during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation, the Yimeng minor was not officially published, but only relied on oral transmission.

3. The war song that inspired the people to dismantle the enemy army during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression

The Yimeng Mountain minor tune was widely sung during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and became a famous war song that inspired the people and disintegrated the enemy army. Shang Yi, a former friend of the composer Li Lin and a famous composer, recalled: "My first encounter with this folk song was in 1944. At that time, I was studying in middle school in Jinan, where the Japanese invaders lived. A senior classmate quietly sang to me, saying that it had been transmitted from the anti-Japanese base area in southern Lunan. In that long night in the enemy's puppet ruled area, hearing such a folk song is really like a warm spring breeze blowing on the face on a cold day, and like thirsty drinking a cup of clear spring water to refresh people's hearts, and I suddenly feel extremely excited-the people are fighting, and China will not die!"

Xiao Min and Fu Quan were members of the Kang Da Art Troupe, and Xiao Min recalled that when he attacked Linyi City, he described with affection: "In 1945, the Eighth Route Army was preparing to liberate Linyi City, an important town in southern Lunan, and Wang Hongjiu, the commander of the puppet army entrenched in Linyi City, played the Kuomintang banner and held it. On the eve of the siege, the leader sent Xiao Min and Fu Quan to do the work of disintegrating the enemy army. They came to the city wall, lay on the roof outside the moat, and shouted: "The Japanese devils are about to be finished, don't work for them anymore!" The people on both sides of the Yi River have been bullied, and the Eighth Route Army is about to attack the city to rescue the people of Linyi, even if you shoot into the sky, you still have the conscience of the Chinese. Now, I will use the violin to play a Yimeng Mountain minor tune for everyone. So, Xiao Min climbed onto the roof, lay flat and pulled up, and before leaving, the puppet army who heard the shouting fired several shots into the sky, which was regarded as a response to the two of them.

Fourth, today's Yimeng Mountain Minor Tourist Area is named after the Yimeng Mountain Minor Tune was born in the place, it is a famous revolutionary memorial site in Yimeng Mountain, a national youth traditional education base, every year tourists from all over the country not only enjoy the beautiful natural scenery of Baishiwu Village, but also understand and learn the love of the people of Yimeng Mountain for the party and the People's Liberation Army during the revolutionary war, and contribute to the victory of the revolutionary war. Marshal Chen Yi once said with tears in his eyes: "Even if I lie in the coffin, I can't forget the people of Yimeng Mountain." They fed the revolution with millet and pushed the revolution across the Yangtze River with a small cart!" "When we listen to the minor tune at the birthplace of the Yimeng Mountain minor tune, and listen to the touching stories of the Yimeng people against the soldiers of the People's Liberation Army during the revolutionary war years, we will be strongly shocked in our hearts and deeply understand Marshal Chen Yi's words: One of the magic weapons for the victory of the Chinese revolution is the flesh-and-blood relationship between the party and the people.

In Baishiwu Village, the third highest peak in Fei County, Shandong Province, at the foot of Wanghailou Mountain, Mengshan Mountain, there are two giant granite stones, one is engraved with 8 big characters of "Birthplace of Yimeng Mountain Minor", the other is engraved with the lyrics and music scores of Yimeng Mountain Minor, and the back is engraved with the birth of Yimeng Mountain Minor. We know from the birth record that this is a revolutionary historical song, and its lyricists and composers are Ruan Ruoshan and Li Lin, members of the art troupe of the first branch of the Communist Party of China at that time. Such a revolutionary historical song during the war has now become a Shandong folk song with strong lyrical colors that is widely sung today.

At that time, the art troupe was stationed in Baishiwu Village, and they began to create in a simple house with stone walls and thatched roofs. It is very barren here, but the mountains and rivers are beautiful, peaceful and tranquil, Ruan Ruoshan reveled in the natural scenery of Yimeng Mountain, and she naturally wrote: Everyone (that) says (hey) Yimeng Mountain is good, and Yimeng (that) mountain (hey) is good. How beautiful the green mountains (that) and green water (hey) are, and the wind blows (that) and the grass is low (hey) to see cattle and sheep. These two lyrics are a description of the natural scenery of Yimeng Mountain, and they enthusiastically express the deep affection and love of Yimeng's parents and villagers for the mountains and rivers of their hometown. Hu Yinbo, a member of the group, happened to go into the house to get something, and when he saw that the two of them were seriously studying and discussing, he hurried out. When composing the music for the lyrics, Li Lin remembered that when he was a child in his hometown of Northeast China, he often heard a tune sung by an artist who escaped from the Kanto region from outside his mouth, and composed a tune for "Fighting the Yellow Sand Club" according to his memory. Later, there is a debate about whether this tune originated from Hebei or Shandong. Someone wrote to Li Lin on this issue to ask what was going on, and Li Lin said in the letter: "As for whether the source of the minor key belongs to Shandong or Hebei folk songs? At that time, most of the people who were begging for food and singing on the streets were from Shandong and Hebei. ...... In addition, I was too young at the time to tell where the folk songs were, but I listened to them well, and when I was familiar with them, I left some impressions, sound and video. ...... At that time, I only relied on memory, humming and writing it down with a simple notation, and later I changed it while singing, and the more I changed it, the stronger the Shandong flavor became, and more and more people sang it slowly, and the more I changed, the more smooth it became. ”

Due to the rapid development and changes in the revolutionary situation, Ruan Ruoshan and Li Lin made major revisions to the "Huangsha Meeting" in accordance with the needs of the revolutionary struggle, and on the basis of retaining the lyrics of the first two paragraphs, changed the paragraph opposing the content of the "Huangsha Meeting" to the anti-Japanese content, and redrafted a new title.

In the autumn of 1953, Li Guangzong, deputy head of the Art Troupe of the Shandong Military Region, Li Ruiyun, the conductor of the band, and Wang Yinquan, the leader of the research group, changed the anti-Japanese theme in the original lyrics to the theme of praising their hometown, and continued to write the last two lyrics, re-recorded the score, and named it Yimeng Mountain Minor. In June 1957, the "Collection of Shandong Folk Songs" published by Shandong People's Publishing House included the songs Yimeng Mountain Minor Tunes written and adapted by Li Guangzong, Li Ruiyun and Wang Yinquan. At this point, the Yimeng Mountain minor key was finally finalized.

In 1953, Wang Yinxuan, a soprano who was famous for singing folk songs in the former Bohai Navy Political Art Troupe, sang the Yimeng Mountain minor tune for the first time after the official name. In 1964, at the "Shanghai Spring" concert, Wei Youqin sang the Yimeng Mountain Minor, which was praised by Chen Yi and other central leaders, and was later recorded. In the 80s of the 20th century, Shandong singer Wang Shihui went to Zhongnanhai Huairen Hall three times to report and sing the Yimeng Mountain tune, which won the praise of national leaders. The Yimeng Mountain minor key integrates the musical elements of the times and glows with a new artistic charm. Today, this minor tune is not only sung in the Hongyimeng Mountains, swept the land of Qilu, and spread all over the country, but also has a far-reaching impact in the world, and has been rated as the world's outstanding folk song by UNESCO in the Asia-Pacific region. There is "Jasmine" in the south and Yimeng Mountain in the north, and the beautiful melody represents that China's culture and civilization have been passed down from generation to generation. Later, the Yimeng Mountain minor has been revised, enriched and improved, reflecting the profound historical and cultural accumulation of the Yimeng old area, and is a concentrated expression of the deep and simple emotions of the party, government, military and people in the Yimeng old area to protect the family and defend the country. This classic tune, which once sang the dedication of the children of Yimeng, has injected a stronger spirit of the times in the new historical period, full of the incomparable loyalty of the Yimeng people to the party, infinite love for their hometown, and incomparably firm belief in socialism and communism, inspiring the Yimeng people to continue to create new glories.

Fifth, the dedication and sacrifice spirit of Yimengshan people will always shine. "Mengshan is high, Yishui is long, I make chicken soup for my relatives. Continue a Mengshan firewood stove more prosperous, add a scoop of Yi River water deep meaning...... "Walking in the towering Mengshan Mountain, surging Yi water, as if every grass and tree are affectionately singing a moving melody, telling the story of the military and the people in this red land. It is necessary to vigorously carry forward the Yimeng spirit of "the party and the masses are of one heart, the military and the people are deeply affectionate, the water and milk are blended, and life and death are shared". Yimeng Hongsao is the glory and pride of Yimeng Mountain. In the era when the fighting situation was extremely harsh and the material conditions were extremely difficult, in order to resist the enemy, destroy the enemy, and win the victory of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation, thousands of Yimeng women paid tremendous sacrifices. With their youth and enthusiasm, they composed heroic and tragic moving movements, and shaped the glorious image of Chinese women in the new era with extraordinary practical actions. The noble image of Yimeng Hongsao was condensed in the immortal monument of New China! During the years of the revolutionary war, the heroic Yimeng people went forward one after another, made selfless contributions, and made outstanding contributions to the founding of New China. One-third of the generals of the Chinese People's Liberation Army who were awarded the title in 1955 had galloped on the battlefield in Yimeng Mountain.

From the beginning of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression in 1937 to the strategic counteroffensive of the War of Liberation in 1948, the old area of Yimeng as an old area has left more than 60,000 martyrs with names, plus nearly 100,000 martyrs who have not left their names, and a total of more than 200,000 people have joined the army to participate in the war, China's large-scale war can continue until the end of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea in 1953, and the time for Yimeng people to participate in the war from 1937 to 1953 is 16 years.

When the Anti-Japanese War was won, more than 30,000 people from the first and second divisions and the coastal detachment were transferred from the old area of Yimeng to advance into the northeast to form the first column of Dongye, which was later the famous Chinese number one ace army, the 38th Army that won the title of "the loveliest man" for the People's Liberation Army and the reputation of "Long Live Army". During the War of Liberation, the Yimeng Mountains were the two places where the Kuomintang focused on attacking, and it was also the battlefield where the Kuomintang invested the largest number of troops and the most elite descendants. During the Liberation War, there were a large number of Yimeng people in the Sanye and Siye troops, which had the strongest troops. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Linyi, located in the hinterland of Yimeng, was the capital of the anti-Japanese base area in Shandong and the liberated area of Shandong, and was the residence of the East China Branch of the CPC Central Committee, the Shandong Provincial Wartime Administrative Committee, the Shandong Column of the Eighth Route Army, the Headquarters of the 115th Division, the First Branch of the Anti-Japanese University, and the Dazhong Daily. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the East China Bureau of the Communist Party of China, the East China Military Region, the East China Field Army, and the Shandong Provincial Government were also established in Linyi, and Linyi became the strategic command center of East China. The older generation of revolutionaries Liu Shaoqi, Chen Yi, Luo Ronghuan, Xu Xiangqian, Su Yu and others have all worked, lived and fought in the Yimeng Mountains. Among the 1,614 founding generals of the Republic awarded from 1955 to 1965, 3 marshals, 2 generals, 13 generals, 64 lieutenant generals and 349 major generals fought in Mengshan Yishui.

It is precisely in the long-term revolutionary practice that the Yimeng spirit of blending water and milk, life and death together, was born. The Yimeng spirit is the concrete bearing, display and sublimation of the revolutionary spirit of the Chinese communists in the red fertile soil of the Yimeng Mountains, and is the great spirit jointly forged by the party and the people, which vividly demonstrates the friendship and flesh-and-blood ties between the party, the army and the people.

Serving the people wholeheartedly is the nature and purpose of the party. In the Yimeng revolutionary base area, the Communist Party of China and the people's armed forces under its leadership have unswervingly and sacrificed their lives to fulfill the party's purpose. This has become the premise and foundation for the party and the masses of the people to share weal and woe and share a common destiny. The characteristics of the Yimeng spirit can be summed up as "the blending of water and milk, life and death", which profoundly reveals the relationship between the party and the people, the army and the common people, and is linked by flesh and blood, and profoundly answers the fundamental questions of whom the Marxist political party is for, on whom and who we are. The reason why the Yimeng spirit has not faded with the passage of time and has not been dimmed by the changes of the times lies in the fact that it embodies the party's nature and purpose and runs through the Marxist outlook on the masses and the party's mass line with the special symbol of the blending of water and milk, life and death, and the fact that it interprets the fighting spirit of the Chinese communists and their fierce loyalty to the people, demonstrates the great power of the party's leadership, and demonstrates the great power of the masses of the people in promoting revolution, construction, and reform with the blood and lives of countless communists and revolutionary fighters.

It is of great significance for us to grasp the Yimeng spirit, understand the Yimeng spirit, and carry forward the Yimeng spirit from the two dimensions of the party's spiritual source and the root of national culture, which is of great significance for carrying forward the glorious tradition, continuing the red blood, adhering to the unity of the party spirit and the people's nature with higher standards, and gathering strong spiritual strength for the realization of the second centenary goal. Tracing the spiritual source of the Yimeng spirit from the great spirit of party building and identifying and comprehending the unique value of the Yimeng spirit from the "general coordinates" of the party's spiritual pedigree are the logical starting point for us to grasp and carry forward the essence of the Yimeng spirit in the new era. The Yimeng spirit is rooted in the fertile soil of China's excellent traditional culture, and the spiritual characteristics of "water and milk, life and death together" are an important part of the spiritual pedigree of the Communist Party of China and an important part of the spirit of the Chinese nation. The Yimeng spirit inherits and develops the concept of loyalty, demonstrating a high degree of consistency, harmony and unity of loyalty to the party and the people. Absolute loyalty to the Party, resolutely safeguarding the authority of the Party Central Committee and centralized and unified leadership are important connotations of the Yimeng spirit, and they are also an important aspect of the Yimeng spirit to inherit and innovate the excellent traditional Chinese culture. According to incomplete statistics, in response to the call of the party Central Committee to "fight across the Yangtze River and liberate the whole of China," more than 100,000 Shandong cadres and millions of soldiers marched south; from the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression to the War of Liberation, nearly one million of the province's 20 million young and middle-aged people joined the army and participated in the war, more than 220,000 martyrs were registered, and many unknown martyrs were buried in the land of Qilu and in the north and south of the great river.

The towering Yimeng Mountain, the monument of selfless dedication is erected, and the surging Yihe River cannot tell the infinite loyalty of the children of Yimeng to the party. Yimeng will always be an ancient and magical cultural fertile soil and a sacred red land.

You see that the mountains are full of peach blossoms, you can't finish listening to the red praise songs, you see that Yimeng is spreading in the world, you listen to the simple hometown sound in your heart, this is my hometown Yimeng Mountain, Hongsao's hometown in China is all over the place, this is my hometown Yimeng Mountain, the beautiful Linyi is like a new picture.

You see the spring breeze all over the place smiling, you listen to the beautiful girl's sweet singing, you see that Yimeng is continuing a new chapter, you listen to the moving story to warm your heart, this is my hometown Yimeng Mountain, the red holy land of China is all over the place, this is my hometown Yimeng Mountain, I want to love you forever for a thousand years.

Carry forward the past and open up a new journey, reorganize and set off again. In this red land, in this field of hope, my thoughts drifted far and far away with the song of "Yimeng My Hometown......

Yimeng Mountain Folk Songs and Yimeng Spirit
Yimeng Mountain Folk Songs and Yimeng Spirit
Yimeng Mountain Folk Songs and Yimeng Spirit
Yimeng Mountain Folk Songs and Yimeng Spirit