
It is recommended that ordinary families raise rich bamboo, and put it in these 3 places, which is comparable to the "treasure of the town house"

author:I'm going to see you now

As the Chinese New Year approaches, many families will choose some green plants to beautify their homes and add a touch of vitality to the new year. At this time, a question is placed in front of every family: which plant can not only purify the air, but also add a touch of joy and wealth to the home? Today, we will reveal such an affordable and auspicious green plant - Fugui bamboo.

It is recommended that ordinary families raise rich bamboo, and put it in these 3 places, which is comparable to the "treasure of the town house"

If you are an office worker who is not easy to earn, then hydroponic Fugui bamboo will be your best choice. But where is it placed in the home to play a role in the smooth sailing and blessing of the house? This has to mention some of the subtleties of numbers and space in Feng Shui. First, let's talk about the living room.

It is recommended that ordinary families raise rich bamboo, and put it in these 3 places, which is comparable to the "treasure of the town house"

Did you know that most families have good lighting in their living rooms, and the rich bamboo here not only helps the plants grow, but also brings good luck to the family? You may be wondering, how many plants are the best number? Traditional Feng Shui emphasizes even numbers of festive things, while 6 branches represent smooth and smooth flow, and 8 branches symbolize wealth and fortune.

It is recommended that ordinary families raise rich bamboo, and put it in these 3 places, which is comparable to the "treasure of the town house"

Then, choose 6 or 8 branches of Fugui bamboo and place them on the balcony or windowsill opposite the door, not only to enjoy the full sun, but also to bring good luck to the home for the year. Next, let's look at the bedroom. Many times, you may have heard that it is not advisable to put too many plants in the bedroom, as they will breathe with people at night and compete for oxygen. However, Fuguizhu is an exception.

It is recommended that ordinary families raise rich bamboo, and put it in these 3 places, which is comparable to the "treasure of the town house"

It releases oxygen at night and helps people sleep better. Moreover, placing rich bamboo in the bedroom is more for pleasing the eye and purifying the air, so here, there is no need to be too entangled in the good luck of numbers, and you can choose odd or even rich bamboo according to personal preferences. Finally, not to be overlooked is the study. The study is a sea of knowledge, and every detail here should be carefully laid out.

It is recommended that ordinary families raise rich bamboo, and put it in these 3 places, which is comparable to the "treasure of the town house"

I believe that everyone hopes that the study room can bring wisdom and success to themselves. Then, in this space full of knowledge, it is very appropriate to place an odd number of rich bamboo. For example, 9 branches imply success and outstanding achievements. Maybe you can't wait to buy Fugui bamboo, but before you do, you need to know how to grow this plant correctly.

It is recommended that ordinary families raise rich bamboo, and put it in these 3 places, which is comparable to the "treasure of the town house"

Fugui bamboo is very adaptable, whether it is hydroponic or soil culture, it can thrive. However, if you're planning to buy it before the Chinese New Year and throw it away later, hydroponics is a more convenient option. One of the most important things about hydroponic bamboo is to change the water regularly and control the temperature.

It is recommended that ordinary families raise rich bamboo, and put it in these 3 places, which is comparable to the "treasure of the town house"

The ideal ambient temperature should be stable above 10°C, preferably between 15°C and 25°C. The frequency of water changes is about once every 3 to 7 days. In this way, your Fugui bamboo will not only look beautiful, but also grow healthily. Seeing this, have you already had some understanding of the maintenance of Fugui bamboo? Have you begun to plan where to place this treasure in your warm home?

It is recommended that ordinary families raise rich bamboo, and put it in these 3 places, which is comparable to the "treasure of the town house"

Remember, whether it is the choice of Fugui bamboo or the maintenance skills, you need to feel and learn Xi with your heart. Because it is not only a plant, but also a beautiful sustenance that brings us happiness and wealth.

It is recommended that ordinary families raise rich bamboo, and put it in these 3 places, which is comparable to the "treasure of the town house"

This year, let the rich bamboo take root in your home, let it become a good omen for your New Year, bring smooth and smooth fortune to your family, and come to wealth from all directions! How to make this auspicious symbol, the green baby in the corner of the home bloom its most beautiful posture, has become a challenge and fun for every flower farmer.

It is recommended that ordinary families raise rich bamboo, and put it in these 3 places, which is comparable to the "treasure of the town house"

Yes, you heard it right, the bamboo will bloom too! Although it doesn't have a good chance of blooming, enough patience and proper skill will always make the wait a pleasant surprise. The rich bamboo that I just bought home, it lies there quietly, as if waiting for the owner's care. Many people will wonder, what kind of care does this little green life need to grow carefree?

It is recommended that ordinary families raise rich bamboo, and put it in these 3 places, which is comparable to the "treasure of the town house"

First, you need to "root" it. Simply cutting off part of the stem, or even removing nearly 1/3 of the leaves, is to reduce the metabolic consumption of the plant and allow it to take root more quickly in the new environment. As a reminder, temperature is key. If the temperature at home can reach 15°C, hydroponics will be a good choice, otherwise, soil culture will be more conducive to its growth.

It is recommended that ordinary families raise rich bamboo, and put it in these 3 places, which is comparable to the "treasure of the town house"

Soil-cultivated rich bamboo needs loose, breathable and well-drained humus. Watering should be moderate, keep the soil slightly moist, and place it in a well-ventilated and well-lit area. Not only that, but controlling the humidity of the air and pruning dead branches and leaves regularly are all essential steps.

It is recommended that ordinary families raise rich bamboo, and put it in these 3 places, which is comparable to the "treasure of the town house"

Especially in winter, when the indoor air is dry, spraying the foliage every day not only cleans the leaves, but also prevents dust from clogging the pores and allowing the leaves to absorb moisture directly. Hydroponics, on the other hand, require more meticulous care. The bottom end of the stem is cut at an angle of 45 degrees, the water level is controlled at 15 to 20 cm, and the addition of rooting agent is also one of the key steps.

It is recommended that ordinary families raise rich bamboo, and put it in these 3 places, which is comparable to the "treasure of the town house"

In 7 to 10 days, you can witness the miracle of the bare Fugui bamboo growing vigorous roots. If the temperature continues to be above 15 °C, and Fugui bamboo does not take root for a long time, then cut off part of the stem, bubble with carbendazim aqueous solution, and continue hydroponics after comprehensive sterilization and disinfection. It is important to note that during the water change phase, cleanliness is crucial.

It is recommended that ordinary families raise rich bamboo, and put it in these 3 places, which is comparable to the "treasure of the town house"

It is not only necessary to clean the roots of Fugui bamboo, prune off those delicate capillary roots, but also use carbendazim solution to fully sterilize and disinfect, which can effectively avoid root infection and rot. In the same way, the cleaning and sterilization of containers are also links that cannot be ignored, and the health and safety of Fugui bamboo are directly taken care of from the source. Flower growers often say that raising flowers is like raising people, and each plant has its own unique character and needs.

The same is true for Fugui Bamboo. Its needs seem simple, but it also tests the patience and carefulness of flower growers. Flowers bloom richly, at this moment have you successfully let this vigorous little life show its most beautiful side? This year, your rich bamboo has bloomed? This may be the expectation in the heart of every flower friend, but also the best return after every care.

All the dedication, witnessing every moment of growth, is the most beautiful affirmation of the flower raiser. On the boundary between dreams and reality, the rich bamboos are growing strongly, some have bloomed, and some are still being nurtured. And you, as a careful flower grower, will put expectation and love into every drop of water, every grain of soil, and wait for that day to come.

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