
Sima Yao, Emperor Xiaowu of Jin: The unfortunate emperor who was pressed on the kang by his daughter-in-law and then covered alive with a quilt

author:History is actually quite interesting
Sima Yao, Emperor Xiaowu of Jin: The unfortunate emperor who was pressed on the kang by his daughter-in-law and then covered alive with a quilt

(Bustling Jiankang City)

21st year of the Reign of The 386 A.D., 20 September.


The lights in Jiankang City are bright, and the noise and noise are one after another.

Since the founding of the country, this dynasty has been in a quiet corner, living in Jiangnan, and Jiankang is the capital of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, which is naturally lively and extraordinary.

Jiangnan is rich, the water and soil are pleasant, the people's customs are gentle, the society is stable, the road is not left behind, and the night is not closed.

But the Eastern Jin Dynasty Palace, which is only separated by a wall from the wide and bustling street, is a different scene.

The palace walls are tall, isolated from the light and shadow of the outside world, while the deep palace is solemn, and only a few guards on duty at night make slight footsteps.

The entire palace was shrouded in a cold moon.

Under this faint light, the beautiful and upright posture of the entire palace was outlined.

The moon is full and the fog is thick.

Sima Yao, the emperor of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, slept in the sleeping hall of Zhengxiang.

At this time, it is time for the child, no matter who it is, it is time to fall asleep.

The emperor slept deeply, but a figure flashed in the bed tent.

Within the emperor's hundreds, no one was allowed to come close, in order to prevent people with ulterior motives from sneaking in.

In this way, being an emperor is really lonely.

Looking up, there was no one in the four fields.

In the vast sleeping hall, the breeze is gentle, the red candles are weeping, and everything is silent, only the emperor's heavy snoring echoes again and again.

So who is this figure?

Is it a killer? Is it a thief? Or an assassin who has been ambushed in advance?

Soon, the figure slowly revealed its original appearance from the white gauze tent.

It's a woman.

The emperor's woman, Zhang Guiren.

Sima Yao, Emperor Xiaowu of Jin: The unfortunate emperor who was pressed on the kang by his daughter-in-law and then covered alive with a quilt

(Zhang Guiren image)

She is graceful in shape and charming in appearance, although she has passed the age of flower letter, she is still bright and moving, and her beauty is indispensable.

This is a strange thing.

According to the eastern Jin Dynasty palace rules, after the concubines went to bed, they could not stay in the emperor's bedchamber, but had to go outside the middle palace, find a eunuch in charge, and write down the living notes of serving the Heavenly Son.

Except for the empress, it was difficult for anyone to accompany the emperor all night.

Then why did this Zhang Guiren suddenly appear in the emperor's bedchamber late at night?

The question was answered quickly.

Zhang Guiren looked at the sleeping Emperor Zhengxiang with affection and sighed a long time.

Immediately, her face was immediately filled with disgust and hatred.

She crept up to the emperor's dragon bed, gently picked up the quilt on the side, and pressed it heavily on the emperor's face.

It was clear at this point.

She's going to kill the king!

The emperor, who gradually felt short of breath, woke up from his dream, but found himself enveloped in a dark nothingness, he resisted desperately and shouted loudly, but Zhang Guiren's strength was amazing, and he pressed the quilt deadly.

Resistance turned into struggle, and shouting turned into pleading.

But it was no longer of any avail.

However, after a long time, the emperor's voice became weaker, and after a while, he did not move at all.

The emperor died, and the ninth emperor of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Sima Yao, the Emperor of The Jin Dynasty, was killed by his daughter-in-law with a quilt.

Inside the sleeping hall, the candlelight flickered, and outside the sleeping hall, the wind blew even more.

- Caption

Sima Yao, Emperor Xiaowu of Jin: The unfortunate emperor who was pressed on the kang by his daughter-in-law and then covered alive with a quilt

(Jin Dynasty)

In the eyes of mainstream historians, the Western Jin Dynasty may still be a unified feudal dynasty.

It once dominated the north, annexed Shu Wu, ended many years of war in the Three Kingdoms, and created the great cause of Chinese unification throughout the ages.

But in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the situation changed dramatically.

Luoyang fell, Chang'an fell, nomads plundered the Central Plains, and the Jin Dynasty royal family crossed south and established the Eastern Jin Dynasty in the south.

I've always thought that "dressed in the crown of the south" is a very interesting word.

Behind this word is a very inspirational-sounding historical story.

In 316 AD, the Western Jin Dynasty fell, and there was no longer a foothold for the Sima family in the Central Plains.

Sima Rui, the emperor of the Western Jin Dynasty, saw that this was unable to continue, so he decided to go to other places to develop, but he went alone, a little lonely, so he added another famous god at that time, Wang Dao, to double row up, the two crossed the Yangtze River, and the people followed, thus the first population migration from north to south in Chinese history began.

At first glance, the name of this story is actually more suitable for the name of "Jin Dynasty South Crossing" or "Population South Ferry", and the use of the four words "Yiguan South Ferry" seems to be somewhat unclear


Actually, this is easy to understand.

"Nandu" refers to the act of migrating to the south, while "clothing" refers to clothing and clothing.

Literally, the word means that the clothes cross the river and go to the south.

Since there is a literal meaning, it must have an internal meaning.

And the inner meaning of the word is very warm and emotional.

Sima Yao, Emperor Xiaowu of Jin: The unfortunate emperor who was pressed on the kang by his daughter-in-law and then covered alive with a quilt

(Yiguan Nandu)

Yes, I have left my homeland and gone to the south, but to the south, only my clothes, my body, and my soul are still deeply rooted in the Central Plains.

Unfortunately, until the fall of the Eastern Jin Dynasty in 420 AD, the Sima family never returned to the north.

That is Chang'an, which is difficult to look back, and that is Luoyang, which cannot be returned.

There is only one reason for this, that is, the Eastern Jin Dynasty is too weak, or the emperors of the Eastern Jin Dynasty are too weak.

The founding emperor Sima Rui, from a certain point of view, is actually an auxiliary, the Eastern Jin Dynasty can establish the country, basically rely on the ADC Wang guide carry the whole field.

Although Sima Shao of Suzong was virtuous, his reign was too short, and he had the intention to kill thieves and was powerless to return to heaven.

Emperor Xianzong Sima Yan, the puppet emperor, was depressed by foreign relatives all his life.

Emperor Kang, Sima Yue, emperor of soy sauce, reigned for as little as three years, which can be said to be fruitless.

Sima Tan, Emperor Xiaozong, was too young, ambitious, had ideas, and ambitions, but was incompetent.

Emperor Sima Pi, the plaything lost his mind, spent all day practicing Dan cultivation with Taoist alchemists, and ignored state affairs all day long.

The deposed emperor Sima Yi, who was born at the wrong time, took huan wen, the most powerful minister in the entire Eastern Jin Dynasty, and after two days of work, he was pulled off his horse by Huan Wen.

Sima Yu of the Jin Dynasty, who can be called the standby king of the two Jin Dynasties, lived for a long time after seven dynasties, but he was not born at the right time, and after being emperor for eight months, he received a bento.

And now, the Eastern Jin Dynasty has finally ushered in a true Ming Jun, who is the protagonist of this article, Sima Yao, the Emperor xiaowu of Jin.

Sima Yao, Emperor Xiaowu of Jin: The unfortunate emperor who was pressed on the kang by his daughter-in-law and then covered alive with a quilt

(Image of Sima Yao, Emperor Xiaowu of Jin)

We know that the door valve politics of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was very serious.

Throughout the dynasty, the clans with the same surname formed a huge political force.

Wang Dao's Wang family, Xie An's Xie family, Huan Wen's Huan family.

Yingchuan Yu clan, Long Kang Huan clan, Taiyuan Wang clan, Langya Wang clan, Chen Junxie clan.

These forces were originally only family-like, but because the emperors of the Eastern Jin Dynasty were really not very good at mixing, they could not restrain the civil and military officials, and they could not deter the people of Li Min, which caused these clans to enter the house one after another, turning into a strong political force, being the emperor's home, being the emperor's lord, helping the emperor to speak, and working for the emperor, basically even if the emperor was empty.

After Sima Yao ascended the throne, he changed this state of imperial power by side, punched the warrior clan, kicked the powerful subjects, and quickly regained sovereignty, becoming the emperor of the Eastern Jin Dynasty who really had independent power.

Ironically, this power was originally the standard for emperors, but the emperors of the Eastern Jin Dynasty spent eight generations to regain power.

As soon as the emperor regained sovereignty, the Eastern Jin dynasty ushered in a severe test.

The Former Qin regime in the north has developed and grown after years of hard work, and the Former Qin king Jian Jian has wielded 200,000 troops and plans to wipe out the Eastern Jin Dynasty in one fell swoop.

Unexpectedly, Sima Yao was not afraid of danger, and found a fierce person Xie An, Xie An eighty thousand to two hundred thousand, and within two rounds, he beat Jian Jian down. (Battle of Shuishui)

Sima Yao, Emperor Xiaowu of Jin: The unfortunate emperor who was pressed on the kang by his daughter-in-law and then covered alive with a quilt

(Battle of Shuishui)

This is a protracted battle, and in the future, both sides involved in the war will be in different forms of history.

But this article is not their home field, so let's focus on the protagonist Sima Yao.

What about Brother Yao?

Brother Yao is a bit fluttery.

He strengthened his imperial power and became the supreme emperor with absolute power.

On martial arts, he beat the social big brother Jian Jian to the head, and I heard that he was also hit by a stray arrow.

Such feats, not to mention this dynasty, are the former emperors of the dynasty, and he seems to be able to compare with the previous one.

The proud and complacent Sima Yao began to indulge.

And for most men, there are basically two ways of indulgence, one is to drink alcohol, and the other is to be beautiful.

The emperor once drank with Zhang Guiren, whom he loved most, during the day, and after thirty years of drinking, the emperor was already drunk, pointed at Zhang Guiren's nose, and said this:

"When Ru is abolished in the year, I am already a young man." - Book of Wei

The emperor said, I see that you are quite old, and you have not given me a son and a half daughter, so don't waste the quota in the harem, tomorrow I will abolish you and find a young and beautiful girl to take your place.

It was a very serious statement, but it was clear that the emperor was joking.

A man may leave you if he no longer loves you, but he will never tell you in a slightly tongue-in-cheek manner.

True non-love, really wanting to give up on someone, is always silent.

It was precisely because the emperor did not care about Zhang Guiren's age, and he did not care whether Zhang Guiren had given birth to heirs for himself, so the emperor dared to say so.

It's a joke.

A not-so-romantic joke.

But the speaker has no intention, the listener is intentional, the emperor is joking, and Zhang Guiren is not joking.

Sima Yao, Emperor Xiaowu of Jin: The unfortunate emperor who was pressed on the kang by his daughter-in-law and then covered alive with a quilt

(Sima Yao was killed while asleep)

She was furious, hatred rose from her heart, evil was born from the side of the guts, without saying a word, taking advantage of the emperor's sleep at night, she directly covered the emperor with a quilt and died.

So, the scene at the beginning of the article happened.

Thus, Sima Yao, the emperor of the Jin Dynasty, who was not too famous in Chinese history, created a unique historical record:

He was the only emperor in Chinese history who was killed by his daughter-in-law with a quilt on the kang because of a joke.

And this murderer Zhang Guiren, in addition to the historical record of her murder of her husband, there is no more information.

We don't even know her full name.

Perhaps, on that gloomy and dark night, she covered the emperor to death, just out of resentment towards her husband, but she did not expect that her cover completely changed the pattern of history.

The last emperor of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, who could be regarded as the Ming Emperor, was killed by her.

Yes, she died not only as an emperor, but also as the last hope of the entire Eastern Jin Dynasty.

Sima Yao, Emperor Xiaowu of Jin: The unfortunate emperor who was pressed on the kang by his daughter-in-law and then covered alive with a quilt

(The Dangerous Eastern Jin Dynasty)

Does the Eastern Jin Dynasty still have a future?


It's just that this future won't be bad, it's only going to be worse.

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