
The woman's sharing of the reason why she didn't want to go home for the New Year caused controversy, some broke the defense and some were angry

author:Theory of water play

The girl shared the reason why she didn't want to go home during the Chinese New Year, because she felt inequality, and if she didn't do the housework, her mother would do it, and her grandmother would do it. Some netizens broke the defense in an instant, and some netizens thought that the problem had risen to the opposite side.

The woman's sharing of the reason why she didn't want to go home for the New Year caused controversy, some broke the defense and some were angry

With the Spring Festival approaching, some people's hearts have already arrived at home, while others are very resistant to going home. Shaanxi News reported on January 10 that a Guangdong girl shared the reason why she didn't want to go home for the New Year, which sparked heated discussions among netizens. She described a winter day: the boys were enjoying the warmth indoors, making tea, chatting and playing cards, while she washed the dishes in the cold wind, and only her mother and grandmother helped to boil the hot water. She believes that this is a phenomenon of gender inequality, which has made her feel dissatisfied since she was a child.

The woman's sharing of the reason why she didn't want to go home for the New Year caused controversy, some broke the defense and some were angry

She said: "Only my mom will give me hot water next to me." But growing up, I felt that it was an inequality, even when my mother taught me how to do chores for the whole family when I was 6 years old. Even if I go home for the Chinese New Year now, I still have to do housework, because if you don't do it, it's your mother or your grandmother. ”

The woman's sharing of the reason why she didn't want to go home for the New Year caused controversy, some broke the defense and some were angry

The girl's video has received the empathy of many netizens, who have praised the girl's courage to speak her mind. A netizen commented: "Housework is not heavy, it is not difficult to do, it doesn't matter if you do it, but the inequality and naturalness reflected in it are unacceptable." Another netizen also said: "I feel disrespectful to girls, and I also hate it." ”

The woman's sharing of the reason why she didn't want to go home for the New Year caused controversy, some broke the defense and some were angry

However, some netizens put forward different views, believing that every family has its own way of getting along, and it is impossible for every family to be the same. One netizen said: "If you don't feel good, try to change it." Another netizen said: "Family issues don't rise to gender issues. These perspectives remind us that every family is unique and that the way things are addressed varies from family to family.

The woman's sharing of the reason why she didn't want to go home for the New Year caused controversy, some broke the defense and some were angry

It has to be said that the situation that this girl said is indeed widespread, especially in rural families. In the past, the male protagonist was inside and the female protagonist was outside, and in the Book of Changes, "the family, the woman is in the inside, and the man is in the outside", this kind of thinking has been deeply rooted in the minds of the older generation. However, this is also a manifestation of the respective responsibilities in the family, and does not mean that there is inequality between men and women in the sharing of household chores.

The woman's sharing of the reason why she didn't want to go home for the New Year caused controversy, some broke the defense and some were angry

It's understandable to empathize with the girl's statement in the video, but it's hard to compliment the problem as a pervasive gender inequality. As far as we know, the "rake ears" Sichuan men, the warm men in most areas of Hunan Province, are actually doing housework at home, what do you say?

Home should be a haven of relaxation, comfort and pleasure, and the year should be a happy time for everyone to reunite. So this year's Spring Festival, will you divide the housework? What do you think of the views mentioned by the women in the incident? Let's talk about it in the comment area.
