
Seeking the roots of the thousand-year-old cultural context and experiencing the great beauty of the salt mountain, our county released tourism resources and launched historical and cultural tours

author:Salt Mountain Express
Seeking the roots of the thousand-year-old cultural context and experiencing the great beauty of the salt mountain, our county released tourism resources and launched historical and cultural tours
Seeking the roots of the thousand-year-old cultural context and experiencing the great beauty of the salt mountain, our county released tourism resources and launched historical and cultural tours

May 19 this year is the 14th "China Tourism Day", and the theme of the event is "Travel in China, Live a Happy Life". On May 18, the 2024 "5.19" China Tourism Day Cangzhou Yanshan Branch was launched, and Liu Yingjie, deputy county magistrate, attended and delivered a speech.

Liu Yingjie pointed out that in recent years, our county has actively promoted the integrated development of cultural tourism, built key projects such as Qiantong Dongdu Ruins Park, Qiantong Cultural Park, and National Flower Peony Garden, created a number of key villages for rural tourism such as Xuetang Village and Hanqiao Village, and held a series of major cultural activities such as the Tourism Development Conference and the Qiantong Cultural Inheritance Conference. In the future, our county will continue to deepen the integration of culture and tourism, enrich the tourism industry, extend the tourism industry chain, expand the influence of "seeking roots in the thousand-year-old context and experiencing the beauty of Yanshan", and strive to make Yanshan tourism a beautiful business card.

At the launching ceremony, the promotional video of Yanshan tourism image was played, the tourism route with the theme of Yanshan history and culture was introduced, and the Yanshan Museum, Qiantong Cultural Center, Qiantong Art Museum, Qiantong Dongdu Ruins Park, Qingyun Taishan Palace, Qingyun Confucian Temple and other scenic spots were connected, which comprehensively demonstrated the rich historical and cultural heritage and profound cultural heritage of Yanshan, fully enhanced the cultural popularity and influence of Yanshan, and called the characteristic tourism brand of "seeking roots for thousands of years and experiencing the great beauty of Yanshan".

The responsible comrades of the relevant departments directly under the county participated in the above activities.

Seeking the roots of the thousand-year-old cultural context and experiencing the great beauty of the salt mountain, our county released tourism resources and launched historical and cultural tours

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