
Yu Bo: Her husband Ma Ji passed away for 17 years, leaving her alone, and her son's filial piety made her feel at ease

author:100 Talking about Characters


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Yu Bo: Her husband Ma Ji passed away for 17 years, leaving her alone, and her son's filial piety made her feel at ease

Text: Hundred Talks about Characters

Editor|Hundred Talks about Characters

Ma Ji's death and his wife's grief

Yu Bo: Her husband Ma Ji passed away for 17 years, leaving her alone, and her son's filial piety made her feel at ease

On a spring day in 2006, a piece of news plunged into Yu Bo's heart like a cold dagger - Ma Ji died of death. In 39 years of married life, her deeply relied on partner left in a hurry, leaving deep pain.

Yu Bo: Her husband Ma Ji passed away for 17 years, leaving her alone, and her son's filial piety made her feel at ease

In a trance, Yu Bo seemed to be able to see the weak Ma Ji in front of the sickbed, he stretched out his thin hand to pull himself, and said in a weak voice, "Don't be sad, take care of yourself." And he only had time to say "definitely" back before he could hear his heartbeat again. Since then, loneliness has enveloped this home, all the food is tasteless, and life is overshadowed.

Yu Bo: Her husband Ma Ji passed away for 17 years, leaving her alone, and her son's filial piety made her feel at ease

At night, Yu Bo hugged Ma Ji's favorite coat tightly before his death, and the tears that he couldn't hide kept flowing. The bits and pieces of the years spent together are reproduced in my mind like a marquee, but the person is no longer by his side to share laughter and tears. Every time she woke up in the morning, she still saw a cold empty bed, and the pain that haunted her dreams made her feel melancholy.

Yu Bo: Her husband Ma Ji passed away for 17 years, leaving her alone, and her son's filial piety made her feel at ease

Ma Ji and Yu Bo's first encounter and marriage

In 1967, an art exchange meeting was held in Beijing, at which cross talk artist Ma Ji met Yu Bo, a young rural girl with outstanding musical talent, for the first time. Gentle and introverted, she exerted her outstanding musical talent, which deeply attracted Ma Ji.

Yu Bo: Her husband Ma Ji passed away for 17 years, leaving her alone, and her son's filial piety made her feel at ease

Ma Ji was impressed by Yu Bo's calm generosity and musical enthusiasm, and Yu Bo was also fascinated by Ma Ji's humor on stage. Soon the two fell in love, and with the blessing of their friends, they held a simple wedding on December 10 of that year, vows to return to each other.

Yu Bo: Her husband Ma Ji passed away for 17 years, leaving her alone, and her son's filial piety made her feel at ease

Years together: family life and mutual support

After marriage, the two lived with their son Ma Dong in Beijing. Due to Ma Ji's busy career, most of the housework is due to Bo's shoulders. Not only does she take care of her son at home, but she also teaches herself music editing to help Ma Ji work. Despite the hard life, the two can always support each other.

Yu Bo: Her husband Ma Ji passed away for 17 years, leaving her alone, and her son's filial piety made her feel at ease

Whenever Ma Ji was frustrated in his work, Yu Bo would put his arms around him and listen to him, and then encourage him to fight back with a warm smile. And when Ma Ji succeeds in his work, he must also remember to send flowers and small gifts to make Yu Bo happy. Although the two have not left anyone for years, their relationship is deepening day by day.

Yu Bo: Her husband Ma Ji passed away for 17 years, leaving her alone, and her son's filial piety made her feel at ease

Horse Season's career peaks and health challenges

But health began to pose challenges for the season. When he learned that he was suffering from a variety of diseases, his mental capacity was close to the limit. For the next 19 years, Yu Bo took care of Ma Ji day and night, took him for a walk, and fully supported him to delay the progress of the disease to the greatest extent.

Yu Bo: Her husband Ma Ji passed away for 17 years, leaving her alone, and her son's filial piety made her feel at ease

War Sickness and Loss: The Death of Ma Ji

In the spring of 2002, Ma Ji suddenly became frail and sickly. He often felt weak and had difficulty breathing. After a detailed examination, the doctor diagnosed a variety of diseases, including high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes. Yu Bo took care of the sick Ma Ji day and night, did not let go of every small change in him, adjusted his diet, measured his blood pressure and checked his blood sugar on time. However, Ma Ji's health deteriorated that year, and he was confined to bed all day long.

Yu Bo: Her husband Ma Ji passed away for 17 years, leaving her alone, and her son's filial piety made her feel at ease

One weekend in November, things suddenly deteriorated in the horse season. He coughed incessantly and had difficulty breathing. While giving him first aid, Yu Bo called an ambulance to take him to the hospital. Unexpectedly, on the way to the ambulance, Ma Ji had already suffocated to death. This is an unacceptable blow to the wave.

Yu Bo: Her husband Ma Ji passed away for 17 years, leaving her alone, and her son's filial piety made her feel at ease

Yu Bo's lonely years and memories

After losing his horse season, Yu Bo became more and more lonely day by day. She stayed in her old home all day, full of daily necessities that Ma Ji used during her lifetime. Whenever she sees these familiar objects, she can't help but think of the bits and pieces of the two of them used to get along. Every Friday night, she can also see the performances held by the cross talk theater, but sitting side by side with Ma Ji, everything seems so empty.

Yu Bo: Her husband Ma Ji passed away for 17 years, leaving her alone, and her son's filial piety made her feel at ease

Ma Ji's early life and cross talk career started

Ma Ji was born in Beijing in 1934 to an ordinary family. Both parents died when he was a child, and he had to rely on his eldest sister to raise him. When he was 12 years old, he heard a cross talk performance in Xidan by chance, and since then he has been fascinated by stage art. Since the age of 15, Ma Ji has been doing odd jobs in a teahouse to make a living. At the age of 20, Ma Ji was admitted to the Art Troupe of Beijing Broadcasting Institute, which laid the foundation for his future career.

Yu Bo: Her husband Ma Ji passed away for 17 years, leaving her alone, and her son's filial piety made her feel at ease

Dream Chase Again: Ma Ji's Return to the Stage

A decade of political turmoil interrupted Ma Ji's career. But his passion for cross talk has never been extinguished. In 1973, with the relaxation of the policy, the 42-year-old Ma Ji returned to the stage. He caused a sensation in Beijing with his talented and humorous performances, and became one of the main cross talk actors of the new generation at that time. For more than 20 years after that, Ma Ji has continued to be beautiful, with countless classic cross talk works, and he has become a leader in the emergency promotion of cross talk art.

Yu Bo: Her husband Ma Ji passed away for 17 years, leaving her alone, and her son's filial piety made her feel at ease

Life and death and reunion: Yu Bo's thoughts and perseverance

Time flies, and it has been 17 years since Ma Ji's death. Yu Bo lived silently alone in that old house full of memories, and the thoughts that could never be calmed in her heart hung over her. Every night when she fell asleep, she would feel empty by her pillow, and she would often dream of Ma Ji's figure in her dreams. She spent countless nights reuniting with him in her dreams, and then woke up bitterly only to find that everything was nothing but vanity.

Yu Bo: Her husband Ma Ji passed away for 17 years, leaving her alone, and her son's filial piety made her feel at ease

Every weekend, her son Ma Dong would bring his wife and children to visit her. The time spent with her daughter-in-law and grandchildren always makes her forget her thoughts for a while. But when facing this house alone, the bits and pieces of getting along with Ma Ji kept coming to mind, and that affectionate longing swept over again. Yu Bo sometimes sits in front of the window, looking at the bustling streets in the distance, thinking about the years he walked side by side with Ma Ji. Her son persuaded her many times to move out of the house, but she always shook her head and refused.

Yu Bo: Her husband Ma Ji passed away for 17 years, leaving her alone, and her son's filial piety made her feel at ease

"Every object, every detail, reminds me that he once existed. I was reluctant to leave here, and I was reluctant to completely distance myself from his memories. Yu Bo said. Only by staying here did she feel that Ma Ji's soul had not completely left. Although life will never be the same as before, as long as there is still his shadow in her heart, she still feels warm from the bottom of her heart.

Yu Bo: Her husband Ma Ji passed away for 17 years, leaving her alone, and her son's filial piety made her feel at ease

Conclusion: The true meaning of love and social responsibility

Over the years, Yu Bo has used memories to create a warm time with Ma Ji, drawing strength from it to face loneliness. Not everyone can insist on believing after parting, and not everyone can be as persistent in guarding love as she is. But she firmly believes that as long as there is still a mutual party in her heart, even if life and death are separated, she will never be lonely.

Yu Bo: Her husband Ma Ji passed away for 17 years, leaving her alone, and her son's filial piety made her feel at ease

Today, Yu Bo, who is nearly 80 years old, still walks downhill every day, with time as a companion. Gradually, she learns to reconcile with that affectionate and impermanent longing. In her view, true love is not only an emotion, but also the pursuit and support of the other party's personality and spirit. The most important thing in love is not the concern in front of you, but when you can support each other and when you can think about each other.

Yu Bo: Her husband Ma Ji passed away for 17 years, leaving her alone, and her son's filial piety made her feel at ease

In the long passage of life, Yu Bo summed up his views on love. She hopes that with her life, more people can experience: true love is still waiting for each other in the face of life and death; It teaches us to cherish the present, to be considerate of others, and to be honest with others. This is also the most important pursuit and sense of responsibility in her life.

Yu Bo: Her husband Ma Ji passed away for 17 years, leaving her alone, and her son's filial piety made her feel at ease
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