
The "cough suppressant general" hidden by his side is not Sydney but it, which consumes food and throat, moistens the lungs and relieves cough!

author:Silly sister food

Hello everyone, I'm a silly sister Food, the cold winter is coming, the earth is like a layer of silver, and the cold is through the bones. In the early morning, a faint ray of sunlight shines on the earth through the ice, like a silver world in a dream. The howling wind and the frost make people tighten their necks and look for a warm haven. It's a picture of winter, a quiet and cold scene. The earth seems to be hibernating, and only the curling smoke and ice hang in the cold wind and jump, outlining a dreamlike picture. In this frozen season, people are prone to colds and coughs, medicine is not as good as food, today we share the delicious way to eat citrus fruit.

The "cough suppressant general" hidden by his side is not Sydney but it, which consumes food and throat, moistens the lungs and relieves cough!

In the cold winter winds, people often seek out some fruits to ward off the cold, and Sydney pears are favored for their excellent phlegm and cough relieving properties. However, what is less known is that the citrus fruit is also a little-known "fierce general", the citrus fruit, also known as citrus, its fruit is small and delicate, round or oval, and the appearance is golden and bright. Although similar in appearance to tangerine, the unique feature of the orange fruit is that its skin is rich in aromatic volatile oils, which not only give the fruit its unique aroma, but also bring many health benefits.

The "cough suppressant general" hidden by his side is not Sydney but it, which consumes food and throat, moistens the lungs and relieves cough!

Citrus fruit is rich in vitamin C, a natural antioxidant that helps to improve the function of the immune system and strengthen resistance. The volatile oil components of the citrus fruit, such as limonene, have a fresh aroma that helps to relieve tension and soothe the nervous system. Most notably, the positive effects of citrus fruit on the respiratory system. Its rich volatile oil can moisten the lungs and relieve cough, helping to relieve throat discomfort and reduce cough symptoms.

The "cough suppressant general" hidden by his side is not Sydney but it, which consumes food and throat, moistens the lungs and relieves cough!

To prepare the ginger ale of orange fruit:

Ingredients: Mandarin orange fruit: appropriate amount, Ginger: appropriate amount, Rock sugar: appropriate amount

The "cough suppressant general" hidden by his side is not Sydney but it, which consumes food and throat, moistens the lungs and relieves cough!

Steps: 1. First of all, select fresh citrus fruits, wash and slice them, and remove the kernels for later use. The golden color of the citrus fruit is like a touch of warm sun in winter, giving people a warm feeling. 2. Ginger is the secret weapon of this drink. Scrape off the skin and finely chop. The spicy ginger and the delicate aroma of the orange fruit form a wonderful symphony on the tip of the tongue.

The "cough suppressant general" hidden by his side is not Sydney but it, which consumes food and throat, moistens the lungs and relieves cough!

3. Take a suitable container and put the orange fruit slices and minced ginger in. The choice of container can be a ceramic cup or a glass jug, which can preserve the original flavor of the ingredients and add a visual beauty. 4. Add an appropriate amount of rock sugar to the container. The sweetness of rock sugar not only adds to the taste of the drink, but also makes the whole drink milder and fresher. You can increase or decrease the amount according to your personal taste to create the sweetness that suits you best. 5. Finally, pour in an appropriate amount of boiling water and stir well. The temperature of the boiling water can not only fully melt the rock sugar, but also release the aroma of the citrus fruit. During the mixing, you can feel the unique atmosphere of ginger ale, orange fruit and rock sugar.

Tip: To make the flavors better blended, close the lid and let it "think quietly" in its own little world. After a few moments, a cup of ginger ale is done.

This is a simple and delicious dish of ginger ale and citrus fruit. The spicy ginger and citrus aroma combine to warm up the body, help relieve coughs and clear the lungs and throat. This year's winter is particularly cold, we have heavy snow in Shandong every day, basically this time is about minus 8-9 degrees, everyone remember to wear more clothes to keep out the cold, stock up on more cabbage vermicelli, make messy stew at home, save money and hot, today's sharing is here, thank you for reading, like + follow and support, we will see you tomorrow, bye!

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