
General Knowledge of Chinese Literature and History Lesson Section 104 ▏ Liang Qichao leads the new style

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General Knowledge of Chinese Literature and History Lesson Section 104 ▏ Liang Qichao leads the new style

Liang Qichao's Revolution in the Three Realms

Liang Qichao (February 23, 1873 – January 19, 1929), also known as ZhuoRu, Renfu, Rengong, also known as the owner of the ice drinking room, drinking ice, etc., was born in The Village of Chakeng in Xinhui, Guangdong. Modern Chinese thinker, politician, educator, historian, and writer. He is one of the leaders of the Wushu Reform Law, a representative figure of the modern Chinese reform school and the new legalists.

At the age of 17, he studied under Kang Youwei, and together with Kang Youwei and others, jointly launched the "Book on the Bus" and the "Wushu Reform Law", and went into exile in Japan after the failure of the "Wushu Reform Law", returned to Japan after 14 years of exile in 1912, and ended his political career in 1917. He advocated the New Culture Movement, supported the May Fourth Movement, and was a theoretical advocate of the revolutionary movement in modern literature.

Liang Qichao is recognized as an outstanding scholar of the late Qing Dynasty, an encyclopedic figure in Chinese history, and one of the few who can still make great achievements in academic research after retiring from the political arena. Before the Xinhai Revolution, he invented a new style of writing in the debate with the revolutionaries, between the ancient and vernacular languages, which was accepted by the scholars and ordinary people.

At the same time, Liang Qichao was also the first person in China to use the word "Chinese nation" in his articles, and he also absorbed a lot of new words from Japanese Characters, "economy", "organization", "cadre", etc., all of which began with Mr. Liang Qichao.

Cheers for the "Chinese Teenagers" drum

The essay written by Liang Qichao (1873-1929) at the end of the Qing Dynasty, written in 1900 after the failure of the Penghu Reform Law, vigorously praised the youthful vigor and vigor, pointed out that China under feudal rule was the "old empire", and eagerly hoped that "young China" would appear and invigorate the spirit of the people.

The article is informal, uses metaphors, and is strongly encouraging. With a strong enterprising spirit, it pins on the author's love and expectation for young China.

"Young China Says" is one of Liang Qichao's masterpieces, and it is a famous article published in the Qinghui Bao at that time. Standing on the stand of the bourgeois reformists, the author sharply contrasts the feudal ancient China with the youthful China in his mind, strongly praises the spirit of the young man's courage to reform, encourages people to shoulder the heavy responsibility of building a young China, and expresses the desire and positive enterprising spirit of the motherland to become prosperous and strong.

It is recognized as the most ideologically positive and emotionally intense chapter in Liang Qichao's works, and the author himself regards it as his representative work of "a new body of open articles and a dark tide that stimulates the people".

General Knowledge of Chinese Literature and History Lesson Section 104 ▏ Liang Qichao leads the new style

Whitewater advocates life

Lin Baishui (January 17, 1874 – August 6, 1926), originally known as Lin Wanli, also known as Lin Wanli, zi Shaoquan, Xuanfan, retired scholar, vernacular Taoist, Han ethnicity, Fujian Minhou (now Fuzhou) Qingpu village people.

There are columns such as discussion, news, industry, and introduction to civilization. It is characterized by the vernacular and is aimed at the masses at the bottom of society, including those who cultivate fields, do crafts, do business, and become soldiers. It explicitly propagated anti-imperialist patriotism, opposed "peaceful" reforms, advocated assassination and fullness, called on workers and peasants to "form a big party", overthrow the Qing Dynasty by revolutionary means, and "establish an independent republican government".

In addition to Lin Baishui, Liu Shipei is also the main writer. The purpose of the content is to "advocate patriotism and salvation". It contains articles such as "Huang Lizhou", "The Disaster of the King", and "Ten Diaries of Yangzhou in Vernacular", exposing the crimes of aggression committed by the great powers and the dark rule of the Qing government, and arousing the people's enthusiasm for anti-Qing revolution. Promote vernacular language. The articles published are easy to understand, vivid and vivid, and are well received by readers. It was the longest-lasting and most influential of the vernacular publications published at that time.

Liu Yazi with the poem "Beg Yuan"

Liu Yazi (1887-1958), a native of Lili Town, Wujiang District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, was born in the south middle section of Gangshang Ganggang in Dasheng Village. Founded and presided over the South Society. He was the secretary of Sun Yat-sen's Presidential Office, a member of the Central Supervision Commission of the Chinese Kuomintang, and the director of the Shanghai Tongzhi Museum.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he engaged in anti-Japanese democratic activities with Soong Ching Ling and He Xiangning, and served as a standing committee member of the Central Committee of the Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang and chairman of the Supervision Commission, a standing director of the Central Committee of the Three People's Socialist Comrades Federation, and an executive member of the Central Committee of the China Democratic League. In 1949, he attended the first plenary session of the Chinese Political Consultative Conference. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Liu Yazi successively served as a member of the Central People's Government and a member of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.

General Knowledge of Chinese Literature and History Lesson Section 104 ▏ Liang Qichao leads the new style

"Lonely Anger" (Liu Yazi) (fragment)

How can a monkey be an emperor, and even a rotten rat can take advantage of the time.

Xiao Lai suddenly dreamed of the death of Qin, and swore an oath in the sound of the Northern Expedition.

There are several allusions to this:

When Xiang Yu was proclaimed emperor at the end of Qin, some people scolded him as "Mu Monkey and Crown", which means that macaques wear hats, and it doesn't look like it anymore! The irony here is Yuan Shikai.

"Rotten Rat Multiplier" quotes "Zhuangzi" allusion to scold those who cheered for Yuan. The last two sentences of the poem say: "Last night I dreamed that the Northern Expeditionary Army was swearing to go north, and this modern Qin Shi Huang was about to finish." Not long after the poem was published, Yuan Shikai collapsed.

General Knowledge of Chinese Literature and History Lesson Section 104 ▏ Liang Qichao leads the new style


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