
In winter, replenish qi and blood, eat more of these 5 foods, replenish iron and blood, and make your body strong

author:Fresh citrus DL

In the cold winter, as the temperature plummets, the body's metabolism gradually slows down, and the immune system becomes more fragile. During this season, we especially need to pay attention to the body's abundance of qi and blood to maintain good health. In order to keep the body strong and energetic on a cold and windy day, we can use a reasonable combination of food, especially focusing on iron supplementation, to promote blood circulation and enhance immunity. Here are five foods to replenish your blood and qi in winter, which are not only delicious and delicious, but also provide your body with sufficient nutrients to rejuvenate during the cold season.

1. Stir-fried duck blood with leeks:

Leek is a vegetable rich in vitamin C and iron, which has the effect of warming and replenishing kidney yang and invigorating blood and menstruation. With duck blood, it not only enriches the taste of the dish, but also provides rich protein and iron. Iron is an indispensable element in the hematopoietic process, which helps to replenish hemoglobin, enhance resistance, and help prevent and treat anemia.

In winter, replenish qi and blood, eat more of these 5 foods, replenish iron and blood, and make your body strong

Ingredients: 200 grams of leeks, 150 grams of duck blood, 2 eggs, appropriate amount of ginger, appropriate amount of garlic, appropriate amount of edible oil, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of light soy sauce


1. Prepare the ingredients: Wash the leeks and cut them into sections, cut the duck blood into cubes, beat the eggs and set aside. Finely chop the ginger and slice the garlic.

2. Cook the leeks: Heat the oil in a pan, add the minced ginger and stir-fry, add the leeks and stir-fry until the leeks are soft.

3. Add the duck blood: Add the chopped duck blood to the pan and stir-fry evenly.

4. Pour in the egg mixture: After the leeks and duck blood are stir-fried well, pour the beaten egg mixture evenly into the pot and stir-fry quickly to evenly coat the eggs on the leeks and duck blood.

5. Seasoning: Add salt and light soy sauce, adjust according to personal taste, and stir-fry again.

6. Add the garlic: Finally, add the sliced garlic and sauté until fragrant.

7. Remove from the pan: Wait until all the ingredients are well combined, remove from the pan and serve.

In winter, replenish qi and blood, eat more of these 5 foods, replenish iron and blood, and make your body strong


1) When stir-frying leeks, master the heat well, don't fry too old, and maintain a certain tender and crispy texture.

2) It is best to thaw the duck blood in advance before heating to avoid breaking it due to excessive agitation during cooking.

3) You can add some coriander or chopped peanuts according to your personal taste to add taste and nutrition.

4) Be careful to season with salt and light soy sauce to avoid being too salty or too light.

5) If you prefer more texture, you can add a small amount of sugar to the stir-fry to enhance the overall taste.

2. Stewed yam with black chicken:

The black chicken is tender and nutritious, and is believed to have nourishing and health effects. Yam contains a variety of vitamins and minerals, which have a good effect on regulating the spleen and stomach, tonifying the spleen and lungs, and invigorating qi and invigorating. This dish not only nourishes the blood, but also helps to improve the body and strengthen the immune system.

In winter, replenish qi and blood, eat more of these 5 foods, replenish iron and blood, and make your body strong

Ingredients: 1 black chicken (about 800 grams), 2 yam sticks (about 400 grams), appropriate amount of ginger slices, appropriate amount of cooking wine, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of wolfberry (optional)


1. Prepare the ingredients: Slaughter and wash the black chicken, peel and cut the yam into sections, and slice the ginger for later use.

2. Handle the black chicken: Blanch the black chicken in boiling water, remove and wash to remove impurities on the surface.

3. Stew: Add water to the stew pot, add the blanched black chicken, add the yam and ginger slices, and pour in an appropriate amount of cooking wine.

4. Start the stew: Put the stew pot into the steamer or rice cooker, choose the function of the stew, and simmer until the black chicken is cooked and the yam is soft and the flavor is rich.

5. Seasoning: After stewing, add an appropriate amount of salt to taste according to personal taste, and you can add some wolfberries to enhance freshness.

6. Remove from the pot: Finally, sprinkle some chopped chives and stew the black chicken and yam to remove from the pot.

In winter, replenish qi and blood, eat more of these 5 foods, replenish iron and blood, and make your body strong


1) It is best to use old hens for black chickens, the meat is fresh and tender, and it has a more nourishing effect.

2) When blanching the black chicken, you can add ginger slices and cooking wine to remove the fishy smell.

3) Choose the yam fresh with a firm texture, peel it and cut it into sections.

4) Some Chinese herbs can be added according to personal taste, such as wolfberry, angelica, etc., to enhance the nourishing effect.

5) During the stewing process, you can add an appropriate amount of water to keep the soup delicious.

6) If you prefer a softer texture, you can choose to simmer for a longer time.

3. Pig's trotter soup:

Peanuts are rich in high-quality protein and fat, while pig's trotters are rich in collagen. This soup has the effect of nourishing the skin and strengthening the muscles and bones. At the same time, the iron in peanuts and pig's trotters helps to increase hemoglobin levels, which is helpful in alleviating the symptoms of anemia.

In winter, replenish qi and blood, eat more of these 5 foods, replenish iron and blood, and make your body strong

Ingredients: 2 pig's trotters, 200g peanuts, 3 slices of ginger, appropriate amount of cooking wine, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of wolfberry (optional)


1. Handling the pig's trotter paws: Chop the pig's trotter paws into blocks, scald them with boiling water to remove surface impurities.

2. Prepare peanuts: Soak peanuts in advance, peel them and set aside.

3. Preliminary cooking: Add enough water to the pot, put in the pig's trotters and paws, add an appropriate amount of cooking wine, and blanch to remove the fishy smell.

4. Cleaning impurities: Rinse the blanched trotters and claws, remove the turbid water, and set aside.

5. Stew: In a stew pot or large stew pot, add water, put in the processed pig's trotters and paws, and add the soaked peanuts.

6. Add the ginger slices: Add the ginger slices, cover and start simmering slowly. You can choose to use a rice cooker, a stew pot or simmer over high heat.

7. Seasoning: When the pig's trotters and peanuts are simmered until cooked, add an appropriate amount of salt, and some goji berries according to personal taste.

8. Final Treatment: After simmering, add a little pepper or coriander to enhance the flavor according to personal taste, and serve.

In winter, replenish qi and blood, eat more of these 5 foods, replenish iron and blood, and make your body strong


1) It is best to blanch the pig's trotters and paws with boiling water in advance to remove the odor.

2) Soak the peanuts in advance to shorten the simmering time.

3) The longer the simmer, the more delicious the soup will be, and the more rotten the pig's trotters and feet will be.

4) If you use a rice cooker, you can choose the "Soup" function, which is more convenient.

5) If you want the soup to be richer, you can use a pressure cooker, and the simmering time can be reduced accordingly.

6) Goji berries can be added at the end so as not to lose nutrients after cooking for too long.

4. Lamb stew with radish:

Radish has the characteristics of strengthening the spleen and appetizing, dissolving phlegm and relieving cough, while mutton is considered a warm and tonic ingredient that helps to ward off the cold and warm up the body. This dish is suitable for consumption in the cold winter months, which not only strengthens physical strength, but also regulates qi and blood and improves immunity.

In winter, replenish qi and blood, eat more of these 5 foods, replenish iron and blood, and make your body strong

Ingredients: 500g lamb cubes, 1 radish (about 500g), 3 slices of ginger, cooking wine, salt, pepper, 2-3 star anise (optional)


1. Handle the mutton: Blanch the lamb pieces in boiling water to remove the blood and fishy smell, wash and set aside.

2. Prepare the radish: Peel the radish and cut it into cubes for later use.

3. Preliminary cooking: Add enough water to the pot, put in the blanched mutton pieces, add an appropriate amount of cooking wine, and blanch to remove the fishy smell.

4. Cleaning impurities: Rinse the blanched lamb pieces, remove the turbid water, and set aside.

5. Stew: In a stew pot or large stew pot, add water, add the processed lamb pieces, and add the chopped radish pieces.

6. Add seasoning: Add sliced ginger, salt to taste, pepper to taste, and add some star anise to taste.

7. Start simmering: Cover the lid and start simmering slowly. You can choose to use a rice cooker, a stew pot or simmer over high heat.

8. Seasoning: When the lamb and radish are simmered until cooked, season them to your taste, adding salt and pepper to ensure they are delicious.

9. Final Treatment: After simmering, you can add some coriander or chopped green onions, and it is ready to serve.

In winter, replenish qi and blood, eat more of these 5 foods, replenish iron and blood, and make your body strong


1) The longer the lamb is stewed, the worse the taste and the more delicious the soup will be.

2) Star anise can be incensed, but don't use it in excess so as not to be too strong.

3) The size of the radish cubes can be selected according to personal taste preference, and should not be cut too small to avoid too rotten when stewing.

4) You can add some ginger slices in moderation to help remove the smell.

5) When stewing lamb, you can add some cooking wine in moderation to help remove the smell and improve the flavor.

5. Stir-fried spinach:

Spinach is a leafy green vegetable rich in iron and also rich in vitamin C, which helps improve the absorption rate of iron. Sautéed spinach is simple and light, retaining the nutrients of spinach, making it a healthy choice for iron supplementation. Spinach is also rich in chlorophyll, which helps to detoxify and maintain healthy skin.

In winter, replenish qi and blood, eat more of these 5 foods, replenish iron and blood, and make your body strong

Ingredients: 500g spinach, 3 cloves of garlic, appropriate amount of cooking oil, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of light soy sauce, appropriate amount of chicken essence (optional).


1. Prepare the spinach: Wash the spinach, remove the old stems, and cut into pieces for later use.

2. Handle the garlic: Flatten and mince the garlic and set aside.

3. Heat a pan: Pour an appropriate amount of cooking oil into a pan and heat it over medium-low heat.

4. Fry minced garlic: When the pan is hot, add the chopped garlic and fry slowly over low heat until fragrant.

5. Sautéed spinach: Once the garlic aroma is out, add the sliced spinach and stir-fry quickly.

6. Add seasoning: While stir-frying the spinach, add an appropriate amount of salt and a small amount of light soy sauce, stir-fry quickly and evenly.

7. Stir-fry until raw: When the spinach turns bright green and the leaves become soft, turn off the heat.

8. Add Essence of Chicken (optional): Depending on your taste, you can add a small amount of Essence of Chicken to enhance freshness.

9. Plating: Once the spinach is stir-fried, place it on a plate.

In winter, replenish qi and blood, eat more of these 5 foods, replenish iron and blood, and make your body strong


1) Spinach should not be stir-fried for too long to maintain the tender green taste of spinach.

2) The frying time of garlic fragrance should not be too long, so as not to burn and affect the taste.

3) The amount of light soy sauce and salt can be increased or decreased according to personal taste.

4) Stir-fry the spinach quickly to keep the spinach crispy.

5) The addition of chicken essence can make the dish more delicious, but you can choose whether to add it according to personal preference.

In the snow-covered season, we know that physical fitness is an important guarantee against the cold. By eating more iron-rich foods, we inject a steady stream of vitality into our bodies and boost our immune system. Stir-fried duck blood with leeks, stewed yam with black chicken, pig's trotter soup with flowers, lamb stewed with radish and stir-fried spinach are just five delicious dishes that not only satisfy the taste buds, but are also a good recipe for nourishing and healthy in winter. In this cold season, let's start from the dining table, inject warmth into the body and vitality into life with delicious food, and welcome a healthy and fulfilling winter.

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