
First-class actor Pu Cunxin posted 500,000 yuan to marry his daughter to a rural guy, does he regret it now?

author:Xianyu Ambassador

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Text: Xianyu Ambassador

Editor|Xianyu Ambassador

"Life is like a play, and it is prosperous. ”

This sentence may most appropriately depict the colorful life journey of national first-class actor Pu Cunxin.

On the screen, he has created countless classic roles, but at the age of 70, he faces a real and difficult choice: dare not grow old.

The once glorious acting career is now attributed to ordinary family dedication.

Pu Cunxin, an old artist with the same demeanor, how did he rise in adversity and give up his glory for his family, let us explore the life journey of this actor who is "as calm as water and as light as a chrysanthemum".

First-class actor Pu Cunxin posted 500,000 yuan to marry his daughter to a rural guy, does he regret it now?

"Pu Cripple", this nickname when he was a child once carved a deep scar in Pu Cunxin's life.

The pain of polio made it difficult for him to walk, and the sound of laughter echoed in his ears.

The shadow of this childhood seems to be a shot in a black-and-white movie, Pu Cunxin is always alone, lonely and tenacious.

However, his family became his strong backing, and his parents worked tirelessly to find a name to heal him and regain his strength.

This adversity experience has made Pu Cunxin's indomitable character and has become an important reason for his later life choices.

First-class actor Pu Cunxin posted 500,000 yuan to marry his daughter to a rural guy, does he regret it now?

Under the influence of his father, Pu Cunxin was full of a strong interest in art.

He studied art diligently, first entered Beijing Renyi, and gradually spread his wings through the polishing of the drama industry, and finally became the pinnacle of the film and television industry.

The discussion with his old classmate Li Xuejian was the finishing touch of his artistic path.

The tacit understanding and passion of the two young actors during their study years laid the groundwork for their respective acting careers in the future.

First-class actor Pu Cunxin posted 500,000 yuan to marry his daughter to a rural guy, does he regret it now?

Pu Cunxin's acting skills are like superb porcelain, pondering lifelike characters.

He believes in "drama throwing face", whether it is Li Bai's arrogance or Cao Cao's conspiracy, he can find his soul in the role.

What's even more valuable is his excellent line skills, he has served as a voice actor many times, and the recitation of "Will Enter the Wine" once made the audience intoxicated.

Pu Cunxin's performance is not only impressive, but also reveals a deep understanding of the role and a love for performance in the details.

Pu Cunxin is not just a hero on the screen, but also an ordinary person in reality.

The love story between him and his wife Wanping is the charm and charm of the piano and the precipitation of the years.

And his daughter, Pu Fang, is a joy and hope in his life.

Faced with his daughter's decision to marry a rural guy, Pu Cunxin chose to post 500,000 yuan for the wedding, which not only protected her daughter's self-esteem, but also laid a solid foundation for her future.

Such a move is not only a kind of wisdom, but also a fulfillment of family responsibilities.

First-class actor Pu Cunxin posted 500,000 yuan to marry his daughter to a rural guy, does he regret it now?

Now, Pu Cunxin has entered his 70s, and he has chosen to quit the entertainment industry and focus all his energy on his family.

His mother's cognitive impairment required his careful care, which was why he did not dare to grow old.

His family devotion is like a soulful picture, outlining a rich and touching story.

Pu Cunxin tells us with his actions that family is the most precious part of his life, the reason why he chooses ordinary, and the motivation why he does not dare to grow old.

First-class actor Pu Cunxin posted 500,000 yuan to marry his daughter to a rural guy, does he regret it now?

Pu Cunxin's life is like a wonderful performance, from childhood adversity to perseverance on the road of art, to his affectionate dedication to his family, each stage is a picture of his life.

He chose not to dare to grow old, not to escape the ruthlessness of the years, but to protect the people and things he cherished while bidding farewell to the screen.

In this rapidly changing era, Pu Cunxin's persistence and choice have become a beacon that illuminates the way forward.

First-class actor Pu Cunxin posted 500,000 yuan to marry his daughter to a rural guy, does he regret it now?

Pu Cunxin's story provokes us to think about life.

Does he regret his choice? It's an open question.

Perhaps he will tell us that every choice in life has its own unique value.

His outstanding contributions on the road of acting have also become a model for future generations to learn from Xi.

Pu Cunxin's story is not only a legend of an actor, but also a touching chapter of ordinary people chasing their dreams and protecting their families.

First-class actor Pu Cunxin posted 500,000 yuan to marry his daughter to a rural guy, does he regret it now?

In his story, we see the sincere beauty of perseverance, dedication, and family.

Perhaps, Pu Cunxin's life choice has given us a revelation, allowing us to chase our dreams while not forgetting our original intention and cherishing the happiness in front of us.

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