
The 6 dirtiest fish in the vegetable market have a lot of heavy metals and parasites in their bodies, so try to give them to their families as little as possible

author:Eagle Exploration Station

Fish is arguably the most common meat on our table.

However, do you really eat fish?

The 6 dirtiest fish in the vegetable market have a lot of heavy metals and parasites in their bodies, so try to give them to their families as little as possible

In fact, not all fish are suitable for eating, and there are 6 kinds of fish in the vegetable market, which actually contain a lot of parasites and heavy metals in the body.

When you choose, you must pay attention to identification.

The 6 dirtiest fish in the vegetable market have a lot of heavy metals and parasites in their bodies, so try to give them to their families as little as possible

Ugly-looking scavengers

Speaking of scavengers, it is estimated that everyone has no good impression of it.

As an alien species, it is indeed unlovable, even very annoying.

In fact, when it was first introduced to the mainland, it was to clean the fish tank.

The 6 dirtiest fish in the vegetable market have a lot of heavy metals and parasites in their bodies, so try to give them to their families as little as possible

At that time, because it was so effective at cleaning, many people also bought scavengers.

However, the nature of this animal is overlooked, and it eats not only fish feces, but also algae and fish eggs.

This means that where there are scavengers, there are basically no eggs that can survive.

The 6 dirtiest fish in the vegetable market have a lot of heavy metals and parasites in their bodies, so try to give them to their families as little as possible

If someone throws them into the wild, the scavenger is like a paradise, and basically all the fish in the lake are its food.

Coupled with its strong vitality, it can be produced anywhere.

You know, the natural enemies of scavengers are otters and American crocodiles, and for both animals, eating scavengers is like eating spicy strips.

The 6 dirtiest fish in the vegetable market have a lot of heavy metals and parasites in their bodies, so try to give them to their families as little as possible

However, for the mainland, the scavenger is an alien species, and there are no natural predators in the mainland at all, which allows them to grow wildly without fear.

Guangdong, on the other hand, is the hardest hit by the scavenger flood.

There is a saying in Guangdong: no matter which river you hook, you will definitely be able to catch a scavenger.

The 6 dirtiest fish in the vegetable market have a lot of heavy metals and parasites in their bodies, so try to give them to their families as little as possible

But what many people don't understand is why no one eats them, even though there are so many scavengers here.

You know, the essence of a scavenger is actually to eat garbage.

We can imagine how animals that have been eating garbage can be nutritious?

The 6 dirtiest fish in the vegetable market have a lot of heavy metals and parasites in their bodies, so try to give them to their families as little as possible

Scientists have found that there are indeed a large number of bacteria and parasites in the body of the scavenger, and more importantly, there are even heavy metals in his body.

If people eat this fish, it can cause severe food poisoning.

Therefore, when you buy fish, you must pay attention.

The 6 dirtiest fish in the vegetable market have a lot of heavy metals and parasites in their bodies, so try to give them to their families as little as possible

Dogfish: A vicious dog in the water

Dogfish, this name may sound a little unfamiliar, especially in the southern region, probably not even heard of it.

Dogfish dogfish, is it a dog or a fish?

In the Altay region, the northernmost part of Xinjiang, there are pikes.

The 6 dirtiest fish in the vegetable market have a lot of heavy metals and parasites in their bodies, so try to give them to their families as little as possible

According to the description of the locals, because the pike is very fond of biting its prey frantically when hunting, and it is ruthless, it looks like a mad dog in the water, hence the name pike.

However, the scientific name of the pike is the pike, which even has the title of "soft gold" in the eyes of some countries in Central Asia.

It can be seen that in the market, the price of dogfish is certainly not low.

The 6 dirtiest fish in the vegetable market have a lot of heavy metals and parasites in their bodies, so try to give them to their families as little as possible

And some of the survival conditions of the pike are also very amazing.

The pike is one of the most brutal carnivorous freshwater fishes, and it eats about as much as its weight in a day.

It can be said that the dogfish is simply a bottomless pit, and it can be eaten and eaten all the time.

The 6 dirtiest fish in the vegetable market have a lot of heavy metals and parasites in their bodies, so try to give them to their families as little as possible

For the people of Altay, pike is their favorite and is even a signature dish in many restaurants.

But what we need to know is that dogfish like to eat the feces of herbivorous fish.

The 6 dirtiest fish in the vegetable market have a lot of heavy metals and parasites in their bodies, so try to give them to their families as little as possible

In fact, these feces also contain a lot of harmful substances.

We can imagine that when the dogfish eats these things, we are going to eat the dogfish, which is very likely to have an impact on our health.

Therefore, when buying fish, if we see a dogfish, we should also think carefully.

The 6 dirtiest fish in the vegetable market have a lot of heavy metals and parasites in their bodies, so try to give them to their families as little as possible

Tilapia: the most rubbish fish?

Some people say that tilapia is the most rubbish fish because it is cheap and does not taste very good.

But there are also people who are very fond of tilapia, believing that it is delicious and has few spines.

When many people eat hot pot, they will choose to order a tilapia shabu to eat.

The 6 dirtiest fish in the vegetable market have a lot of heavy metals and parasites in their bodies, so try to give them to their families as little as possible

In fact, tilapia, like scavengers, is also an exotic species, and its origin is Africa.

In the 60s of the last century, our country introduced tilapia from Vietnam, and the purpose of the introduction was actually to be cultivated as a commercial fish.

However, what people did not expect was that this fish had a particularly strong reproductive ability and survival ability, and with the help of a flood, it ran away from home.

The 6 dirtiest fish in the vegetable market have a lot of heavy metals and parasites in their bodies, so try to give them to their families as little as possible

After this, tilapia begins its lewd development.

Later, people found that tilapia was very tasty, so tilapia came to people's tables.

Some people even joke that no matter what kind of alien species you are, as long as you come to China, foodies can eat you as a protected animal.

The 6 dirtiest fish in the vegetable market have a lot of heavy metals and parasites in their bodies, so try to give them to their families as little as possible

Gradually, tilapia was discovered to be rich in protein and some nutrients, and many people began to taste it.

However, in the process, different voices about tilapia also emerged.

According to relevant data, in some heavily polluted areas, the population of tilapia is very large.

The 6 dirtiest fish in the vegetable market have a lot of heavy metals and parasites in their bodies, so try to give them to their families as little as possible

That is to say, tilapia basically grows in sewage, and it can also be seen that its growth environment is particularly poor, so it will also cause tilapia to contain parasites and bacteria in its body.

If people eat a large amount of tilapia for a long time, it may cause certain harm to the body, such as irritation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Besides, tilapia doesn't taste much better than crucian carp and carp, so it's better to choose some foods that are relatively safe.

The 6 dirtiest fish in the vegetable market have a lot of heavy metals and parasites in their bodies, so try to give them to their families as little as possible


When it comes to silver carp, it is estimated that many people will have something to say.

In the past, silver carp used to be a regular on the table of Chinese families.

Some people say that the silver carp belly is delicious, and some people say that the silver carp stew is delicious, and it can even be used to make fish balls.

The 6 dirtiest fish in the vegetable market have a lot of heavy metals and parasites in their bodies, so try to give them to their families as little as possible

But nowadays, silver carp appears less and less frequently on the dining table.

This actually has nothing to do with its taste.

You know, when people eat something, the most important thing must be its taste.

The 6 dirtiest fish in the vegetable market have a lot of heavy metals and parasites in their bodies, so try to give them to their families as little as possible

However, the taste of silver carp is not as good as imagined, and it can even be described as poor.

Although its price is relatively cheap, it just confirms the saying, you get what you pay for, after all, the price is there.

Not only that, but when eating silver carp, people often get pricked by thorns.

The 6 dirtiest fish in the vegetable market have a lot of heavy metals and parasites in their bodies, so try to give them to their families as little as possible

Compared to other fish, silver carp has more spines, which further reduces people's love for it.

In fact, there is a very important point, that is, the bile of silver carp is highly poisonous.

Some experts once did an experiment in which a mouse ate 0.3 ml of silver carp bile, and after 12 hours, the mouse was poisoned and died.

The 6 dirtiest fish in the vegetable market have a lot of heavy metals and parasites in their bodies, so try to give them to their families as little as possible

As you can imagine, if a person accidentally eats silver carp bile, the consequences are simply unimaginable.

Of course, there are also those who believe that according to traditional farming methods, people use chemical fertilizers to promote the growth of silver carp in the process of farming.

However, this will also cause certain harm to the health of silver carp, which will further threaten people's health.

The 6 dirtiest fish in the vegetable market have a lot of heavy metals and parasites in their bodies, so try to give them to their families as little as possible


I don't know if you know, but about fifteen years ago, there was a dish called "iron pot catfish", that is, a circle of cakes around the iron pot.

At that time, there were a lot of people who liked to eat catfish, and basically they had to order catfish when they went out.

The 6 dirtiest fish in the vegetable market have a lot of heavy metals and parasites in their bodies, so try to give them to their families as little as possible

Even in the barbecue stalls of previous years, we could often hear the name of grilled catfish.

The main reason why catfish is loved by people is that the meat is tender and spineless, and whether it is stewed or braised in a braised soup, it can show a unique deliciousness.

Gradually, however, people's perception of this fish has changed, and some people say that it is the dirtiest fish and cannot be used as food at all.

The 6 dirtiest fish in the vegetable market have a lot of heavy metals and parasites in their bodies, so try to give them to their families as little as possible

If someone asks which fish is the dirtiest in the world, someone will answer "catfish" without thinking.

It is important to know that catfish are farmed in a rather unique way, and they are usually farmed together with poultry, such as chickens, ducks, etc.

This mixed farming method allows catfish to adapt to a variety of harsh environments, including sewers and stinky gutters.

The 6 dirtiest fish in the vegetable market have a lot of heavy metals and parasites in their bodies, so try to give them to their families as little as possible

This extreme adaptability allows catfish to survive in a polluted environment, but it also poses some problems.

Not only that, the dietary Xi of catfish is also very unhealthy.

As an omnivorous fish, catfish can eat almost all of the food underwater, except for small fish, even carrion.

The 6 dirtiest fish in the vegetable market have a lot of heavy metals and parasites in their bodies, so try to give them to their families as little as possible

This extensive diet makes it possible for catfish to accumulate some harmful substances such as heavy metals and bacteria.

Considering these problems that pangasius may have, consumers should pay special attention when buying pangasius.

A good quality catfish should have a normal color and clean gills.

The 6 dirtiest fish in the vegetable market have a lot of heavy metals and parasites in their bodies, so try to give them to their families as little as possible

If the color of the catfish is too dark or the gills are not clean, then it is likely to be a sign of excessive heavy metals, and we should avoid buying it.

Of course, not all catfish live in that dirty and messy environment, in fact, the vast majority of farmers are still formally farmed.

The 6 dirtiest fish in the vegetable market have a lot of heavy metals and parasites in their bodies, so try to give them to their families as little as possible

Yellow eel

The yellow eel can be regarded as a fish that we are familiar with, because its body is cylindrical, so it is also known as the "snake fish".

And about the yellow eel, there is actually a proverb: "The yellow eel does not eat the head, and the snail does not eat the tail".

The meaning of this sentence is obvious.

The 6 dirtiest fish in the vegetable market have a lot of heavy metals and parasites in their bodies, so try to give them to their families as little as possible

We must admit that the yellow eel is indeed a good thing, it can not only replenish blood and qi, but also reduce inflammation and rheumatism.

But it is actually common sense that the head of the yellow eel cannot be eaten.

For those old chefs, when they deal with the eel, they will directly remove the head of the eel, which is actually because the head of the eel itself has no meat, and it tastes hard and the taste is particularly poor.

The 6 dirtiest fish in the vegetable market have a lot of heavy metals and parasites in their bodies, so try to give them to their families as little as possible

There is a more important reason that there are many heavy metals and pesticide residues on the head of the yellow eel.

If people eat these things in their stomachs, it will definitely have an impact on their health.

Consumers should take extra care when cooking eel.

The 6 dirtiest fish in the vegetable market have a lot of heavy metals and parasites in their bodies, so try to give them to their families as little as possible

Due to the high vitality of the parasites in the eel, high-temperature treatment is necessary to ensure that it is killed.

Therefore, it is recommended that you handle the eel before eating it and use high-temperature cooking methods to ensure the safety and health of the food.

Of course, when buying yellow eel, we also need to master some basic identification skills.

The 6 dirtiest fish in the vegetable market have a lot of heavy metals and parasites in their bodies, so try to give them to their families as little as possible

For example, we can observe the appearance of yellow eel, and it is best to choose a yellow eel with moist skin and bright color.

Not only that, we can also smell whether there is a peculiar smell in the north of Huangshan, if there is a strange smell, then it is recommended that you should be cautious.

Regardless, there are many factors that we need to consider when choosing fish for food, including the environment in which it lives, how it is handled, and how it is cooked.

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