
The mysterious "flying bear" appeared in the northeast forest area, weighing more than 60 pounds, known as the "beast corpse scavenger"

author:The top of the cloud is pointed

An old hunter in his 80s told me: There is a rare "flying bear" in the Daxing'an Mountains in Northeast China, they have a lone wolf-like personality, look like a honey badger, call like a dog, tail like a mink, paws like a bear, and the buttocks are engraved with a crescent pattern, and there are less than 200 of them in the country, which is rarer than giant pandas.

What's even more shocking is that the flying bear is still the most powerful weasel beast, they are fierce and greedy, unparalleled in combat power, and even the lynx dares to beat them when they launch madness, and they are well-deserved "big brothers" of the weasel family. So, why do flying bears appear in the northeast, and how powerful are they?

The mysterious "flying bear" appeared in the northeast forest area, weighing more than 60 pounds, known as the "beast corpse scavenger"

About the ferocious carnivorous beast "Flying Bear".

The scientific name of the flying bear is the mink bear, also called the wolverine, the moon bear, is the largest weasel on land, they have a wide skull, short limbs, sharp teeth, fast speed, good at fishing, climbing trees, catching birds, set a variety of skills in one.

Mink bears are of medium stature, stout, up to 1.2 meters in length, weigh more than 60 pounds, they have very great strength, their fighting ability is stronger than that of "Pingtou Brother", and their character is also very brutal, and they will fight to the death for hunting.

As an omnivorous animal, the mink bear has a wide range of foods, including wild cats, hares, roe deer, red deer and various berries, and likes to hunt for carrion to eat, and sometimes robs the prey of wild wolves and lynxes, which is very domineering.

The mysterious "flying bear" appeared in the northeast forest area, weighing more than 60 pounds, known as the "beast corpse scavenger"

How powerful is the mink bear?

1. The mink bear man does not talk much, and he is the strongest existence of the weasel family

Many people believe that felines are the ceiling of the beast world, but at the same size, they are no match for the weasels at all, because the weasels have a more perfect body structure and stronger fighting ability.

And the mink bear is the strongest animal of the weasel family, they are alert, fierce and aggressive, strong, muscular, often hunt and kill animals several times larger than themselves, and are natural combat masters.

The most important thing is that the mink bear not only likes to fight, but also dares to fight hard, which can be called the "desperate Saburo", they like to bite the enemy's vital points, and often exchange injuries for injuries, and the fighting style is very crazy, so even the lynx has to pay three points.

The mysterious "flying bear" appeared in the northeast forest area, weighing more than 60 pounds, known as the "beast corpse scavenger"

2. The mink bear is fast and has an amazing ability to run

Mink bears are animals known for their speed, they are agile and responsive, their legs are muscular, and they run at an extremely fast pace, with an average speed of nearly 45 kilometers per hour, making them the best of the weasel family.

Not only that, but the impact of the mink bear is also terrifying, they are extremely explosive, once they find their prey, they will fly over and bite it alive, and they are also good at climbing trees and rocks, whether it is towering trees or snow-covered mountain walls, they can move freely.

The endurance of the mink bears is also excellent, their cardiopulmonary function is very strong, and they can speed more than 30 kilometers in one night in snow-covered mountains, and they are well-deserved "long-distance running champions".

The mysterious "flying bear" appeared in the northeast forest area, weighing more than 60 pounds, known as the "beast corpse scavenger"

3. The mink bear has a super high fighting IQ and is extremely lethal

Mink bears are also called "flying bears" because they often hide in trees, use leaves to hide their whereabouts, and then jump down when the prey passes by, stab the prey with fangs and claws, and kill it directly, and have a very high combat IQ.

As a ferret, the lethality of the mink bear is also terrifying, their teeth are neatly arranged, the canine teeth are as thin as knives, and they are extremely sharp, and they can penetrate the body of the prey in one bite, and the attack power is very powerful.

In addition, mink bears have a pair of flexible and thick claws that allow them to walk like a fly, and they are extremely powerful, easily breaking through solid frozen ground and tearing apart the skin of prey.

The mysterious "flying bear" appeared in the northeast forest area, weighing more than 60 pounds, known as the "beast corpse scavenger"

4. The mink bear has an amazing sense of smell and an unusually sharp sense of perception

In fact, the mink bear is not only powerful, but also inherits the excellent sensory system of the ferretid family, they have a well-developed olfactory organ in their nasal cavity, can distinguish tens of thousands of different smells, and can even smell the carcass of prey under 5 meters through the snow.

In addition, mink bears have very sensitive hearing, their ears are large and round, they can hear many sounds below the hearing range of the human ear, and their ears can constantly rotate with the sound source.

The eyesight of the mink bears is also excellent, their eyes are bright, their field of vision can reach 180 degrees, and their night vision is also very strong, and they can spot prey in distant places even in the dark, which is breathtaking.

The mysterious "flying bear" appeared in the northeast forest area, weighing more than 60 pounds, known as the "beast corpse scavenger"

5. The mink bear has a strong ability to resist blows and is the prototype of "Wolverine".

Many people don't know that the Wolverine prototype is not a wolf, its English translation is "Wolverine", which is a character created based on the mink bear, which shows how strong the mink bear's defense is.

The fur of the mink bear is long and thick, and the skin is also very tough, ordinary animals can't bite at all, and the body is also very strong, extremely resistant to blows, and can even survive under avalanches, and it also has a certain self-healing ability.

In addition, mink bears will also use "chemical weapons" for defense, they contain stinky glands in their bodies, can secrete a light yellow liquid, the smell is extremely foul, can directly attack the enemy's central nervous system, make them faint, extremely powerful.

The mysterious "flying bear" appeared in the northeast forest area, weighing more than 60 pounds, known as the "beast corpse scavenger"

Why do mink bears live in the Great Khing'an Mountains in Northeast China?

The Great Khing'an Mountains is the largest forest area in Northeast China, with a total length of more than 1,200 kilometers and an average temperature of minus 4 degrees.

The reason why mink bears live here is because the Daxing'an Mountains are vast and sparsely populated, the primeval forests are dense, suitable for solitary living, and the animal and plant resources are also very rich, providing a rich source of food for mink bears.

In addition, mink bears are naturally hardy and like to live in the snow, their fur is very thick, and the heat retention is very strong, so they can maintain their body temperature at about 36 degrees, so they will come to live in Daxinganling.

The mysterious "flying bear" appeared in the northeast forest area, weighing more than 60 pounds, known as the "beast corpse scavenger"

The mink bear is also known as the "scavenger of the beast"

In fact, the mink bear also has a lesser-known identity, that is, the animal corpse scavenger, like the hyena, they often look for the leftover prey of tigers and leopards, and many animal carcasses are devoured by them.

Because the mink bear is a "glutton" and has a huge appetite, but sometimes it is difficult to find food, so it can only look for carrion to eat, but the mink bear has a good body and strong digestion, so there is no need to worry about eating a bad stomach.

In addition, mink bears often steal food from lynxes, because lynx will bury the rest of the food in the ground, and then leave a smell, even wild wolves do not dare to approach easily, but mink bears do not have this scruples, they eat when they should.

The mysterious "flying bear" appeared in the northeast forest area, weighing more than 60 pounds, known as the "beast corpse scavenger"

The nemesis of the mink bear

1. Tigers

Tigers are a symbol of toughness, set strength, speed, agility in one, they are huge, strong, nearly 3 meters long, weighing up to 500 pounds, combat effectiveness is very strong, is the top of the food chain existence.

Generally speaking, tigers live alone, have a wide range of territory, and highly overlap with the territory of the mink bear, so the tiger will attack once it encounters a mink bear, and the mink bear is usually powerless to resist and can only become a small dessert.

The mysterious "flying bear" appeared in the northeast forest area, weighing more than 60 pounds, known as the "beast corpse scavenger"

2. Leopard

Leopards are medium in size, with slender limbs, and can weigh up to 150 pounds when they reach adulthood, they are the most agile cats with strong combat power, excellent predatory ability, and agile body shape, fast speed.

Similarly, the leopard is also the nemesis of the mink bear, although the marten bear can fight the lynx, but against the strong leopard is no chance of winning, because the leopard's size, strength, and ability to climb trees are far superior to the mink bear, and the strength of the two is very different.

The mysterious "flying bear" appeared in the northeast forest area, weighing more than 60 pounds, known as the "beast corpse scavenger"

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