
The wonton shop that "insulted and drove away customers with more spices" has changed hands and has been replaced with a "cake shop" signboard

author:Smart Willow Leaf X2u

A shop in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province, called "Qianli Xiang Wonton", has sparked a heated dispute after a customer asked for spices. According to reports, the incident occurred at about 2 a.m. on December 13, when a customer, Wang Moumou, dined at a wonton restaurant and asked to add scallion oil to his wontons. This request caused the dissatisfaction of the store owner Ma Moumou, which led to a quarrel between the two sides.

The wonton shop that "insulted and drove away customers with more spices" has changed hands and has been replaced with a "cake shop" signboard

In the process of escalating the dispute, Ma Moumou not only spoke ill of the customer, but also carried out inappropriate behaviors such as abuse, slapping his face and pushing him. In the end, Ma Moumou even chased Wang Moumou outside the store. After the incident, the Changzhou police received a report and immediately intervened to deal with it, and punished Ma Moumou for public security. The incident caused an uproar on social media, with many netizens expressing indignation at Ma's actions.

The wonton shop that "insulted and drove away customers with more spices" has changed hands and has been replaced with a "cake shop" signboard

As the incident fermented, the business conditions of the wonton shop also changed. In a report on December 17, it was found that the storefront of the wonton shop had been turned into a cake shop, and a decoration fence had been installed. Nearby merchants revealed that the sign of the wonton shop was replaced with the sign of the cake shop on the same day. Some netizens broke the news that the wonton shop had been transferred in a WeChat group. And this move has sparked speculation and comments from many netizens, who believe that the new owner who took over the store is very bold.

The wonton shop that "insulted and drove away customers with more spices" has changed hands and has been replaced with a "cake shop" signboard

The dispute over a wonton restaurant in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province, originated from a customer's simple request for seasoning, but it turned into a fierce conflict between the owner and the customer. The climax of the incident was the punishment of the shopkeeper by the police, and the subsequent transformation of the storefront into a cake shop attracted widespread attention. This complex story not only reflects on the issues that can arise from consumer disputes, but also provides a glimpse into the reputational challenges faced by small businesses in the age of social media. Part 4:

After the incident, a large number of arguments and comments about this wonton shop erupted on social media. Some netizens expressed their shock at Ma's behavior and condemned the store operator. Some people even launched a call for a boycott of the store, asking everyone to work together to protect the rights and interests of consumers.

And the sudden transformation of the wonton shop into a cake shop has also caused widespread speculation. According to a netizen familiar with the matter, the news of the transfer of the wonton shop has spread widely in the local WeChat group. Some people say they have taken over, but the specifics are still confusing. This turn of events has sparked more speculation about why the wonton shop owner left, whether it was due to the negative impact of the incident or something else?

In the aftermath of the incident, some people even sent dead paper, and the wonton shop was vandalized on the night of the 15th, and a glass door was smashed. This act of violence made the incident more and more confusing, and the focus of public opinion gradually shifted from the dispute itself to the development and impact of the incident.

The Changzhou wonton restaurant incident in Jiangsu Province has evolved from a simple seasoning dispute to a thought-provoking social topic. The conflict between the boss and the customer not only reveals the pressures and challenges of small businesses in the service industry, but also draws attention to the relationship between merchants and consumers. With the transformation of stores and the heated discussion on social media, the impact of this incident goes beyond the individual conflicts of the parties involved, and involves multiple levels such as business reputation, social morality and online speech.

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