
Remind you: magnesium is an essential element to protect the heart and prevent dementia, and these two types of foods can be supplemented

author:Department of Nephrology, Zhang Hongtao

Aunt Wang, who finished dinner, wanted to sew a vest for her little grandson, but she always felt that her hands were shaking so badly that she couldn't control the needle. She remembered that eating was the same during this time, and she often dropped the dishes on the ground and stained them because of trembling, which made Aunt Wang, who had always been thrifty, very distressed.

In addition to shaking hands, I also become extremely sensitive to sound when I rest, and it is difficult to fall asleep even if there is even the slightest noise. In desperation, the eldest lady went to the hospital for treatment, and the doctor found that Aunt Wang was deficient in magnesium.

Remind you: magnesium is an essential element to protect the heart and prevent dementia, and these two types of foods can be supplemented

Magnesium is a trace element, compared with the well-known calcium, zinc and other elements, magnesium is easy to be ignored in daily life. However, magnesium is also very important for the body, magnesium deficiency may cause a series of health problems in the body, it is recommended to eat some high-magnesium foods at ordinary times, so that the body can replenish magnesium well.

1. Palpitation, hand tremors? Your body is likely to be deficient in magnesium

Hand tremors, tremors, palpitations, and sensitivity to hearing and hearing, if you have these symptoms, be careful if your body is deficient in magnesium.

Magnesium is essential for maintaining good health, and if magnesium deficiency occurs, the body's most direct response is the above symptoms, such as when the serum magnesium level is less than 0.75 mmol/L, it may cause electrolyte imbalances, which is what we call "hypomagnesemia".

In our motor nervous system, the excitability of the neuromuscles is regulated by magnesium, potassium, calcium and other ions, in which magnesium plays an inhibitory role.

Remind you: magnesium is an essential element to protect the heart and prevent dementia, and these two types of foods can be supplemented

It is worth noting that this abnormal condition is most common in the limbs, so the shaking of the hands of the pickled vegetables and the shaking of the hands of sewing clothes and the inability to thread needles may be a reminder from the body that you need to supplement magnesium.

In addition to hand tremors, sensitive to hearing and hearing, and difficulty sleeping, this may also be a sign of magnesium deficiency in the body.

Because magnesium has a regulatory effect on the nervous system, if the magnesium ion in the blood is too low, it may affect the normal work of the nervous system, make the neuromuscles excited for a long time, and then show palpitations and palpitations.

In addition, if the body is deficient in magnesium, the person will also have abnormalities in hearing and hearing, resulting in symptoms that become very allergic to the surrounding environment such as noise, which will seriously affect normal rest, which may further affect physical health. The reason why people ignore magnesium so much may be that they don't understand the role of magnesium at all.

Remind you: magnesium is an essential element to protect the heart and prevent dementia, and these two types of foods can be supplemented

2. Did you know that magnesium can prevent diabetes, and it is also an essential element to protect the heart and prevent dementia?

In recent years, some scholars have found that magnesium can participate in many important processes of regulating cardiovascular function, such as experiments have proved that the imbalance of blood magnesium in the body can lead to arrhythmia, hypertension, atherosclerosis (commonly known as stroke), arterial calcification and other cardiovascular diseases, and the Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering also pointed out:

• A diet high in magnesium can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by 15%.

This may be because, in the human body, magnesium stimulates vascular endothelial function, and magnesium ions regulate vasodilation by triggering the production of prostacyclin and nitric oxide. Moreover, clinical cases have shown that blood magnesium content will affect the degree of adhesion of blood cells, which in layman's terms: meeting the need for magnesium intake through a reasonable diet can effectively unblock blood vessels and prevent cardiovascular diseases.

On top of that, magnesium is also able to protect the heart.

In simple terms, magnesium can be involved in the formation of cardioprotective tissue structures and inhibit the calcification of blood vessels and valves by maintaining the endothelial cell barrier. In addition, magnesium deficiency can lead to a weakening of the "sodium-potassium pump effect" and an increase in the resting potential of the myocardium, which may cause arrhythmias, which is a very dangerous condition.

Remind you: magnesium is an essential element to protect the heart and prevent dementia, and these two types of foods can be supplemented

So magnesium is important for our heart, but it also plays its own unique role in preventing diabetes and dementia.

(1) Prevention of diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that seriously affects health, common in middle-aged and elderly people, but also in young people, statistical cases have found that it is very common for diabetic patients to suffer from magnesium deficiency at the same time.

By comparing patients with a history of diabetes for more than 10 years with those with a history of less than 10 years, the scholars found that:

• Patients with a medical history of more than 10 years had significantly lower average magnesium levels.

In addition, there are journals in the Chinese Journal of Cardiovascular published in 2023 that the metabolism of glucose is affected by magnesium.

Magnesium can improve insulin sensitivity in a variety of ways, if the body is deficient in magnesium, it will make the body unable to produce insulin in time, and when insulin is deficient, glucose metabolism will become disordered, which can easily lead to diabetes.

Remind you: magnesium is an essential element to protect the heart and prevent dementia, and these two types of foods can be supplemented

The reason for this is that magnesium also plays a vital role in the secretion of intracellular proteins such as ATPase and glucokinase by insulin, and magnesium can directly participate in the signaling of pancreatic nerve tissue.

If we maintain an adequate amount of magnesium, we can maintain the sensitivity of tissues to insulin in neuromodulation, so that the body has enough insulin to metabolize blood sugar and reduce the risk of diabetes as much as possible.

(2) Essential elements for dementia prevention

Alzheimer's disease is a degenerative disease of the brain, and keeping brain cells healthy can prevent the occurrence of Alzheimer's disease.

This is because the death of brain cells will lead to a decline in the function of the cerebral cortex, and the cerebral cortex is mainly aimed at cognitive functions, such as memory, reflection, judgment, language, etc., when the function of the cortex decreases, the cognitive function will be reduced, and dementia will easily occur.

If we combine the cause of Alzheimer's disease with the effect of magnesium on the body, we can clearly find that magnesium is present in this process.

For example, magnesium can protect the structural stability of cells and maintain the health of brain cells, as pointed out in a journal in "Chinese Primary Medicine" in 2022:

• Magnesium, which has a protective value for brain tissue.
Remind you: magnesium is an essential element to protect the heart and prevent dementia, and these two types of foods can be supplemented

And magnesium is also involved in the energy metabolism of cells, especially in the formation of cytoskeleton, magnesium is also an essential element, if the body is deficient in magnesium, the structural stability of brain cells will be affected, which will make brain cells in an abnormal state.

All in all, ensuring the normal intake of magnesium can keep the body's cells healthy, so that when the cells are in a healthy state, the body's organs and tissues can work normally, including the brain, so it is also an essential element to prevent dementia.

Remind you: magnesium is an essential element to protect the heart and prevent dementia, and these two types of foods can be supplemented

3. Which foods are rich in magnesium and how to consume them reasonably?

Magnesium has so many important effects on the body, but this does not mean that in daily life, it is necessary to deliberately maintain the magnesium content in the body through drugs, etc., because by adhering to a reasonable diet, normal people can generally meet the body's magnesium needs through diet.

Among them, the following foods are high in magnesium, and eating them regularly can effectively supplement the magnesium needed by the human body.

1. Dark vegetables are rich in magnesium

The Institute of Nutrition and Health has analyzed the nutrients in common foods and found that the magnesium content in dark vegetables is very high. This is because dark vegetables are high in chlorophyll, which is rich in magnesium.

For example, the magnesium content of amaranth and fungus, which are common in life, can reach 119 mg of magnesium per 100 grams of amaranth and 62 mg of magnesium per 100 grams of agaric, and eating these two foods often can improve magnesium deficiency.

However, we should note that "dark vegetables" do not only refer to green vegetables, not only green vegetables contain chlorophyll, such as natural seaweed foods often have a high magnesium content, such as seaweed, its magnesium content reaches 460 mg of magnesium per 100 grams of seaweed, which is an ideal magnesium supplement.

In addition, spinach and cabbage, which are common in life, are also one of the magnesium-containing vegetables, and they also have the characteristics of being common and cheap and easy to buy, and these two types of dishes also contain other important nutrients to maintain health, such as vitamin C, fiber, etc., which can be eaten often.

Remind you: magnesium is an essential element to protect the heart and prevent dementia, and these two types of foods can be supplemented

2. Nut foods are good magnesium supplements

In addition to dark vegetables, nut foods are also high in magnesium, and nut foods can also be eaten as snacks after tea and meals, which can be a good intake of magnesium required by the human body.

For example, cashew nuts, walnuts and other nut foods can be eaten often, among them, the magnesium content in walnuts has reached 306 grams of magnesium per 100 grams of walnuts, and walnuts are also rich in protein, which can well maintain the nutritional needs of brain cells, and is a very good nutritional food.

Peanuts and melon seeds are also nut foods, they are also rich in magnesium, and these two types of foods are relatively easy to obtain in life, so it is recommended to keep them on hand.

Remind you: magnesium is an essential element to protect the heart and prevent dementia, and these two types of foods can be supplemented

Note: While paying attention to magnesium intake, it is also necessary to pay attention to a balanced diet

Magnesium-containing foods can effectively supplement the magnesium needed by the human body, but this does not mean that the more you eat, the better, which is a misunderstanding that many elderly people will walk into.

While we pay attention to nutritional intake, we should also maintain a reasonable dietary structure, pay attention to the combination of meat and vegetables, and eat three meals a day on time and rationingly, and do not overeat. In a word, a reasonable diet in daily life to ensure the normal digestion and absorption of the body can better intake nutrients.

Remind you: magnesium is an essential element to protect the heart and prevent dementia, and these two types of foods can be supplemented


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