
The roots of the text |" Wang Yangming: Light a heart lamp for you

author:Qianjiang Evening News Hourly News

Qianjiang Evening News Hourly News reporter Chen Suping

In the past 16 years since the implementation of the Zhejiang Cultural Research Project, around the four major research themes of "present, ancient, human, and cultural", the Zhejiang cultural context has been systematically sorted out, the Cultural Genes of Zhejiang have been deeply studied, and a number of academic achievements with major influence have been launched.

In this issue, please pay attention to the achievements of Zhejiang Cultural Research Project- "The True Pulse of Confucianism - The Biography of Wang Shouren" (Qian Ming, Zhejiang People's Publishing House), "Chuan Xi Zhi", "University Questions" Selected Notes (Dong Ping, Zhejiang University), "General History of Zhejiang Confucianism (Ming Dynasty Volume)" (Qian Ming Zhejiang Academy of Social Sciences), Confucian Culture and the Spirit of the Times (Teng Fu et al. Zhejiang Ancient Books Publishing House).

The roots of the text |" Wang Yangming: Light a heart lamp for you

Yuyao Longquan Mountain

Follow the stone steps and climb Longquan Mountain in the center of Yuyao for a panoramic view of the city. Our story begins with a building in the northern foothills of Longquan Mountain, "Ruiyun Building".

More than five hundred years ago, Wang Yangming was born in this building. From here, he walked through a short but legendary life, only 57 years after his life, but founded the "Yang Ming Xinxue", and finally became a great Confucian, leaving infinite wealth to the world in philosophy, politics, military, education, literature and other aspects.

It was mid-autumn, sitting in the Yangming Pavilion surrounded by green trees on Longquan Mountain, the breeze was blowing, and during a moment of meditation, Wang Yangming seemed to be no longer a clay puppet in the ancestral hall, nor was it a mythical name in the annals and legends, he walked out of the smoke cloud of history, sat down in front of him, like a long-lost old friend, and talked to us about his ups and downs.

The roots of the text |" Wang Yangming: Light a heart lamp for you

Young ambitions

Reading is not for the sake of ascending to the throne but for the sake of learning the sages

The so-called strange people have their own different appearances, and Wang Yangming's legendary life began before he was born.

In the "Annals of Mr. Yang Ming" compiled by the Ming Dynasty philosopher Qian Dehong, it is recorded that "Grandmother Cen Mengshen advocated in the clouds, sent her children to teach Cen and Cen Police, and has heard the cry." ”

Legend has it that in 1472 AD, Grandma Cen had a dream, in which the god man stepped on the colored clouds, and xianle sang in unison, handing over a baby to her hand. After waking up from the dream, the daughter-in-law Zheng Shi, who was pregnant for fourteen months, gave birth to a child, that is, Wang Yangming.

The annals also say, "ZuZhu Xuan is different from the public, that is, in the name of the cloud." The townspeople passed on their dreams, referring to the building they were born of, known as the Ruiyun Building. That is, grandfather Wang Lun felt that the child had a great history, named "Wang Yun", and the birthplace was called "Ruiyun Lou".

Who knows, "Son of Heaven" Wang Yun is 5 years old and can't speak, and his family is very anxious. One day, a monk who was passing by looked at it for a long time and said, "Good child, but unfortunately the road is broken." Grandfather Wang Lun then renamed his grandson "Wang Shouren", taking the allusion of the Analects that "if you know what you know, you can't keep it, and although you get it, you will lose it."

To interject here, perhaps some students will ask, is he not called "Wang Yangming"? In fact, Wang Shouren and Wang Yangming were one person, because he had built a room in Yangmingdong, Huiji Mountain, and called himself Yang Mingzi.

Returning to the truth, Wang Yangming moved to Shaoxing with his father Wang Hua when he was a teenager, and when he was 11 years old, his father won the examination and entered Beijing as an official, so he also entered Beijing to study. One day in class, Wang suddenly asked the teacher a question: "What is the first thing in life?" The teacher replied, "Only read the book and climb the ear." Wang Yangming was very dissatisfied: "I am afraid that dengdi is not a first-class thing, or reading and learning the sage's ear." ”

If it doesn't sound, it's already a hit. At a young age, Wang Yangming regarded being a saint as an ideal in life. The saint in his heart was what Zhang Zai, the great Confucian of the Northern Song Dynasty, called "establishing a heart for heaven and earth, establishing a destiny for the people, continuing to learn from the saints, and opening up peace for all the worlds." ”

In order to realize the ideal of "opening up peace for all the worlds", the young Wang Yangming became fascinated by military books and battle strategies, studied daily, and at the age of 15, he also went out alone to live in Yongguan and Shanhaiguan, and spent a month investigating the terrain of border plugs.

Wang Yangming often does not play cards according to common sense. On the wedding night in Nanchang at the age of 17, he wandered to a place called "Iron Pillar Palace" and talked with a meditator inside, but he did not return all night and missed the night of the cave flower candles.

He did a lot of strange things, but he was most interested in being a saint. At that time, the mainstream idea of Song Ming was Cheng Zhu Lixue, and Wang Yangming believed that Zhu Xi's "Ge Wu Zhi Zhi" was the key to becoming a holy enlightenment, so there was the famous "Yang Ming Ge Zhu" incident. He meditated on the bamboo for seven days, hoping to understand the truth of all things on the bamboo, until he fainted when he was exhausted.

Now it seems more like a prank, but it can be seen that at that time, he was diligently seeking the truth in confusion and difficulty, and followed his heart, sparing no effort and no distraction for things that interested him.

The roots of the text |" Wang Yangming: Light a heart lamp for you

Ruiyun Building

Degraded officials enlightened

The heart is reason, the knowledge and action are one, and the conscience is reached

After the two meetings failed, in 1499 AD, the 28-year-old Wang Yangming entered the high school and became the head of the Liupin Army department shortly after entering the career.

At that time, in the official field of the Ming Dynasty, the eunuchs were in charge, the great eunuch Liu Jin was in power, and the hundred officials were silent. Wang Yangming wrote a letter of impeachment against Liu Jin, but was retaliated against, dragged to the noon gate court staff forty, beaten to the flesh and blood, and was thrown into prison.

The Ming Dynasty Jinyi Wei's edict was terrifying, but Wang Yangming carried it down. Prison did not stop his ideological exploration, he deduced "Zhou Yi" in prison, sharpened his heart, and persisted until he was released from prison.

Wang Yangming, who was difficult to die, was demoted to Guizhou Longchangyi as a postmaster, which is equivalent to being demoted from the current Ministry of National Defense to the director of the town guest house. After a journey through the road and dodging interception on the road, he arrived at the Dragon Farm Station. There was no place to stay, so he temporarily lived in the cave, and also named it "Yangming Xiaodongtian", and built a hut next to the cave, named "He Ugly Xuan".

In the Dragon Farm, Wang Yangming still pondered the path of sanctification day and night. In the middle of the night, he suddenly had an epiphany. This experience, there is a simple record in the "Annals of Mr. Wang Yangming": "Suddenly in the middle of the night, the great enlightenment of the purpose of knowledge, if there is a person who speaks in sleep, he does not feel the exhalation, and everyone who follows is shocked." Knowing the way of the saints, I am self-sufficient, and those who seek reason for things are mistaken. ”

This path of Longchang Enlightenment is the Tao that Wang Yangming realized after absorbing the Buddhist idea of "there is no Buddha outside the heart, that is, the mind is a Buddha": "The mind is reason, and there is nothing outside the heart." ”

There is a story in the "Book of Transmissions" that the student pointed to the flower tree in the rock and asked Wang Yangming: "There is no heart outside the world, such a flower tree, which opens and falls in the deep mountains, what is the relevance of my heart?" Wang Yangming replied, "When you do not look at this flower, this flower and your heart return to silence, and when you come to see this flower, the color of this flower will be understood for a while." Then you know that this flower is not outside your heart. ”

After enlightenment, Wang Yangming began to lecture, and there were more and more "fans". Later, Wang Yangming put forward the idea of "unity of knowledge and action". To this day, this view affects us: practice is the only criterion for testing truth.

When he was almost 50 years old, Wang Yangming proposed the doctrine of "to conscience". "There is no indelible person under the heavens", he believes that everyone has a conscience, everyone can be inspired and inspired, and conscience needs to be practiced through "zhi".

Yang Ming mind learning, the first reading can not help but feel obscure, but in layman's terms, it can probably be understood as: everyone hopes that they can become the person they expect, how to do this, you need to work hard to practice, through their own actions to implement the sincerity into life, so as to achieve internal and external consistency, discover the truth.

The roots of the text |" Wang Yangming: Light a heart lamp for you

The bandits were pacified

As a civilian courtier, he was knighted by military merit

There is a gaozan Q&A on Zhihu that goes like this, asking: "How is Wang Yangming's 'unity of knowledge and action' understood?" Answer: "Knowing that you can't do it is equivalent to not knowing." ”

True knowledge and practice, Wang Yangming spent his life to practice "the truth of knowledge is to do, and the clear sense of action is to know." ”

Three years after being demoted, the imperial court appointed Wang Yangming as the governor of Luling County. During his tenure at Luling, the Grand Eunuch Liu Jin fell and Wang Yangming was reinstated. Counting Wang Yangming's achievements, it is impossible to avoid the three outstanding military feats he made: first, in the twelfth year of Zhengde (1517), he patrolled Nangan and quelled the bandit rebellion in southern Jiangxi, southwest Fujian, southeast Hunan, and northern Guangdong; second, in the fourteenth year of Zhengde (1519), he quelled the "Chenhao Rebellion" of King Ning of Nanchang; and third, in the sixth year of Jiajing (1527) he quelled the border rebellion in Sien and Tianzhou in Guangxi.

How good is Wang Yangming's military talent? Almost every time he went on a campaign, he could skillfully use tricks to win more with less. Later, Wang Yangming was given the title of Xinbo and became one of the three civil servants of the Ming Dynasty who were knighted by military merit.

The student once asked Wang Yangming: "Is there any skill in using soldiers?" Wang Yangming replied, "It is a skill to use soldiers, but the knowledge is pure, and it is a skill that cultivates this heart and does not move." Mortal intelligence is not far apart, and victory or defeat is never to be seen in the near future, only between the heartbeat and the immobility. "The human heart is as strong as a rock, even if it is a few, it can be victorious, this is Wang Yangming's concept of mind.

After the quelling of the chaos in Guangxi, Wang Yangming was already ill, and several times he asked the imperial court to return to his hometown to recuperate, but he did not wait for the approval of the imperial court, and he went back. On the morning of January 29, 1529, Wang Yangming died on his way back to his hometown. Before he died, the student asked him what his last words were, but he said, "This heart is bright, and it is also true." ”

The roots of the text |" Wang Yangming: Light a heart lamp for you

Tomb of Wang Yangming

Food is ancient

500 years later, it is still alive in the hot search

"The thunder and thunder, the fierce glory to break the mystery, since Kong Meng, there has not been such a deep understanding of the ming." Diligently seeking the highest realm of the spirit, a lifetime of indoctrination, disciples all over the world, a lifetime of wisdom crystallization, Yang Mingxin learning candles shine in the thousands of autumns. Alone in eternity. For Wang Yangming's life, Huang Zongxi, who was also one of the five great masters of the late Ming and early Qing dynasties in Yuyao, gave such an evaluation.

History is not only a record for mankind to summarize yesterday, but also a guide to grasp today and create tomorrow. For nearly 500 years, Wang Yangming has been living in hot searches and living in people's golden sentences.

Qian Ming, a researcher of the Zhejiang Academy of Social Sciences and vice president of the Wang Yangming Research Institute of The Provincial Academy of Social Sciences, who participated in the Zhejiang Cultural Research Project, said that Yangming Xinxue has positive contemporary significance, and "the unity of knowledge and action" can purify people's ideological world and living world, and when every molecule of a unit and an enterprise has such purity, the overall subjective initiative will be qualitatively improved. At present, China's economic and social development is in an unprecedented period of rise, and by popularizing YangmingXinxue to "cure the heart", it can help purify the "mercenary" values born of impetuosity among the people.

The roots of the text |" Wang Yangming: Light a heart lamp for you

Archaeological site of Wang Yangming's former residence site

Wang Yangming knowledge map card

Wang Shouren (王守仁) (31 October 1472 – 9 January 1529), real name Wang Yun (王云), courtesy name Bo'an (字伯安), was a native of Yuyao, Zhejiang, of Han ethnicity. Outstanding thinker, writer, military and educator of the Ming Dynasty.

In the textbook: The Third Lesson of the Compulsory High School History Compulsory High School "Song Ming Science" has the knowledge points of Wang Yangming's heart.

He was in Zhejiang: Zhejiang is the place where Wang Yangming was born and preached in his later years, from Ruiyunlou to Yangmingdong, and finally buried in Lanting, Wang Yangming's footprints throughout the province, the ruins are most concentrated in Yuyao, Shaoxing and other places.

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Source: Original text

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