
Winter solstice: earthworm knots, elk horns are solved, water springs move, and the winter solstice is born in spring.

author:Passing by the fireworks


Winter solstice: earthworm knots, elk horns are solved, water springs move, and the winter solstice is born in spring.

Tomorrow is the winter solstice, in the middle of the night, the cathode is yangsheng, and the breath of spring begins to quietly emerge as soon as the child is over!

Winter solstice three waits: one waits for earthworms to knot, two waits for elk horns to solve, and three waits for water springs. The "solstice" of the winter solstice refers to the extreme. On the day of the winter solstice, the accumulation of yin energy reaches its peak, and due to the cold weather, earthworms intertwine like ropes. At this time, it is also the time when the yang energy is germinating, and the moose feels the gradual fading of the yin energy, so it dissolves the horns. Therefore, during the winter solstice, the spring water in the mountains can flow and have a warm feeling.

Winter solstice: earthworm knots, elk horns are solved, water springs move, and the winter solstice is born in spring.

The winter solstice is coming as promised. On the longest night, expect a warm. The winter solstice is as big as a year, and the world is a small reunion. This winter, may you have family and friends as your company, happiness will be everywhere, and life will come and go.

Winter solstice: earthworm knots, elk horns are solved, water springs move, and the winter solstice is born in spring.

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