
The husband eloped with the nanny for many years, and the wife swallowed her anger, but unexpectedly, all 9 properties fell into the name of the nanny

author:Geyan emotion

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My name is Li Jing, an ordinary housewife, I once thought I had an ordinary but happy life. My husband's name is Zhao Liang, we have been married for ten years and we are raising a seven-year-old son together. Just when I thought the days would go on like this, everything changed.

The husband eloped with the nanny for many years, and the wife swallowed her anger, but unexpectedly, all 9 properties fell into the name of the nanny

That day, I was busy in the kitchen as usual, preparing dinner. Zhao Liang was talking to the nanny Xiaomei in the living room, his voice low but faintly nervous. I didn't pay much attention to it, after all, Xiaomei has been working in our family for two years and is a diligent and sensible girl.

"Quietly, I have something to go out after dinner. Zhao Liang came in suddenly, his voice a little hurried.

I nodded and didn't ask more. But after dinner, Zhao Liang didn't come back as usual. I started to feel uneasy, and the phone calls went unanswered.

The husband eloped with the nanny for many years, and the wife swallowed her anger, but unexpectedly, all 9 properties fell into the name of the nanny

The next day, Zhao Liang still didn't come back. I rushed to contact his friends and colleagues, but no one knew his whereabouts. Until the evening, Xiaomei stood in front of me, her eyes flickering.

"Sister Li, I'...... I have something I might want to tell you. Xiaomei's voice trembled.

My heart sank, and I had a premonition that something bad was going to happen. "Tell me, Xiaomei, what the hell happened?"

The husband eloped with the nanny for many years, and the wife swallowed her anger, but unexpectedly, all 9 properties fell into the name of the nanny

Xiaomei took a deep breath and finally confided the truth. "Mr. Zhao...... He took me with him. He said he wouldn't come back. ”

I instantly felt the world spin and looked at Xiaomei in disbelief. "You...... You ......"

Mei's tears began to fall. "I know it's wrong, Sister Li, I really don't know what to do. ”

The husband eloped with the nanny for many years, and the wife swallowed her anger, but unexpectedly, all 9 properties fell into the name of the nanny

My heart felt like it had been cut by a cold knife, and I couldn't breathe in pain. But what shocked me even more was that in the next few days, I found out that my family's financial accounts had been changed, and even the 9 properties in our name had been mysteriously transferred to Xiaomei's name.

I found a lawyer and wanted to get everything back to me. The lawyer looked at the documents and frowned. "Ms. Li, these documents seem to be legal and valid, and your husband seems to have made a lot of preparations in advance. ”

I felt hopeless, but I knew I couldn't just give up.

The husband eloped with the nanny for many years, and the wife swallowed her anger, but unexpectedly, all 9 properties fell into the name of the nanny

That's when my friend Xiaoling found me. "Quietly, you have to cheer up. Zhao Liang treats you like this, you can't just admit defeat. ”

Xiaoling's words warmed my heart a little. I decided that, no matter what, I was going to get justice for myself and my son.

I began to investigate Zhao Liang and Xiaomei's past, trying to find some clues. In the process, I unexpectedly discovered a secret of Zhao Liang - he actually had an unusual relationship with his high school classmate Wang Lei.

The husband eloped with the nanny for many years, and the wife swallowed her anger, but unexpectedly, all 9 properties fell into the name of the nanny

Wang Lei, a name I almost forgot, Zhao Liang's high school classmate, is said to have gone on to become a successful entrepreneur. I decided to ask Wang Lei to find out the situation.

At Wang Lei's company, I met his assistant, a young woman

Shi, named Zhang Wei. Zhang Wei was a little wary of my sudden appearance at first, but after I explained what I was supposed to do, she seemed a little surprised.

The husband eloped with the nanny for many years, and the wife swallowed her anger, but unexpectedly, all 9 properties fell into the name of the nanny

"Ms. Li, Mr. Wang and Mr. Zhao did have contact, but I don't know much about what happened between them. Zhang Wei said, with a complicated expression on her face.

I insisted on seeing Wang Lei, and in the end, Zhang Wei agreed to my request.

Wang Lei's office is spacious and bright, and he sits there, looking quite calm. I told him about Zhao Liang and Xiaomei directly.

The husband eloped with the nanny for many years, and the wife swallowed her anger, but unexpectedly, all 9 properties fell into the name of the nanny

Wang Lei was silent for a moment after hearing this, and then said, "Zhao Liang, I know him, but we are not close. He came to me mainly to talk about some investments. As for his private life, I don't know much about it. ”

I felt a little disappointed, but before leaving, Wang Lei suddenly said, "Wait a minute, Ms. Li. I remember Zhao Liang once mentioned a person who may be helpful to you. ”

He told me about a woman named Liu Cui, who was said to be a key contact for Zhao Liang and Xiaomei.

The husband eloped with the nanny for many years, and the wife swallowed her anger, but unexpectedly, all 9 properties fell into the name of the nanny

With this clue, I set out to find Liu Cui. After a lot of twists and turns, I found her address. Liu Cui is a middle-aged woman who looks ordinary and kind. Her reaction surprised me, and when I mentioned Zhao Liang, her expression suddenly became complicated.

"Ms. Li, I don't want to get involved in these things. Liu Cui's voice was hesitant.

I insisted that she tell me the truth. "Aunt Liu Cui, I just want to know the truth of the matter, for the sake of my son. ”

The husband eloped with the nanny for many years, and the wife swallowed her anger, but unexpectedly, all 9 properties fell into the name of the nanny

Finally, Liu Cui was relieved, and she told me that the relationship between Zhao Liang and Xiaomei was far more complicated than I knew. They had already planned everything, including the transfer of the property.

I was shocked and couldn't believe it was all premeditated.

"Do you know where they are now?" I asked eagerly.

The husband eloped with the nanny for many years, and the wife swallowed her anger, but unexpectedly, all 9 properties fell into the name of the nanny

Liu Cui shook her head. "I really don't know, they haven't contacted me since they left. ”

I was disappointed, but at least now I know some of the truth.

On the way home, I met my old neighbor, Aunt Wang. "Li Jing, how are you doing?" I heard that your husband ......," Aunt Wang asked with concern.

The husband eloped with the nanny for many years, and the wife swallowed her anger, but unexpectedly, all 9 properties fell into the name of the nanny

I replied with a smile, trying to look strong. "Aunt Wang, I'm fine. I'll take care of everything. ”

Aunt Wang sighed, "If there is anything you need help with, just say it." ”

I nodded gratefully. When I got home, I looked at the wedding photos of me and Zhao Liang, and I had mixed feelings. I decided, no matter what, that I would find Zhao Liang and Xiaomei and hold them accountable for their actions.

The husband eloped with the nanny for many years, and the wife swallowed her anger, but unexpectedly, all 9 properties fell into the name of the nanny

Just then, my phone rang, it was an unfamiliar number. After I connected, a familiar voice came from the other end of the phone - it was Zhao Liang.

"Quietly, it's me ......" his voice sounded a little shaky.

I clutched my phone and took a deep breath

The husband eloped with the nanny for many years, and the wife swallowed her anger, but unexpectedly, all 9 properties fell into the name of the nanny

tone, trying to make your voice sound calm. "Zhao Liang, why are you calling me now? Where are you?"

Zhao Liang's voice sounded a little hesitant, "I...... I can't tell you where I am right now. I just wanted to say, I'm sorry, I did a lot of wrong things. ”

I bit my lip and fought back the anger in my heart. "Your excuse me, can't change anything. Our house, son, haven't you even thought about it?"

The husband eloped with the nanny for many years, and the wife swallowed her anger, but unexpectedly, all 9 properties fell into the name of the nanny

Zhao Liang was silent for a while, and then said, "I know I owe you too much, but now ...... There's no turning back. ”

The phone was cut off suddenly, leaving me standing there, full of questions and anger.

The next day, I received a call from my lawyer, who told me that there was a new development. Although Zhao Liang transferred the property to Xiaomei's name, there were big legal loopholes in the way he operated. This gives me a glimmer of hope.

The husband eloped with the nanny for many years, and the wife swallowed her anger, but unexpectedly, all 9 properties fell into the name of the nanny

I immediately met with the lawyer and discussed the next legal process in detail. Lawyers say that while the process can be complicated and lengthy, the chances of winning the case are high.

Over the next few days, I began to sort through all the financial records and correspondence with Zhao Liang for submission to the court as evidence. In the process, I discovered an unexpected message. It turned out that before Zhao Liang left, he had remitted a large sum of money to a person named Li Qiang.

I decided to go to Li Qiang to find out the situation. Through some investigation, I found out that Li Qiang is a business partner of Zhao Liang, but I don't know exactly what kind of business he is.

The husband eloped with the nanny for many years, and the wife swallowed her anger, but unexpectedly, all 9 properties fell into the name of the nanny

I found Li Qiang's company, but his attitude was very perfunctory, just telling me that the money was Zhao Liang's investment in one of his projects.

I was disappointed, but just as I was about to leave, one of Li Qiang's employees secretly handed me a note. The note had an address and a time written on it.

I followed the address on the note to a remote café. There, I met the employee, who identified himself as Zhang Wei.

The husband eloped with the nanny for many years, and the wife swallowed her anger, but unexpectedly, all 9 properties fell into the name of the nanny

"Ms. Li, I know you're looking for news about your husband. Zhang Wei whispered, "I can tell you something, but you have to promise not to reveal my identity." ”

I nodded in agreement. Zhang Wei told me that Li Qiang and Zhao Liang had actually partnered to do some illegal business, and that money was part of Zhao Liang's transfer of assets in order to evade legal sanctions.

I was shocked when I heard this, I didn't expect Zhao Liang to be involved in illegal activities. "Then do you know where Zhao Liang is now?" I asked eagerly.

The husband eloped with the nanny for many years, and the wife swallowed her anger, but unexpectedly, all 9 properties fell into the name of the nanny

Zhang Wei shook his head. "I don't know his whereabouts, but I've heard that they plan to go abroad. ”

I felt a pang of despair. If Zhao Liang really left the country, it would be even more difficult to find him.

I came home full of contradictions and insecurity. How do I tell my son about his father, how do I deal with all this chaos?

The husband eloped with the nanny for many years, and the wife swallowed her anger, but unexpectedly, all 9 properties fell into the name of the nanny

That's when I received a quick one

Deliver the package. When I opened it, I saw a pile of documents and a letter inside. The letter was written by Zhao Liang, in which he admitted all his mistakes and explained why he made such a choice. Zhao Liang said he was mired in huge debts and legal problems, and he thought the only way out was to run away from everything.

At the end of the letter, he told me some key information about the transfer of property, as well as clues about some of the funds he had hidden. He said he hoped that this would help me and my son, and that it would be a little compensation for him.

The husband eloped with the nanny for many years, and the wife swallowed her anger, but unexpectedly, all 9 properties fell into the name of the nanny

After reading the letter, I felt a wave of confusion and anger. Zhao Liang's actions were undoubtedly selfish and betrayal, but the information he provided was crucial to me.

I immediately contacted the lawyer to provide him with this new information. The lawyer stated that this information was very helpful to the case and that we could use them to strengthen our litigation.

In the days that followed, I invested a lot of time and energy into dealing with this legal action. In court, I firmly stated Zhao Liang's wrongdoing and his betrayal of his family. The evidence I provided was sufficient to prove that Zhao Liang's actions were premeditated and to expose his collusion with Xiaomei.

The husband eloped with the nanny for many years, and the wife swallowed her anger, but unexpectedly, all 9 properties fell into the name of the nanny

The trial of the case was long and difficult, but in the end the court handed down its verdict. The verdict declared Zhao Liang's property transfer null and void, and all the property and some of the hidden funds were returned to me.

Although the victory gave me some comfort, my heart was still heavy. Behind it all, I lost a husband I once loved, and my son lost his father.

In the months following the case, I struggled to get my life back on track. I began to re-plan my future and that of my son. At the same time, with the help of a counselor, I slowly came out of the shadows of the past.

The husband eloped with the nanny for many years, and the wife swallowed her anger, but unexpectedly, all 9 properties fell into the name of the nanny

Just as I was beginning to Xi the life of a single mother, my good friend Xiaoling made a suggestion. She said that maybe I could use my experience to write a book, not only as a release for my own emotions, but also to help those who have been through similar difficulties.

I was drawn to the idea. I started documenting what was happening, how I felt, what I struggled and how I was growing. Writing became a way for me to heal myself and for me to rediscover purpose and meaning in life.

My book was eventually published and received a lot of attention from readers. Many people have written to me, sharing their stories, telling me that my book has given them courage and hope.

The husband eloped with the nanny for many years, and the wife swallowed her anger, but unexpectedly, all 9 properties fell into the name of the nanny

In the process, I also gradually learned to forgive. Forgiveness is not for Zhao Liang, but for myself, so that I can let go of the past and face the future bravely.

Although my life is no longer as calm and waveless as it used to be, I have learned to stand firm in the wind and rain and walk my own path bravely. All these experiences have made me stronger and more independent.

Now, when I look out the window at the sky, I know no matter what

The husband eloped with the nanny for many years, and the wife swallowed her anger, but unexpectedly, all 9 properties fell into the name of the nanny

No matter how unknowable it is, I have the ability to face it.

One weekend after the book was published, I organized a small readers' meeting. It was a sunny afternoon, and I was sitting in the corner of the café with my book in front of me. Not many people came, but everyone brought their own stories and emotions with them.

One of the readers is a middle-aged woman named Zhou Wei. Zhou Wei had tears in her eyes when she talked to me: "Li Jing, your book gave me courage. My husband also cheated on me, and I never knew what to do. But after reading your story, I feel like I can also be brave enough to come out. ”

The husband eloped with the nanny for many years, and the wife swallowed her anger, but unexpectedly, all 9 properties fell into the name of the nanny

Listening to Zhou Wei's words, I felt an indescribable touch. My experience and hard work can bring hope to others, which makes me feel that all the hardships and efforts are worth it.

In the time that followed, I began to participate in public welfare activities to help women who were victims of domestic violence and betrayal. I share my experience and provide psychological support to help them regain their confidence and courage in life.

In the process, I met a lot of different people, and I was deeply moved by their stories and experiences. I have come to realize that everyone's life is full of challenges, but with courage and determination, it is always possible to overcome them.

The husband eloped with the nanny for many years, and the wife swallowed her anger, but unexpectedly, all 9 properties fell into the name of the nanny

I also started to rethink my life. During this time, my son has grown a lot and become a smart, independent child. Watching him grow up healthy and happy, I feel like the happiest person in the world.

However, just as I was gradually adapting to this new rhythm of life, Zhao Liang appeared again. He suddenly appeared at my bookstore book signing with guilt and remorse on his face.

"Quietly, I'm back. Zhao Liang's voice was low, and his eyes revealed pleading.

The husband eloped with the nanny for many years, and the wife swallowed her anger, but unexpectedly, all 9 properties fell into the name of the nanny

I looked at the person I once loved in front of me, and my heart was mixed. But after all this, I knew I wasn't going back to the past.

"Zhao Liang, you're late. I said calmly, "My son and I are Xi to life without you." ”

Zhao Liang looked shocked, he didn't seem to expect me to respond like this. "Quietly, I'...... I really regret it, and there is anything I can do to make amends. ”

The husband eloped with the nanny for many years, and the wife swallowed her anger, but unexpectedly, all 9 properties fell into the name of the nanny

I took a deep breath, "Zhao Liang, your return can't make up for the damage done in the past." I've let go of everything and started a new life. You should do the same. ”

Zhao Liang finally left, his eyes full of disappointment and helplessness. I know this is the last conversation between us.

That night, I lay in bed, thinking about my life's journey. I experienced betrayal, pain, struggle, but eventually I found my own strength and direction. I know that no matter what challenges lie ahead, I will have the courage to do so

The husband eloped with the nanny for many years, and the wife swallowed her anger, but unexpectedly, all 9 properties fell into the name of the nanny

The content is purely a story, this article contains fictional creation, this article is only published in the headlines, and those who carry and reprint the misappropriation must be investigated!

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