
Are peanuts a blood vessel scavenger? Is it good or bad to eat a handful a day? Doctors tell you the answer


In an old apartment in Beijing, Zhang Wei, a 50-year-old middle-aged man, is scrolling through his Moments on his phone. Zhang Wei's recent life seems to revolve around one thing: cardiovascular health. A few months ago, a routine check-up made him aware of his mild high blood pressure and dyslipidemia. Doctors advised him to start paying attention to his diet and exercising, but Zhang Wei was confused about how to improve his diet Xi habits.

Are peanuts a blood vessel scavenger? Is it good or bad to eat a handful a day? Doctors tell you the answer

That day, he saw an article in the circle of friends with a striking title: "Peanuts: the scavenger of blood vessels". The abundant unsaturated fatty acids in peanuts and their benefits for cardiovascular health are described in detail. Zhang Wei's curiosity was piqued, and he decided to try eating a handful of peanuts every day to see if he could improve his health.

Weeks have passed, and Zhang's "handful of peanuts a day" program is in full swing. At first, he was just curious and wanted to verify the authenticity of that Moments article, but it didn't take long for him to start noticing some changes. His blood pressure seemed to be more stable, and he felt more energetic than ever. Whenever he chews on those crunchy peanuts, there is always a sense of satisfaction that he is making a positive contribution to his health.

However, as his interest in peanuts grew, Zhang Zhong also began to hear some less optimistic voices. One of his distant relatives expressed concern at a family gathering, mentioning that the fat content in peanuts could be bad for cardiovascular health, especially for people with heart problems like Mr. Zhang. An old friend of his, a fitness enthusiast, also warned him that excessive intake of peanuts could lead to weight gain, which could increase the burden on his heart.

Are peanuts a blood vessel scavenger? Is it good or bad to eat a handful a day? Doctors tell you the answer

This conflicting information puzzled Zhang Zhong. Who should he trust? Are peanuts really the "patron saint" of his cardiovascular health, or an invisible "health mine"?

Determined to find the answer, Zhang Zhong began to search for information about peanuts and cardiovascular health through the Internet and books. He learned that peanuts are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, a type of fat that is good for the heart and can help lower cholesterol levels. At the same time, peanuts also contain a lot of dietary fiber, antioxidants, and minerals, which are necessary to maintain cardiovascular health.

However, Zhang Zhong also noticed some caveats: although peanuts are good, they should not be eaten in excess. Excessive intake of high-fat foods, even "healthy fats," can adversely affect weight and heart health. In addition, peanuts are relatively high in calories, and eating them without moderation may lead to excess calories.

After Zhang Wei became confused about the benefits and harms of peanuts, he decided to seek professional medical advice. He made an appointment with a senior cardiologist in the hope of getting an answer from a professional point of view.

Are peanuts a blood vessel scavenger? Is it good or bad to eat a handful a day? Doctors tell you the answer

In the doctor's office, Zhang Wei recounted in detail his dietary habits and Xi questions about peanuts. After listening patiently, the doctor began to explain to him the cardiovascular effects of peanuts.

Doctors point out that peanuts are a nutrient-rich food that contains high amounts of unsaturated fatty acids, especially oleic acid, which helps lower bad cholesterol (LDL) levels while increasing good cholesterol (HDL). In addition, peanuts contain antioxidants such as vitamin E and plant sterols, which can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

However, doctors also emphasize the importance of moderation. He explains that although peanuts are good for cardiovascular health, they are also high-calorie foods. Excessive consumption may lead to weight gain, which in turn may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Are peanuts a blood vessel scavenger? Is it good or bad to eat a handful a day? Doctors tell you the answer

Zhang Wei was intrigued and asked doctors for more scientific data on peanuts and cardiovascular health.

Doctors have provided some research data, one of which shows that regular consumption of peanuts in moderation can reduce the risk of heart attack. Studies have also shown that the fiber in peanuts helps control blood sugar levels, which is especially important for people with diabetes, who are at higher risk of cardiovascular disease.

Doctors also point out that the fat in peanuts is mostly "good fat", but that doesn't mean it's okay to eat it in unlimited amounts. He advises Zhang Wei to consume a small handful of unprocessed, unsalted peanuts every day and pay attention to his overall calorie intake.

Finally, the doctor summarized the recommendations for Zhang Wei on peanuts and cardiovascular health. He points out that eating peanuts in moderation can indeed be part of a healthy diet, but the key is to maintain an overall balanced diet.

Are peanuts a blood vessel scavenger? Is it good or bad to eat a handful a day? Doctors tell you the answer

Doctors recommend that in addition to peanuts, Zhang Wei should also eat more vegetables, fruits, whole grains and lean meats, which can provide more comprehensive nutrition and help maintain heart health. At the same time, he also reminded Zhang Wei to pay attention to regular physical exercise and regular physical examinations.

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