
A wormwood hammer "hammers" a new way of healthy life

author:Cold European love headlines

Recently, my neighborhood committee held a super fun handmade activity - DIY wormwood hammer. It's a little blessing that makes people feel warm and creative in an instant, and I can't help but share this touching moment with you.

First of all, let's understand the background of this event. The community neighborhood committee organized a DIY wormwood hammer activity, with the purpose of enriching the daily life of the elderly, improving everyone's hands-on and brain skills, and promoting communication and exchanges among community residents. So, let me tell you this story, and I hope you will be warmed by this little activity.

A wormwood hammer "hammers" a new way of healthy life

The event was held in the activity room of the neighborhood committee, which was decorated with warm and fun by the enthusiastic staff. The staff of Xin Kangning organization prepared a variety of materials for making DIY wormwood hammers, including coarse cloth, wormwood bales, hammer handles, cotton ropes and so on. The whole event was filled with the atmosphere of traditional Chinese medicine health preservation, as if stepping into a small world of traditional health preservation.

It is understood that the made wormwood hammer can not only exude the medicinal fragrance of wormwood, but also calm the nerves, calm the nerves, help sleep, repel mosquitoes and insects. It's reminiscent of when we were children, when parents would often use wormwood hammers to take care of us. Now, the neighborhood committee has brought this traditional way of health care back into our lives.

What's more interesting is that the on-site staff not only demonstrated the production method for everyone, but also explained the efficacy and function of the wormwood hammer and demonstrated how to make it for everyone. The grandfathers and grandmothers listened with relish, picked up the tools in their hands, and were eager to try. And the children were even more excited, seeing the pile of colorful materials, as if entering a world full of fairy tales.

A wormwood hammer "hammers" a new way of healthy life

In this event, I saw that people of all ages can find their own fun in this simple and fun handicraft. Through this activity, the elderly not only learned the skills of making wormwood hammers, but also evoked fond memories of the past. In the process of production, the children not only exercised their hands-on ability, but also learned the knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine health preservation.

On the sidelines of the event, I chatted with an old lady for a while. She shared her experience of using a wormwood hammer to care for her when she was a child. Although the living conditions at that time were difficult, every family had some traditional health regimens. Now the community engages in such activities, which can not only inherit traditional Chinese culture, but also allow everyone to learn some practical skills in a relaxed atmosphere.

This event is not only a handicraft, but also a platform for interaction between community residents. In the hands-on process, people not only enhance their understanding of traditional culture, but also shorten the distance between community residents. Grandparents and grandmothers are sharing memories of wormwood hammers, children are exchanging experiences about how to make them, and everyone has established a deeper connection in this small but warm community.

A wormwood hammer "hammers" a new way of healthy life

This activity made me deeply feel that these small moments in life actually contain infinite warmth and creativity. We are always chasing goals in our busy lives, but sometimes the simple hand-made activities can bring out the best memories. Everyone has their own story, and just like this community, each handmade wormwood hammer is a heartwarming memory.

I hope you can also stop more in the busy and feel these beautiful and ordinary moments around you. Perhaps, in these unique activities, you will find that life can be so colorful. Finally, I also look forward to more creative and warm handmade activities in the community in the future, so that we can create more beautiful memories together!

A wormwood hammer "hammers" a new way of healthy life

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