
Inexpensive, nutritious and healthy blending oil, but why don't I choose it?

author:The best of the ordinary

Cooking oil, each of us inevitably eats every day. Always eating a single pure vegetable oil, but also worried about the lack of nutrition, is not good for health. Pure vegetable oil, in exchange for eating, and too much trouble. So is the scientific blending oil of fatty acid ratio perfectly solve our worries? The answer is definitely. But I still wouldn't choose this blending oil, why? Listen to me.

Inexpensive, nutritious and healthy blending oil, but why don't I choose it?

Quality grade

On June 21, 2018, our country issued the national standard GB2716-2018 vegetable oil. According to this standard, there is no quality grade standard for plant blended oil, it is "average code", unlike when we buy other oils, we can clearly see whether it is level one, two or three on the label.

Surprised? Trance thought that when we buy clothes, some clothes have large, medium and small sizes to choose from, and some clothes are even size, one size.

So this "average" blended oil, the quality index is close to the first, second or third level of pure vegetable oil? Based on the acid valence and peroxide values in this standard, compared to other pure vegetable oils, we found that the quality grade of this "one-size-fits-all" blended oil is in the third grade.

At present, we ordinary people buy more oil, such as corn oil, rapeseed oil, peanut oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil, etc., in the national standard, only rapeseed oil is divided into four grades, the rest are three grades. That is to say, in addition to rapeseed oil, the third grade is the lowest quality grade.

Just imagine, when we usually go to the supermarket to buy oil, do we always choose a quality level of one?

Date of manufacture

The production date of the blended oil refers to the date on which the blended oil is prepared, not the date of production of the pure vegetable oil inside.

For example, if a pure vegetable oil produced on January 1, 2018, the shelf life of the general vegetable oil is 18 months, then the vegetable oil will pass the shelf life on July 1, 2019.

Then, on June 1, 2019, near the shelf life, the blend oil is formulated with the pure vegetable oil, then the production date of the blended oil is June 1, 2019, and if the shelf life is still 18 months, the blended oil will not pass the shelf life until after December 1, 2020.

Isn't that amazing? Cooking oil that obviously has a shelf life, suddenly turned into a blended oil that has just been produced, and has increased the shelf life of nearly 18 months?

Imagine if we saw that a pure vegetable oil was about to pass its shelf life, we basically wouldn't buy it, right? But when you see the newly produced blended oil on the oil barrel, do you feel that this oil is fresh and is likely to buy it? Smart as you and me, or didn't jump over the pit of the merchant?

Raw material information

According to the national standard GB2716-2018, the label of plant blended oil should indicate the proportion of various edible oils, as shown below.

Inexpensive, nutritious and healthy blending oil, but why don't I choose it?

However, do you know where the pure vegetable oil comes from in these ingredients? Imported from abroad or produced domestically? When were they produced? Produced by the pressing process or by the leaching process? Wait, we don't know anything. We only know that this blend oil has these proportions of pure vegetable oil.

Just like you only know my name, gender and height, then you don't know anything about my character, work ability and how to deal with people, no matter how I say I am excellent, how can you trust me and be willing to be friends with me?

Too much unknown information makes it impossible for us to clearly understand the "true face" of this blended oil, and no matter how much it is blown, it cannot be trusted. Do you feel the same way?


Now, you should know why such a good blend of oils is cheaper than pure vegetable oils, right? Cheap has a cheap reason, the merchant will not always suffer losses.

Seeing this, will you still choose to mix and stir-fry in oil? For the sake of our health, don't be too lazy, several pure vegetable oils are eaten in turn!

If you want to know which kinds of vegetable oils are better to eat in rotation? Welcome to the "Ordinary Best", which will be revealed to you later. If you have any doubts, welcome to leave us a message, I will be the first time to reply to your concerns.

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