
The junior high school student was violently attacked by 5 classmates, and his father copied an iron rod: I will educate you well for your father

author:A Tao Xi Club

Xiao Wang, a junior high school student, was subjected to school violence, and his father was indignant

Xiao Wang is an introverted and excellent Xi junior high school student. He likes to study books and always walks home alone and silently after school. Xiao Wang's shy and nerdy personality often attracted ridicule and bullying from several bad classmates.

One day after school, Xiao Wang went home alone, but was blocked in the alley by several bad classmates. Those people added their fists and feet, and Xiao Wang was beaten to a blue nose and swollen face.

The junior high school student was violently attacked by 5 classmates, and his father copied an iron rod: I will educate you well for your father

Xiao Wang fell to the ground in pain, holding his head in his hands, and did not dare to move. The delinquent teenagers saw that Xiao Wang had no power to fight back, so they laughed and left.

Xiao Wang didn't get up until those people were far away, and limped home. When his father, Lao Wang, saw Xiao Wang's scarred appearance, he was so excited that he couldn't speak.

Lao Wang, who has always been silent, is so angry for the first time.

Lao Wang is determined to stand up for Xiao Wang and let those bad teenagers who bully children get the punishment they deserve. He can't let Xiao Wang think that there is no fairness and justice in this world, and he can't let Xiao Wang lose himself in the violence of the jungle.

The junior high school student was violently attacked by 5 classmates, and his father copied an iron rod: I will educate you well for your father

Lao Wang went to the school to theorize and was dealt with by the school

The next day, Lao Wang took a half-day off and came to school with Xiao Wang, who was still trembling. Lao Wang found the homeroom teacher, Mr. Li, described the experience of Xiao Wang being violently bullied, and asked for severe punishment of those bad students.

But Mr. Li's reaction disappointed Lao Wang. Teacher Li just said a few perfunctory words like "will strengthen the discipline of students" and left in a hurry.

Lao Wang could see that Mr. Li didn't really want to get involved in the investigation, he just wanted to get by.

Wang then went to the principal and the dean of education to report the matter, but the school's reaction was equally understated. They just asked Xiao Wang to "let go of the baggage in his heart" and not to be "overly sensitive".

The junior high school student was violently attacked by 5 classmates, and his father copied an iron rod: I will educate you well for your father

Lao Wang angrily said that this was obviously a campus violence incident, but it was lightly dealt with by the school, but the school was still unmoved.

Faced with the indifference of the school, Lao Wang was completely angry. He clenched Xiao Wang's thin hand, determined to get justice for him. Since the school refuses to come forward to punish the thugs who bully the children, he can only take matters into his own hands.

Lao Wang beat the perpetrator with an iron rod and was stopped

Lao Wang took Xiao Wang and drove to an unfinished building where those bad teenagers often gathered. Lao Wang prepared a strong iron rod in advance, and he wanted to "educate" these violent elements who bully the weak and fear the hard.

Lao Wang came to the warehouse gathering place of those delinquent teenagers with familiarity. Sure enough, the few people who bullied Xiao Wang before are here. Lao Wang strode into the warehouse, and when those people saw that it was Xiao Wang's father, they were all a little hairy, but they still came to stop them with a hard mouth.

The junior high school student was violently attacked by 5 classmates, and his father copied an iron rod: I will educate you well for your father

Lao Wang was not afraid at all, picked up the iron rod in his hand and struck at those people. The men rolled and crawled to dodge the first blow, and the warehouse was suddenly in chaos.

At this moment, nearby residents heard the fighting and called the police. So the delinquent teenagers successfully escaped the scene.

Soon, the patrol arrived and stopped Lao Wang's actions. Although Lao Wang failed to really hit those delinquent teenagers, this "education action" has spread all over the local campus.

The fate of bullying classmates makes all the bad teenagers vigilant. To some extent, Lao Wang's righteous act did help the cowardly little Wang re-establish his dignity.

The junior high school student was violently attacked by 5 classmates, and his father copied an iron rod: I will educate you well for your father

Lao Wang was criticized but had no intention of repenting

Lao Wang's excesses have been criticized by many. The school believes that he has disturbed the peace of the campus, and the police have also criticized him for beating people without permission. Even Xiao Wang's mother believes that Lao Wang should not fight violence with violence.

But in Xiao Wang's heart, his father's righteous act made him feel a sense of security that he had not felt for a long time. Although his father's iron rod did not hit anyone, he had already made himself see the power of justice.

Xiao Wang will no longer think that there is only the law of the jungle in this world.

His father, Lao Wang, did not regret that he had beaten people illegally. He said that it is the duty of any parent to protect their children, and he has done nothing wrong. As long as Xiao Wang can grow up in warmth, he will not hesitate to go to prison.

The junior high school student was violently attacked by 5 classmates, and his father copied an iron rod: I will educate you well for your father

Lao Wang's behavior was indeed excessive, but it ignited a warmth that had not been seen in this father-son relationship for a long time. It also allows everyone in the process to reflect on what "justice" is.

In this regard, Lao Wang's righteous act is not meaningless.

The problem of school violence has aroused social concern

This incident of beating the father has aroused widespread concern from all walks of life about the problem of school violence. Schools are being asked to improve prevention mechanisms and strengthen discipline for high-risk students to prevent the recurrence of such incidents.

In the wake of the incident, the Ministry of Education has stepped up its punishment for school violence. Once bullying is discovered, it is important to quickly intervene in the investigation, severely punish the perpetrators, and provide psychological counseling to the victims.

The junior high school student was violently attacked by 5 classmates, and his father copied an iron rod: I will educate you well for your father

Parents can no longer be prevaricated under all kinds of excuses.

Public opinion has also called on parents and schools to work together to create a safe, warm and loving environment for growth. Violence must not be allowed to flourish, and children must not be allowed to grow Xi in fear.

In this case, there is room for everyone to reflect. Parents should be rational, schools should be responsible, children should be united, and the law should be fair. Only when each role has its own role can the campus stay away from the shadows and cultivate the seedlings of sunshine.

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