
Talent selection and utilization: Zhuge Liang's way of human resource management

author:Talk about history

#三国时期第一谋士是谁? #

Zhuge Liang, also known as Kong Ming, was one of the most outstanding strategists and statesmen of the Shu and Han dynasties in Chinese history. He was hailed as the first strategist of the Three Kingdoms period and won the admiration of countless people for his wisdom, talent, and loyalty. In the process of the establishment and development of Shu Han, Zhuge Liang played an important role.

Talent selection and utilization: Zhuge Liang's way of human resource management

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First of all, Zhuge Liang has excellent wisdom and knowledge. He was brilliant and studious since childhood, and had extensive knowledge of economics, history and culture. He is familiar with the art of war, Confucian classics, and astronomy and geography, and has an in-depth understanding and unique insight into national politics and military strategy. This allows him to quickly analyze problems in complex situations, develop strategies, and make informed decisions at critical moments.

Talent selection and utilization: Zhuge Liang's way of human resource management

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Secondly, Zhuge Liang is good at strategizing and formulating long-term strategic planning. He put forward the "strategy of supporting orphans", that is, entrusting Liu Bei's son Liu Chan to himself to assist to ensure that Liu Bei's mantle can be passed on smoothly. At the same time, he put forward the strategy of "cutting the beard and abandoning the robe", that is, giving up a part of the territory and interests in order to stabilize the interior and concentrate on dealing with external enemies. These strategic decisions showed his forward-thinking vision and thoughtful wisdom, and laid the foundation for the long-term development of Shu Han.

Talent selection and utilization: Zhuge Liang's way of human resource management

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Third, Zhuge Liang pays attention to the selection and use of talents. He sought out talented people through various channels and appointed them to suitable positions. He discovered the potential of Wei Yan, Jiang Wei and others, and trained them to become excellent generals. He also set up famous tactics such as "empty city strategy" and "straw boat borrowing arrows", and skillfully used psychological tactics to confuse and defeat the enemy. Zhuge Liang is good at using human resources, so that the strength of Shu Han has been improved.

Talent selection and utilization: Zhuge Liang's way of human resource management

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In addition, Zhuge Liang paid attention to people's livelihood and implemented a series of policies and measures. He advocated economy and lightening the peasants' burdens, and reformed the tax system, which improved the people's lives. He also built water conservancy, developed agriculture, and increased the country's wealth and military rations. His policies were supported and embraced by the broad masses of the people, and contributed to the stability and prosperity of Shu Han.

Talent selection and utilization: Zhuge Liang's way of human resource management

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To sum up, Zhuge Liang, as the first strategist of the Three Kingdoms period, has outstanding performance in wisdom, strategy, decision-making ability and governing ability. He made important contributions to the establishment and development of Shu Han by formulating long-term strategic planning, focusing on the selection and use of talents, and paying attention to people's livelihood issues. His outstanding talent and loyalty have left an indelible mark on history and become an exemplary figure admired by future generations.

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