
The old man called it red wormwood Hidden in the countryside is about to be dug up, 2024 is very precious, and you should cherish it when you meet it

author:The password of the countryside

In vast rural areas, there is a wild grass often called "red wormwood", whose real name is Artemisia alba. The appearance of this plant resembles mugwort leaves, but its preciousness lies not only in its appearance, but also in its rich edible and medicinal properties. In this land forgotten by time, Artemisia annua silently carries the wisdom and health of generations.

The old man called it red wormwood Hidden in the countryside is about to be dug up, 2024 is very precious, and you should cherish it when you meet it

The basic characteristics of Artemisia alba

Artemisia alba, belonging to the genus Artemisia in the family Asteraceae, is a perennial herbaceous plant. When exposed to sunlight, its stems take on an attractive red color, similar to mugwort leaves, hence nicknames such as "red wormwood", "five-fingered wormwood", and "duck's foot wormwood". Some people in Guangdong even called it "Guangdong Liu Jinu". Beneath its mundane appearance, this plant is rich in nutrients and medical wonders that deserve to be taken into account.

The edible value of Artemisia alba

Artemisia annua is not only a common wild vegetable, but it can be incorporated into vegetables in a variety of ways. It can be stir-fried, made into soups, fillings, condiments, and even boiled noodles or shabu-shabu to add a lot of color to the table. More importantly, Artemisia annua is rich in protein, vitamin B, vitamin A, sugar, ash, trace elements and minerals, which have significant health benefits.

The medicinal value of Artemisia alba

In addition to its delicious food, Artemisia annua also has excellent medicinal properties. It has been found to have the effects of breaking blood and meridians, regulating qi and dissolving dampness, relieving cough and reducing inflammation, clearing heat and detoxifying. In terms of gynecological diseases and blood supplementation, the efficacy of Artemisia annua is even more significant. This means that Artemisia annua can not only delight our taste buds, but also be a powerful assistant to our physical health.

The old man called it red wormwood Hidden in the countryside is about to be dug up, 2024 is very precious, and you should cherish it when you meet it

Techniques for planting Artemisia alba

To make the most of the value of Artemisia annua, it is important to understand its cultivation techniques. First, choose a fertile, well-drained soil, such as a mix of humus, garden soil, and river sand, to help ensure healthy plant growth. Sowing seeds at the right time is also key, preferably in the spring or autumn to help promote growth. Moderate watering is essential, keeping the soil moist but avoiding standing water. Artemisia annua prefers full sun, so choose a sunny place for planting. During the growth process, the suitable temperature range is 15-25°C. Regular pruning is also required, which helps to keep the plant aesthetically pleasing and healthy.

Protective measures for Artemisia alba

With the improvement of people's awareness of the value of Artemisia annua, we should also pay attention to the conservation challenges faced by Artemisia annua. In order to ensure that this precious resource is used sustainably, education and education are crucial. By raising people's awareness of the value of Artemisia annua and their awareness of conservation, blind excavation and picking can be avoided, thereby protecting the ecological environment.

In order to protect Artemisia alba more effectively, it is necessary to establish Artemisia alba conservation areas. By setting up a special area and prohibiting indiscriminate digging and mining, the growth environment of Artemisia annua can be maintained to the greatest extent. At the same time, the promotion of scientific artemisia planting technology is also the key. Improving the management level of growers and ensuring the sustainable use of resources is a long-term solution to protect Artemisia annua.

In exploring the properties, values and conservation measures of Artemisia annua, we should recognize that this plant is not only a part of our lives, but also an important part of our health and ecological balance. The protection and rational use of Artemisia annua is not only a care for a plant, but also a responsibility for ourselves and future generations. To cherish the white bud on every piece of land is to protect our green home.

The old man called it red wormwood Hidden in the countryside is about to be dug up, 2024 is very precious, and you should cherish it when you meet it

When the old man tells us that this plant is called "red wormwood", we should not just treat it as an unfamiliar term. It is a life that is closely related to us, a gift from nature.

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