
The winged but flightless other, with a pinch of hair on the top of its head, the rattlesnake sees that it will become a ration

author:Yuan Yi said

Text: Yuan Yi said

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Among the birds, Kill Matt, is a bird but can't fly, runs very fast, can walk a mile a minute, is not big, but is a natural enemy of rattlesnakes.

The winged but flightless other, with a pinch of hair on the top of its head, the rattlesnake sees that it will become a ration

In the vast desert, there is a mysterious creature known as the "rattlesnake master" - the cuckoo walker, a small bird known for its unique survival and predatory skills.

The winged but flightless other, with a pinch of hair on the top of its head, the rattlesnake sees that it will become a ration

Eat rattlesnakes as "spicy strips".

In the vast desert area of the state of Mexico in the United States, there is a unique species of bird, the cuckoo. This small bird has an amazing running speed of up to 500 meters per minute, making it a fast hunter in nature.

The winged but flightless other, with a pinch of hair on the top of its head, the rattlesnake sees that it will become a ration

They have a crest of expertly trimmed feathers on their heads, black, white and brown feathers on their backs, and a bunch of long tail feathers on their tails that are often cocked for defiance. Despite not being good at flying, the Cuckoo has a strong resistance to poison and a fierce fighting spirit, and is not afraid to fight against the venomous rattlesnake.

The winged but flightless other, with a pinch of hair on the top of its head, the rattlesnake sees that it will become a ration

When a hungry walker finds a sun-soaked rattlesnake in the desert, the rattlesnake's head is slightly raised, and it frequently spits out letters to sense its surroundings, and its tail rustles, as if to warn the walker to keep its distance.

The winged but flightless other, with a pinch of hair on the top of its head, the rattlesnake sees that it will become a ration

Undeterred, the hungry walkers are approaching, trying to turn the rattlesnake into their own delicious breakfast. While approaching the Rattlesnake, the walker adopts a half-crouch position in order to better attack and dodge.

The winged but flightless other, with a pinch of hair on the top of its head, the rattlesnake sees that it will become a ration

As the tension reached its peak, Rattlesnake attacked first, but the walker nimbly jumped out of the way and dodged the attack. The Cuckoo has a sharp hook-like beak that is enough to inflict lethal damage on opponents. In this battle, the Cuckoo shows his superb fighting skills, constantly searching for the Rattlesnake's weak spots. Both sides were extremely cautious, and the battle reached a stalemate.

The winged but flightless other, with a pinch of hair on the top of its head, the rattlesnake sees that it will become a ration

The rattlesnake chose to retreat, but revealed its vulnerability the moment it unfolded its body. Seizing this opportunity, the walker firmly bites the rattlesnake's head with its beak and shakes it so hard that the rattlesnake cannot resist. The walker successfully dragged the rattlesnake into the bushes and began to enjoy the feast.

The winged but flightless other, with a pinch of hair on the top of its head, the rattlesnake sees that it will become a ration

The cuckoo walker feeds mainly on snakes, lizards and insects, and on this special occasion, the male cuckoo may catch food as a gift to the female bird as a way to win the favor of the other party. The bird's range is mainly in North America, and it has earned the title of the state bird of the State of Mexico in the United States for its unique survival skills and courageous lifestyle.

The winged but flightless other, with a pinch of hair on the top of its head, the rattlesnake sees that it will become a ration

During feeding, the cuckoo exhibits its characteristic predatory style, ingesting food by pecking and shaking its prey. Due to the narrowness of the esophagus, when the walker swallows the whole rattlesnake, the tail of the snake often hangs from the corner of the mouth, as if hanging a toothpick, which is quite funny.

The winged but flightless other, with a pinch of hair on the top of its head, the rattlesnake sees that it will become a ration

"Fashionable spirit" walks the juan

Using its unique predatory skills, the walker lures the baby rattlesnake into attacking and quickly counterattacks at critical moments. It accurately bites the rattlesnake on the head, slamming it against the rock until it confirms that the rattlesnake is dead from life. Then, the walker calmly began its gastronomic journey.

The winged but flightless other, with a pinch of hair on the top of its head, the rattlesnake sees that it will become a ration

Due to the small size of the cuckoo, it can only swallow half a rattlesnake at a time. Still, the cuckoo doesn't mind and continues to wander through the desert, waiting for the food in its body to be digested before continuing to enjoy the rest of the food. This unique way of eating makes the walker a master of the rattlesnake and wins the battle for survival.

The winged but flightless other, with a pinch of hair on the top of its head, the rattlesnake sees that it will become a ration

Hopper in the desert

Far away in the desert, there is a unique group of lifeforms that have found their way to survive in the cactus bushes. This is the cuckoo, a peculiar bird that nests on cacti.

The winged but flightless other, with a pinch of hair on the top of its head, the rattlesnake sees that it will become a ration

Their nests are built between the spines of the cactus, which act as a natural barrier against foreign invaders, whether they are greedy snakes, cunning wolves or ferocious eagles, and even though the cactus themselves are often injured by cactus thorns as they enter and exit their nests, this desert oasis still provides a relatively safe shelter.

The winged but flightless other, with a pinch of hair on the top of its head, the rattlesnake sees that it will become a ration

In this barren land, the walker not only has to face the severe test of the natural environment, but also has to take on the heavy responsibility of raising the next generation. Chicks have huge appetites, and the parents have to hunt non-stop to meet the needs of their children. Whenever they finish feeding, they quickly leave and continue to search for food in the sand to keep their families alive.

The winged but flightless other, with a pinch of hair on the top of its head, the rattlesnake sees that it will become a ration

In order to protect his children, he even sacrificed himself. When confronted with predators such as coyotes, the walker will attract the attention of the enemy by pretending to be injured to protect the nestlings in the nest.

The winged but flightless other, with a pinch of hair on the top of its head, the rattlesnake sees that it will become a ration

An alternative that has wings but can't fly

The adaptability and combat effectiveness of the cuckoo are the key factors in their success in surviving in the desert. In addition to their keen eyesight and excellent running speed, the cuckoo has a unique feature that helps them reduce the interference of air resistance during hunting.

The winged but flightless other, with a pinch of hair on the top of its head, the rattlesnake sees that it will become a ration

The body shape and the special structure of the feathers play a key role. First of all, the body of the cuckoo is delicate and strong, with a length of about 30 centimeters and a weight of only about 40 grams. Such a stature allows them to be more agile and agile in flight.

The winged but flightless other, with a pinch of hair on the top of its head, the rattlesnake sees that it will become a ration

The most distinctive thing about the cuckoo is its unique feather crown, which resembles an exploding furball. These crowns are one of the physical characteristics of the cuckoo and their secret weapon when running and gliding. These crowns are made of special feathers that are elastic and soft. As the walker runs and glides, the feathers will naturally explode to form a parachute-like shape, effectively reducing the interference of air resistance.

The winged but flightless other, with a pinch of hair on the top of its head, the rattlesnake sees that it will become a ration

Although the cuckoo is not good at flying, it runs on land with its strong feet, and is known as the most dinosaur-like bird. Their posture and verve when they run are almost like dinosaurs in a movie.

The winged but flightless other, with a pinch of hair on the top of its head, the rattlesnake sees that it will become a ration

Cuckoos run extremely fast and can reach up to 30 kilometers per hour, which means they can run 500 meters in under a minute. Although not as fast as the ostriche, which can reach speeds of up to 70 kilometers per hour, the cuckoo is not superior in size and has the ability to fly short distances.

The winged but flightless other, with a pinch of hair on the top of its head, the rattlesnake sees that it will become a ration

The food of the cuckoo is very diverse, and they eat almost everything, including but not limited to insects, small mammals, fruits, seeds, and cacti. They even dare to prey on lizards, snakes, scorpions, rattlesnakes, spiders, and sometimes hummingbirds. During predation, once a fast-moving animal is spotted, the walker will chase it with all its might.

The winged but flightless other, with a pinch of hair on the top of its head, the rattlesnake sees that it will become a ration

When it comes to coping with the temperature difference between day and night in the desert, the crane has a unique way of adapting. When the temperature drops at night, they lower their body temperature and enter a near-dormant state to conserve energy. And when the day comes, they keep warm by exposing their back to the sun.

The winged but flightless other, with a pinch of hair on the top of its head, the rattlesnake sees that it will become a ration

Choose a bird for life

The walkers follow a monogamous lifestyle, and each spring, they strengthen their relationship with each other through various means such as courtship, chasing, and sharing food. When the breeding season comes, the male is responsible for providing nesting materials such as branches, leaves, grass, snake skin, and droppings, while the female is responsible for building wide nests.

The winged but flightless other, with a pinch of hair on the top of its head, the rattlesnake sees that it will become a ration

During courtship and territorial defense, male walkers make "cooing" sounds similar to those of pigeons. Male and female walkers also communicate by barking and growling. The duo will build nests together and raise two to six chicks.

The winged but flightless other, with a pinch of hair on the top of its head, the rattlesnake sees that it will become a ration


The cuckoo is an admirable creature that survives the harsh environment and has carved out its home in the desert cactus bushes.

The winged but flightless other, with a pinch of hair on the top of its head, the rattlesnake sees that it will become a ration

Not only do they have incredible running speed, but they also have unique survival skills and a sense of family responsibility. Whether it's the bravery of preying on venomous snakes or the selfless sacrifice of protecting future generations, the walker demonstrates an indomitable spirit that we should learn from Xi and appreciate.

The winged but flightless other, with a pinch of hair on the top of its head, the rattlesnake sees that it will become a ration

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