
It turns out that garlic seedlings are so easy, a pot of a few cloves of garlic, spray a little water can grow sharply

author:Raising flowers

The point of this article: In the winter, you can plant some garlic seedlings in your own home, peel the garlic one by one and bury them in the pots, water until they are wet and placed in a sunny place, and soon be able to produce small seedlings. You can also directly put the whole garlic into the water for hydroponics, so that it naturally grows garlic seedlings.

I don't know what kind of dishes you like to eat in winter? Huahua prepared a small vegetable planting method in winter, which is garlic seedlings.

It turns out that garlic seedlings are so easy, a pot of a few cloves of garlic, spray a little water can grow sharply

As a very delicious vegetable, garlic seedlings are also easy to buy in the market, but if you want to eat them regularly in winter, then the accumulation cost is not small.

If we can grow some in our own homes, then we can eat very healthy and delicious vegetables, and the most important point is that we are particularly green.

Nonsense is not much to say, how to plant garlic seedlings, let's take a look at it~

It turns out that garlic seedlings are so easy, a pot of a few cloves of garlic, spray a little water can grow sharply

First of all, we must prepare a few garlic, and we must also be careful when choosing, to choose a large, full, no pest hole.

Peel off the garlic one by one, we should pay attention not to peel off the coat of the garlic seedlings and the garlic itself, otherwise it is easier to rot when watering in the later stage.

Bury the garlic one by one in the pot, the spacing between the two is about two or three centimeters, not too close, water until wet and placed in a sunny place, soon able to produce seedlings.

It turns out that garlic seedlings are so easy, a pot of a few cloves of garlic, spray a little water can grow sharply

The seedlings look taller and taller, and when they grow to a certain extent, we can cut it off and eat it. If you find this method more difficult, or if you don't have soil at home, then there is a simpler way to teach you, that is, hydroponics.

Directly put the whole garlic into the water for hydroponics, so that it naturally grows garlic seedlings, this method is really very simple, everyone will listen to it.

It turns out that garlic seedlings are so easy, a pot of a few cloves of garlic, spray a little water can grow sharply

First of all, we should prepare a clean plate filled with clean water and put the whole of the robust and plump garlic we prepared.

Note that the water in the plate cannot submerge the garlic in its entirety, and the water level can be slightly up to the root of the garlic seedling, and the root system of the garlic can absorb the water on its own.

Usually remember to add water in time, if we are placed at home maintenance, then the air conditioning and radiator evaporation of water is very large, if it is a relatively shallow plate, then its water evaporation is more, about a day to evaporate, so we should pay attention to the status of the water inside the plate at any time.

It turns out that garlic seedlings are so easy, a pot of a few cloves of garlic, spray a little water can grow sharply

Another key point is that when we send garlic seedlings, the temperature must be raised, if the temperature is too low, then the garlic will even directly frostbite and rot without emitting garlic seedlings, and the water will be cold and frozen, then the garlic seedlings will be more difficult to send out.

It turns out that garlic seedlings are so easy, a pot of a few cloves of garlic, spray a little water can grow sharply

So between what temperatures is the most suitable for garlic seedlings? Flower flower is recommended at about 15-20 degrees Celsius is the most appropriate, so that the garlic seedlings emitted are tender and delicious, the taste is very good, if the temperature is low, then the garlic seedlings may become worse taste.

It turns out that garlic seedlings are so easy, a pot of a few cloves of garlic, spray a little water can grow sharply

For about a week or two, you can see some green seedlings growing from the top place, these seedlings have a little yellowish feeling at first, but as time goes on, they grow taller and taller, and soon we can pick them up and eat them.

It turns out that garlic seedlings are so easy, a pot of a few cloves of garlic, spray a little water can grow sharply

Do you like to eat garlic seedlings, if you like, you can follow this method to grow some of your own Oh ~

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