
A bunch of tonics are not as good as a few black beans a day, and eat more black beans after autumn, this way of eating is simple and practical

author:Xiao Jing said delicious food

Hello everyone, I'm XiaoJing

Black beans are known as the king of hundreds of beans, the nutritional value is very high, Academician Zhong Nanshan also once suggested that everyone eat more black beans,

A bunch of tonics are not as good as a few black beans a day, and eat more black beans after autumn, this way of eating is simple and practical

Especially after the autumn, everyone has also begun to nourish the body, today to share with you a black bean health eating method

First prepare 200 grams of black beans into the pot. Pick out the broken black beans first.

A bunch of tonics are not as good as a few black beans a day, and eat more black beans after autumn, this way of eating is simple and practical

Next, add a basin of water and wash the black beans first.

A bunch of tonics are not as good as a few black beans a day, and eat more black beans after autumn, this way of eating is simple and practical

Black beans don't look at it black, it is rich in protein, iron and anthocyanins, nutritional value is very comprehensive. After the black beans are cleaned, add water and soak for an hour.

After an hour, the black beans were soaked in a swollen bag.

A bunch of tonics are not as good as a few black beans a day, and eat more black beans after autumn, this way of eating is simple and practical

Black beans have green hearts and yellow hearts, and when we all buy black beans, it is best to choose green hearts of black beans.

Filter out the soaked black beans through a strainer and control the moisture.

A bunch of tonics are not as good as a few black beans a day, and eat more black beans after autumn, this way of eating is simple and practical

Then place the black beans in a saucepan. First open a large torch and fry the moisture on the surface of the black beans to dry.

A bunch of tonics are not as good as a few black beans a day, and eat more black beans after autumn, this way of eating is simple and practical

After the water on the surface of the black beans is dried, you can turn the heat down, and use a spatula to stir non-stop to prevent the black beans from being fried black.

As the frying time becomes longer and longer, the volume of black beans will slowly shrink. After about ten minutes of stir-frying, you will hear a crackling sound in the pot and smell a bean aroma.

A bunch of tonics are not as good as a few black beans a day, and eat more black beans after autumn, this way of eating is simple and practical

Like this, the black beans are fried.

After the black beans are sautéed, put them on a plate and cool them thoroughly.

A bunch of tonics are not as good as a few black beans a day, and eat more black beans after autumn, this way of eating is simple and practical

Next, prepare a sealed bottle, the bottle is blanched with boiling water in advance to eliminate the poison, to ensure that the bottle is in a waterless and oilless state. Next, put the cool black beans in the bottle.

A bunch of tonics are not as good as a few black beans a day, and eat more black beans after autumn, this way of eating is simple and practical

Don't put too much at a time, at most 2/3 of the bottle. Leave room for black beans to expand

After putting it away, add the appropriate amount of aged vinegar.

A bunch of tonics are not as good as a few black beans a day, and eat more black beans after autumn, this way of eating is simple and practical

Aged vinegar is not enough for black beans.

Then seal the bottle and refrigerate it for five days. In addition to being appetizing, he has a very good health care effect, which can not only nourish the liver and kidneys, but also nourish the blood and face and anti-aging, black hair, soften blood vessels, eat two spoonfuls a day on it,

A bunch of tonics are not as good as a few black beans a day, and eat more black beans after autumn, this way of eating is simple and practical

Especially middle-aged and elderly friends, you can eat more vinegar soaked black beans, eat two spoonfuls a day, and your body is getting healthier and healthier

Such civilian skin care products we should prepare for the family Oh, today will be shared here, we will see you next issue, bye-bye.

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