
Indian Female Scholar: The language of the Mayan civilization in the Americas is exactly the same as that of Chinese in China, and it may have originated in China

author:Xiao Xiao's fun world

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Have you ever heard of an ancient civilization called the Maya, which quietly rose in the distant past, only to mysteriously disappear after its glory?

Why did this Neolithic civilization have the wisdom and achievements that surpassed its time?

Maya, the name has been a mystery since it was discovered by humans, attracting the attention of countless explorers.

Indian Female Scholar: The language of the Mayan civilization in the Americas is exactly the same as that of Chinese in China, and it may have originated in China

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Astronomical architecture is correct, and the Mayan people are busy

The Mayan civilization, that is really admirable! Although their farming is not very good, they are the best in the field of astronomy.

You see, their calculation of the earth year is only a little bit different from the current result, and this degree of accuracy is even higher than that of some ancient modern civilizations!

In addition to astronomical achievements, the Mayan civilization was also quite skilled in architecture. The Pyramid of the Sun, the Doge's Palace in Uxmar, these buildings are breathtaking in modern times.

Indian Female Scholar: The language of the Mayan civilization in the Americas is exactly the same as that of Chinese in China, and it may have originated in China

Imagine how they could have built such a magnificent building out of stone and wood at a time when there were no iron tools?

Do you think that the Mayan people are just a bunch of aliens? Haha, I used to think so, but then I found out that they were just a bunch of very busy people.

They are busy observing the heavens, building magnificent buildings, and studying all kinds of mysterious things...... Anyway, they don't have time to make tortillas!

Indian Female Scholar: The language of the Mayan civilization in the Americas is exactly the same as that of Chinese in China, and it may have originated in China

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The Mayan people also loved to "write Chinese characters"?

As researchers delved into the secrets of the Mayan civilization like detectives, a discovery that made them almost laugh out of their noses appeared: the Mayan script, that mysterious and complex thing, turned out to be a bit like our Chinese characters!

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that the Maya people could write regular script with a brush, but that their characters and Chinese characters are similar in some ways.

If the Mayan people really loved to write Chinese characters, then their history books might be a thick book of "The Complete Book of Mayan Chinese Characters".

Indian Female Scholar: The language of the Mayan civilization in the Americas is exactly the same as that of Chinese in China, and it may have originated in China

However, jokes aside, this similarity is not due to the Mayan people's special love for Chinese characters, but because the two scripts have some similarities in pronunciation and meaning.

It's like two people from different countries, who speak different languages, but sometimes communicate through gestures and facial expressions.

With this discovery, some scholars began to let themselves go. They put forward a bold conjecture: Is there some mysterious connection between the Mayan civilization and the ancient Chinese civilization?

Indian Female Scholar: The language of the Mayan civilization in the Americas is exactly the same as that of Chinese in China, and it may have originated in China

There is even speculation that the Mayan people may have migrated to the Americas during the ancient Shang Dynasty. The idea, while a bit like a science fiction plot, is not entirely unreasonable.

After all, the world is so big, anything strange can happen!

However, as soon as this idea came out, it attracted a lot of doubts and opposition. Some people think that even if there are similarities between the two characters, it does not mean that they are related!

Each civilization has its own unique history and cultural background, just as everyone has their own unique personality and experience. So, although this conjecture is interesting, more evidence is needed to support it!

Indian Female Scholar: The language of the Mayan civilization in the Americas is exactly the same as that of Chinese in China, and it may have originated in China

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The differences are obvious, and each is wonderful

While there are some similarities between Mayan scripts and Chinese characters, the differences between them are also very noticeable. Let's take a look at the obvious differences between them, so as not to fall headlong into the pit of "similarity" and not be able to get out.

The Mayan script is a "generalist", its characters are divided into main characters and conjunctions, and there are several ways to express the font! It is simply the "transformer" of the text world.

In contrast, Chinese characters are a bit "monotonous", and they are a real monolithic writing system. The difference is like when you go to a restaurant, the Mayan characters are the delicious meal, and the Chinese characters are the unpretentious bowl of white rice.

It's a great thing to fill your stomach, but it feels completely different when you eat it!

Indian Female Scholar: The language of the Mayan civilization in the Americas is exactly the same as that of Chinese in China, and it may have originated in China

In addition to the differences in writing, the two civilizations also play their own games in terms of social systems and religious beliefs.

The Mayan civilization was a theocratic-centered social system, and the priests were powerful figures. And what about ancient Chinese civilization? The imperial power is the boss!

As soon as the emperor gave the order, the whole country had to tremble. This kind of difference is like two children from different families, one is spoiled to the sky, and the other has to look at the faces of his parents every day. Although they are all living, they feel far from it!

So, we can't assume that there is some secret connection between Mayan script and Chinese characters just because they are so similar!

Every civilization is unique, just as no two leaves are the same. We have to respect the uniqueness and development history of each civilization.

After all, every civilization has its own brilliance and excitement!

Indian Female Scholar: The language of the Mayan civilization in the Americas is exactly the same as that of Chinese in China, and it may have originated in China

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Mysteries to be solved, looking forward to the future

Let's end this "exploration tour" about the Mayan civilization!

Although there are still many mysteries waiting for us to solve this ancient civilization, we have to say that we have already appreciated its unique charm and wisdom achievements. It's like eating a delicious dish that, although not finished yet, is enough to make people linger!

In the coming days, with the continuous advancement of science and technology and the continuous efforts of researchers, we are expected to gradually unravel these mysteries.

When the day comes when the truth is revealed, will we be as excited as the detectives solve the case? But even if all the mysteries are solved, we can't get carried away!

Indian Female Scholar: The language of the Mayan civilization in the Americas is exactly the same as that of Chinese in China, and it may have originated in China

After all, every civilization is an integral part of human history, and together they make up the rich and colorful world we have today.

Therefore, we must still have a sense of reverence for history, otherwise we will become "historical blind"!

But then again, while it's important to look forward to the future, it's also important to cherish the present!

Let's look forward to the future and cherish everything we have now!

Indian Female Scholar: The language of the Mayan civilization in the Americas is exactly the same as that of Chinese in China, and it may have originated in China

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