
"It grows in the ground and is a grass, and eating it in the stomach is a treasure", all of these wild vegetables have been eaten, and they are basically born in the 80s and 90s

author:A Xi Xi shouted
"It grows in the ground and is a grass, and eating it in the stomach is a treasure", all of these wild vegetables have been eaten, and they are basically born in the 80s and 90s

Text: Xixi

Edited by Xixi

Nowadays, everyone's life is getting better and better, and you can eat big fish and meat if you want, but at this time, I also began to miss the food I had when I was a child.

Wild vegetables are one of them, but they are becoming more and more difficult to eat and scarce, after all, they can be fished and meat all year round, and wild vegetables are a delicacy that can only be found in spring.

"It grows in the ground and is a grass, and eating it in the stomach is a treasure", all of these wild vegetables have been eaten, and they are basically born in the 80s and 90s

In the past, some wild vegetables were rarely planted and eaten, but now they have become commonly eaten vegetables, and there are many plants that are used as vegetables, and now they have become wild vegetables, so the next few kinds of wild vegetables, which ones you know, which ones you have eaten, all of them must be after 80 or 90.

1. Warabi

Let's talk about a more familiar one, bracken, this is the "king of mountain vegetables", mainly grows on barren mountains, you have to climb the mountain to pick such a delicacy, in March it is most common on the side of the mountain and the edge of the field, there are two different kinds of bracken, one is green, the other is brown and black, but the two tastes are not bad.

"It grows in the ground and is a grass, and eating it in the stomach is a treasure", all of these wild vegetables have been eaten, and they are basically born in the 80s and 90s

The dishes made by bracken not only look ruddy and appetizing in color, but also have a large number of vitamins and trace elements in bracken, rich in nutrients, which are both delicious and nutritious.

"It grows in the ground and is a grass, and eating it in the stomach is a treasure", all of these wild vegetables have been eaten, and they are basically born in the 80s and 90s

2. Purslane

Purslane as a wild vegetable can be used on the table can also be used as a medicinal material, from our dining table to the pharmacy in the medicine cabinet can see it, you can imagine its nutritional value and wide use, this wild vegetable leaves are very similar to horsetooth, smell like amaranth, so it is called "purslane" or "amaranth", many roadsides and the ground will grow.

"It grows in the ground and is a grass, and eating it in the stomach is a treasure", all of these wild vegetables have been eaten, and they are basically born in the 80s and 90s

Its practice is also very simple, simply rinse and blanch in the pot and stir-fry, the taste is comparable to the delicacies of the mountains and seas, and as a medicinal herb purslane also has a rich therapeutic effect, such as clearing the liver fire, protecting blood vessels, etc., but it should be noted that this wild vegetable is not suitable for pregnant women to eat, and the dual use of medicine and food must be paid attention to.

"It grows in the ground and is a grass, and eating it in the stomach is a treasure", all of these wild vegetables have been eaten, and they are basically born in the 80s and 90s

3. Kocamellia

Toon as one of the wild vegetables that can only be eaten in spring, it can be said that some people love and some hate, people who love toon can't wait to eat three meals a day in spring, people who don't love it can't even stand its taste, its practices are also rich and diverse, toon scrambled eggs, toon pancakes, that taste is very good.

"It grows in the ground and is a grass, and eating it in the stomach is a treasure", all of these wild vegetables have been eaten, and they are basically born in the 80s and 90s

Toon has a very high content of nutrients, such as amino acids, vitamins, etc., and when you eat it, you also enjoy the original juice and umami of toon, put less condiments, and although toon is delicious, it should also be eaten in moderation, after all, there are nitrites and nitrates in it, and eating too much is counterproductive.

"It grows in the ground and is a grass, and eating it in the stomach is a treasure", all of these wild vegetables have been eaten, and they are basically born in the 80s and 90s

4. Maran head

As one of the most common wild vegetables in Ningbo, it has a strong reproductive ability and strong vitality, even after winter, the rhizome can germinate again, and it is picked every year, and it is also a Chinese herbal medicine.

"It grows in the ground and is a grass, and eating it in the stomach is a treasure", all of these wild vegetables have been eaten, and they are basically born in the 80s and 90s

Eating Ma Lantou mainly eats the young leaves that have just grown in spring, cold dressing, soup, and stuffing, and it also has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, which is also the same source of medicine and food, and it is also fragrant and refreshing to eat.

"It grows in the ground and is a grass, and eating it in the stomach is a treasure", all of these wild vegetables have been eaten, and they are basically born in the 80s and 90s

5. Mustard greens

Mustard greens are the middle and upper grades of wild vegetables, bright eyes, cool and antipyretic, in rural areas, everyone calls it mustard head, mustard pimple and so on, but its taste is a little bitter.

"It grows in the ground and is a grass, and eating it in the stomach is a treasure", all of these wild vegetables have been eaten, and they are basically born in the 80s and 90s

Therefore, there are many people who do not like to eat, but it has high nutritional value, vitamin content and variety, and it also has the effect of relieving phlegm and relieving loss of appetite.

"It grows in the ground and is a grass, and eating it in the stomach is a treasure", all of these wild vegetables have been eaten, and they are basically born in the 80s and 90s

6. Wild mugwort

Mugwort and wormwood are not the same, wormwood grows and is tall, mugwort is short, when it comes to the Qingming Dynasty, many people will use wild mugwort to make "mugwort fruit", "mugwort cake", because it will be a little bitter to eat directly, and it has a unique flavor when made into pastries.

"It grows in the ground and is a grass, and eating it in the stomach is a treasure", all of these wild vegetables have been eaten, and they are basically born in the 80s and 90s

And wild mugwort also has medicinal effects, which can chase away cold and regulate menstruation, dispel wind and dehumidify, and can also relieve itching and sterilization, and also have miraculous effects on mosquito bites.

"It grows in the ground and is a grass, and eating it in the stomach is a treasure", all of these wild vegetables have been eaten, and they are basically born in the 80s and 90s

7. Dandelion

As the queen of herbs, everyone knows that dandelion can be used as medicinal herbs, but dandelion can also be eaten, and everyone's impression of dandelion may be that white ball of fluff that will disperse as soon as the wind blows.

Who would have thought that it could also be eaten, dandelion into dishes also has a unique flavor, eaten raw, made into soup, etc., although with a slightly bitter taste, but clear heat and detoxify, can also regulate pharyngitis, it is really full of treasures.

"It grows in the ground and is a grass, and eating it in the stomach is a treasure", all of these wild vegetables have been eaten, and they are basically born in the 80s and 90s

8. Wild Serina

As our Chinese native celery, wild celery is also known as cress, also known as "Qincai", "Lulutong" and other good names with meaning, it is more common in Yunnan, the main way to eat is raw food, cold dressing, can also be made soup as a side dish, this wild vegetable can only be found by the stream in spring.

"It grows in the ground and is a grass, and eating it in the stomach is a treasure", all of these wild vegetables have been eaten, and they are basically born in the 80s and 90s

And cress also has its own effect, it has a certain effect on cold, fever, vomiting and diarrhea, but wild water celery contains oxalic acid, which cannot be eaten in excess, so you should also be careful not to overeat.

"It grows in the ground and is a grass, and eating it in the stomach is a treasure", all of these wild vegetables have been eaten, and they are basically born in the 80s and 90s

9. Houttuynia cordata

Everyone must have heard of this thing, Sichuan people have a soft spot for this thing, its most famous name is "folded ear root", and it is more common, cold salad is a full flavor of Sichuan cold salad, although it is rich in vitamins and minerals, but also can enhance immunity, but Houttuynia cordata can not be taken in excess, pregnant women can not take it.

"It grows in the ground and is a grass, and eating it in the stomach is a treasure", all of these wild vegetables have been eaten, and they are basically born in the 80s and 90s

10. Construct tree spikes

The tree is also called the thick strip, the tree spike is the male inflorescence on it, also called the mallet, this has seen the people who have eaten should be very few, it grows the same as the caterpillar, and is also known as the folk "cordyceps", you can imagine its nutritional value, it can be blanched and cold, although it looks not good, but it is a rare delicacy.

"It grows in the ground and is a grass, and eating it in the stomach is a treasure", all of these wild vegetables have been eaten, and they are basically born in the 80s and 90s

11. 阳荷

Yanghe is a plant with high yield and good planting, once had a large area of planting in the south before, it is a kind of herbaceous plant, which has a very high medicinal value and edible value, not only has an effect on constipation, but also has a certain conditioning function for diabetes.

"It grows in the ground and is a grass, and eating it in the stomach is a treasure", all of these wild vegetables have been eaten, and they are basically born in the 80s and 90s

Yang Lotus has a very high protein and dietary fiber content, delicious taste is also known as "Asian ginseng", and it is also non-toxic, even if you eat too much, it will only get hot, and there will be no major problems, but because of its high crude fiber content, it does not meet the taste of modern people, so it slowly withdrew from the market and became a wild vegetable.

"It grows in the ground and is a grass, and eating it in the stomach is a treasure", all of these wild vegetables have been eaten, and they are basically born in the 80s and 90s

12. Leaves of the black tree

When it comes to the leaves of the black tree, we may not be very familiar with it, but when it comes to the spicy tree, everyone can be excited, who has not been stung by it, and the black tree is a tree that has a lot to do with it, it is also called the spicy tree, it has a very strong survival ability, it can be seen basically anywhere, and the black tree is also easy to grow spicy seeds, and it is poisonous, so many people avoid it.

"It grows in the ground and is a grass, and eating it in the stomach is a treasure", all of these wild vegetables have been eaten, and they are basically born in the 80s and 90s

However, some places will use the leaves of the black tree to cook and eat, that is also because of the lack of understanding of its toxicity, now the black tree is generally cultivated as an ornamental tree, and the wild black tree is rare, so it is not common to cook with the leaves of the black tree.

"It grows in the ground and is a grass, and eating it in the stomach is a treasure", all of these wild vegetables have been eaten, and they are basically born in the 80s and 90s

Nature's bounty

Wild vegetables can be said to be a gift from nature, not only delicious but also most of them have extremely high nutritional value and medicinal value, and do not need money, now everyone wants to eat all kinds of delicious food is easy, and these common and often eaten wild vegetables when I was a child are difficult to see.

"It grows in the ground and is a grass, and eating it in the stomach is a treasure", all of these wild vegetables have been eaten, and they are basically born in the 80s and 90s

So you might as well wait until next spring to go out, you can try to find wild vegetables back, taste the unique delicacy of nature, so which of these wild vegetables have you eaten?

"It grows in the ground and is a grass, and eating it in the stomach is a treasure", all of these wild vegetables have been eaten, and they are basically born in the 80s and 90s

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