
What is the difference between garlic seedlings and garlic moss? What are the preparations for garlic seedlings?

author:Huinong School

Garlic seedlings are a very common vegetable in our lives, there are many kinds of methods, the taste is a little sweet, garlic moss is a common ingredient in our lives, what is the difference between them? What are the preparations for garlic seedlings? The following Xiaobian will tell you about it.

What is the difference between garlic seedlings and garlic moss? What are the preparations for garlic seedlings?

1. What is the difference between garlic seedlings and garlic moss?

Garlic moss is a flower stem extracted from garlic, including two parts of the flower stem and the total bud, and the garlic seedling, also called green garlic, is a green shoot that develops garlic seedlings to a certain period. Garlic moss is widely distributed in China, and is planted in all parts of the north and south, and is one of the vegetable varieties with the largest storage capacity and the longest storage period in China's current vegetable refrigeration industry.

What is the difference between garlic seedlings and garlic moss? What are the preparations for garlic seedlings?

Second, what are the methods of garlic seedlings?

1: Return the garlic sprouts to the pot meat

Prepare the ingredients as follows: 50 grams of garlic sprouts, 100 grams of pork belly, 5 grams of ginger, 10 grams of green onion, 8 grams of garlic.

The specific methods are as follows: 5 grams of shredded ginger, 10 grams of green onion, 8 grams of garlic slices, 50 grams of garlic sprouts, 100 grams of pork belly cut into pieces, 5ml of cooking oil in the pot, pour garlic slices, green onions, highly heated, pour pork belly, sauté until the meat pieces change color, pour in 1 gram of peppercorns, 15 grams of tempeh, stir-fry evenly, watercress sauce 20 grams, soy sauce 50 grams, stir-fry red oil, pour garlic seedlings, stir-fry evenly!

2: Stir-fry bacon with garlic seedlings

Prepare the ingredients as follows: 200 grams of bacon, 100 grams of garlic sprouts, 5 ml of cooking oil, 5 grams of garlic, 1 gram of peppercorns, 5 grams of light soy sauce.

The specific method is as follows: 100 grams of garlic seedlings cut into sections, 5 grams of garlic slices, 200 grams of bacon slices, 5 ml of cooking oil in the pot, 1 gram of peppercorns, pour in garlic slices, highly heated, pour bacon, stir-fry evenly, add 5 grams of soy sauce, stir-fry evenly, pour in garlic seedlings, stir-fry evenly!

3: Stir-fry dried tofu with garlic seedlings

Prepare the ingredients as follows: 6 pieces of dried tofu, 2 green garlic sprouts, 2 cloves of garlic, 3 millet peppers, 1 spoon of soybean paste, 3 spoons of vegetable oil, 1 spoon of soy sauce, 2 grams of salt, 2 grams of sugar.

The specific methods are as follows: wash the garlic seedlings, cut into small pieces; cut into small pieces of fragrant dried; cut into small pieces of garlic; cut into small pieces of chili pepper, put the soybean paste, garlic slices and peppers into the pot under the oil pot to fry until fragrant, and then add the dried garlic to stir-fry together, add a little soy sauce to taste, pour in the garlic seedlings, add a little sugar, salt to taste, stir-fry until cooked!

4. Tear garlic seedlings by hand

Prepare the ingredients as follows: 250 grams of garlic sprouts, 10 grams of dried shrimp garlic 0.5 grams, salad oil to taste, salt 0.2 grams, chicken essence 0.2 grams, sugar 0.5 grams, white vinegar 1 ml.

The specific methods are as follows: wash the garlic seedlings, blanch them in boiling water for 1 minute, remove them and rinse them with cold boiling water, put them in a bowl, tear the garlic seedlings apart, put in the shrimp, heat the oil in the pot, minced the garlic, stir in the pot, add salt, sugar, white vinegar, soy sauce, chicken essence, mix well, put in the garlic seedlings!

What is the difference between garlic seedlings and garlic moss? What are the preparations for garlic seedlings?

From the above we can know that there is still a clear difference between garlic seedlings and garlic moss, garlic seedlings are a dish that many people like to eat, the above small editor shared several common practices with you, hoping to help you.

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