
Eating garlic regularly has many benefits, but 5 types of people should not "eat it casually", and there are 5 taboos to keep in mind

author:Dr. Zhou Haibin

"You know what? I eat garlic every day and I feel great!" This is a conversation I overheard from a retired teacher and a friend at a community park. Their conversation piqued my curiosity: what kind of health secrets does garlic, the common condiment we use in the kitchen almost every day, hide?

Among the middle-aged and elderly people, garlic is not only a delicious condiment, but also a widely recognized natural "health guardian". Whether in traditional dishes or as a daily health supplement, garlic is everywhere. But at the same time, many people know little about the proper way to consume garlic and possible side effects.

Eating garlic regularly has many benefits, but 5 types of people should not "eat it casually", and there are 5 taboos to keep in mind

Garlic: The invisible guard of superfoods

Garlic is not only a frequent guest in the kitchen, but also a healthy assistant. The health secrets behind this common ingredient deserve to be known to everyone who cares about their health.

When it comes to heart health, garlic plays an integral role. Scientific studies have shown that the active ingredients in garlic can effectively reduce the level of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood while also helping to lower blood pressure. Together, these effects reduce the risk of heart disease. For example, one study noted that daily consumption of garlic powder significantly reduced systolic blood pressure in patients with high blood pressure for 24 weeks.

The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory abilities of garlic should not be underestimated. A compound in garlic called allicin has powerful natural antibiotic properties. Not only is it resistant to a wide range of bacteria, but it is even effective against certain resistant strains. For example, studies have shown that allicin can inhibit and treat a variety of bacterial infections, including Staphylococcus aureus.

The antioxidants in garlic are also an important part of its health benefits. These antioxidants help fight free radicals and slow down cellular aging and inflammatory processes. Under the action of antioxidants, garlic can effectively enhance the body's anti-aging ability and maintain the health and vitality of cells.

Eating garlic regularly has many benefits, but 5 types of people should not "eat it casually", and there are 5 taboos to keep in mind

Be vigilant: These populations should avoid excessive consumption of garlic

Garlic, as a frequent guest in the kitchen, is widely used for its unique taste and health benefits. However, not everyone is suitable for unlimited consumption of garlic. For some people, excessive consumption of garlic may have adverse effects.

People with stomach ulcers or excess stomach acid should reduce their garlic intake. The active ingredient in garlic may irritate the gastric lining and aggravate stomach upset. For example, one study showed that people with stomach ulcers experienced worsening of their stomach symptoms after consuming garlic.

Given the blood-thinning effects of garlic, people who are planning surgery or who have just completed surgery should avoid eating garlic. The compounds in garlic may prolong bleeding and affect wound healing. Limiting garlic intake for a period of time before and after surgery is done to ensure the safety of the surgery and recovery process.

For pregnant and lactating women, it is recommended to consume garlic in moderation under the guidance of a doctor. Despite the many health benefits of garlic, excessive consumption during these special times can affect the health of the fetus or baby.

Children's digestive systems are not yet fully mature, and parents should pay attention to controlling the amount of garlic their children consume. Children may experience indigestion or other gastrointestinal reactions after consuming too much garlic.

People who are allergic to garlic should avoid it altogether. Garlic allergies are uncommon, but when they occur, they can cause severe reactions such as skin rashes and difficulty breathing.

Eating garlic regularly has many benefits, but 5 types of people should not "eat it casually", and there are 5 taboos to keep in mind

Five contraindications for garlic consumption

Garlic, as a common condiment in the kitchen, not only adds flavor to food, but also has certain health benefits. However, garlic is not suitable for everyone, especially in some specific cases, where it can have adverse effects. Here are five important taboos to avoid when consuming garlic:

Dangers of eating on an empty stomach: Garlic is rich in natural oils and irritating substances. When consumed on an empty stomach, these ingredients may irritate the gastric lining and cause stomach upset. Studies have shown that eating garlic on an empty stomach may aggravate hyperacidity, causing or exacerbating gastritis symptoms.

Interactions with specific medications: Garlic has a natural blood thinning effect, and people who are taking anticoagulant medications, such as aspirin, should avoid consuming large amounts of garlic. The use of both together may exacerbate the risk of bleeding, especially before and after surgery.

Risks of excessive consumption: Although moderate consumption of garlic has health benefits, excessive consumption may lead to physical discomfort such as stomach pain, heart burn, stomach bloating, and other symptoms. Long-term consumption of large amounts of garlic may also lead to liver damage.

Avoid eating with certain foods: Garlic and some certain foods, such as seafood, may cause discomfort when eaten together. Some people have reported allergic reactions, such as itchy and erythema, after consuming seafood that contains a lot of garlic.

Handling and storage precautions: Fresh garlic should be stored in a dry, ventilated place. A moist environment can encourage garlic to become moldy and produce harmful substances. After cutting garlic, it should be consumed as soon as possible or stored properly to avoid the loss of nutrients and the growth of bacteria.

Understanding and following these taboos while enjoying the delicious and health benefits of garlic can ensure a safe and healthy consumption of garlic. If you have a specific health condition, it is recommended to consult your doctor before consuming garlic.

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