
Musk: The United States is short of chips now, a year later there will be a shortage of transformers, and two years later there will be a shortage of electricity

author:Joke 1


Outpost of the energy crisis: the suspense of the transformer shortage

Energy issues have become a hot topic around the world, especially in the United States, where the topic has sparked widespread discussion and attention. Tesla CEO Elon Musk recently made an interesting prediction in an interview: the United States is currently facing a chip shortage, and in the near future, transformer and power shortages will be an even more serious challenge. This prediction not only caused public shock, but also prompted people to think deeply about the possibility of a future power crisis.

Musk: The United States is short of chips now, a year later there will be a shortage of transformers, and two years later there will be a shortage of electricity

Aging power grids: hidden risks

The U.S. power grid began decades ago, and today much of its grid access and transmission and distribution facilities are showing signs of aging. According to statistics, more than 70% of grid facilities are in use for 30 to 40 years, far exceeding their designed service life of 25 years. The aging of the power grid not only affects the stability of the power supply, but also forces the power system to face the urgent need for replacement and upgrading.

Musk: The United States is short of chips now, a year later there will be a shortage of transformers, and two years later there will be a shortage of electricity

Under the dual pressures of an aging power grid and the energy transition, the demand for transformers in the United States has risen sharply. The shortage of transformers, which are the core of the power grid, has become a key factor restricting the expansion of the power grid. The average delivery time of transformers has been extended to more than a year, and prices have risen fourfold, according to a report by the U.S. Economic Council.

Lack of raw materials: a bottleneck in manufacturing

One of the main reasons for the transformer shortage is the lack of supply of the core raw material, oriented silicon steel (GOES). Although the U.S. is trying to scale up local GOES production, production is still not enough to meet the growing demand. In addition, the U.S. tariff policy on China's imported transformer products has also exacerbated this shortage.

Musk: The United States is short of chips now, a year later there will be a shortage of transformers, and two years later there will be a shortage of electricity

At the same time, China is playing an increasingly important role in the global power transformer market. China is not only the country with the largest number of patent applications for power transformers in the world, but also one of the main suppliers to the United States. According to the General Administration of Customs, China's power transformer exports are expanding, with the United States becoming its second-largest export market.

Facing the crisis: a response

Musk's prophecy points to an urgent problem: a power crisis may be imminent. To this end, the U.S. government and businesses need to take multiple measures to respond. This includes greater investment in power infrastructure, making the grid more resilient, strengthening support for renewable energy, and improving energy efficiency.

Musk: The United States is short of chips now, a year later there will be a shortage of transformers, and two years later there will be a shortage of electricity

While dealing with the power crisis, the United States is undergoing an energy transition. The government is actively promoting the transition from traditional fossil energy to clean energy. The development of renewable energy, such as solar and wind power, is gradually becoming an important part of the energy mix in the United States. This transformation aims to combat climate change while reducing reliance on obsolete grid facilities.

Technological innovation: the rise of the AI industry

In 2023, the rapid development of the AI industry has brought new challenges and opportunities to data center construction. Sreedhar Sistu, vice president of AI products at Schneider Electric, pointed out that the energy demand for the AI industry is growing rapidly and is expected to reach 13.5GW to 20GW by 2028. Against this backdrop, the need for an efficient and stable power supply has become even more urgent.

Musk: The United States is short of chips now, a year later there will be a shortage of transformers, and two years later there will be a shortage of electricity

In the context of globalization, the energy problem of the United States no longer exists in isolation. In the face of a potential power crisis, international cooperation is particularly important. By working together to promote energy transition and technological innovation, countries can help ensure energy security and sustainable development on a global scale.

Stability of power supply: a core issue

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), the U.S. faced power supply crunching more than one-sixth of the time in 2020. With the increasing reliance on electricity, especially during the pandemic, when the demand for working from home and entertainment surged, the stability of the power supply became an important issue.

Musk: The United States is short of chips now, a year later there will be a shortage of transformers, and two years later there will be a shortage of electricity

The global chip shortage has not only affected automotive manufacturing and consumer electronics, but has also exposed the fragility of global supply chains. This issue is closely linked to the power crisis and reflects the challenges facing global energy supply and technological development.

Focus on the future: Working together for energy security

Musk's prophecy reminds us that the power crisis is a global problem that cannot be ignored. To face this challenge, we need to work together to ensure energy security and sustainable development from governments, businesses and individuals. At the same time, we look forward to more scientific and technological innovation and international cooperation to provide support for solving the power crisis.

This is not just a problem for the United States, but a global one. Solving this problem requires us to work together to ensure global energy security and sustainable development through scientific and technological innovation and international cooperation. Now, we invite you to share your thoughts and perspectives on this critical topic. How do you think energy security and power supply should be solved in the future?

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