
WHO research has found that a capsule of vitamin B before bedtime, the pancreatic islets or slowly become stronger, understand it

author:Doctor Sanqin

Content Sources:

1. Wen Xueming, Lu Gaosong, Xu Yibo. Research Progress on Vitamin B Family and Its Role in Microecological Regulation[J]. Biotechnology Letters, 2016(01):161-166.

2. Ma Yousen, Chen Huaguang, Zhai Minjie. Vitamin B Family and Its Physiological Functions[J]. Medical Review, 2013, 19(04):617-620.

3. Liu Xiaodong, Chen Yang, Qiu Yong. Physiological function and clinical significance of vitamin B in the nervous system[J]. Journal of Clinical Neurology, 2017(03):289-292.

Diabetes is a common chronic disease in modern life, and its appearance is often closely related to our unhealthy lifestyle Xi habits, such as overeating, lack of exercise, irregular diet, lack of sleep, etc., which can become the direct cause of diabetes.

The appearance of diabetes will undoubtedly bring some unnecessary troubles to people, and this is a chronic metabolic disease, so it is often necessary to take medicine for a long time, and even then it is difficult to achieve complete improvement, which makes people even more troubled.

Diabetes is essentially the function of our body's pancreatic islets, in order to help solve the problem, so the World Health Organization began to carry out an in-depth study, and after a long period of research, it was found that the human body's insulin disorder mainly stems from the lack of vitamin B in the body, and reasonable supplementation of vitamin B can reduce the sugar content in the blood.

In other words, vitamin B may help open a new door to blood sugar control, is this an exaggeration or is it true? The story of what happened to Uncle Meng may provide some answers.

Uncle Meng and Uncle Tang have been good friends for many years, and they often walk together, chatter, and share each other's lives. Uncle Meng was diagnosed with diabetes many years ago, and since then, his life has become much more restricted. He had to take medicine on time every day, follow strict dietary control, and even carry medicine with him when he traveled, which made Uncle Meng feel very inconvenient.

WHO research has found that a capsule of vitamin B before bedtime, the pancreatic islets or slowly become stronger, understand it

Although Uncle Meng tried hard to follow the doctor's treatment recommendations, he was still frustrated. For a long time, he found that while medication to control blood sugar was effective, it wasn't as good as it could be. This kind of life bound by illness caused Uncle Meng to have some feelings of despair, and he couldn't help but wonder if he would never be able to get rid of the trouble of diabetes.

Uncle Tang is an old doctor who has worked in the medical field for many years, and he cares about Uncle Meng very much. Seeing that his good friend was struggling with diabetes, he decided to help Uncle Meng find a better way to control it. Through the conversation with Uncle Meng, Uncle Tang learned that Uncle Meng had been relying on drugs to control blood sugar, but the effect was not satisfactory.

By chance, Uncle Tang introduced vitamin B to Uncle Meng about the help of pancreatic islet function. He said that vitamin B is very important for the secretion of insulin, and vitamin B also has a blood sugar-lowering effect. He suggested that Uncle Meng take a tablet of vitamin B every night before going to bed, and stick to it for a while to see the effect.

WHO research has found that a capsule of vitamin B before bedtime, the pancreatic islets or slowly become stronger, understand it

After listening to Uncle Tang's suggestion, Uncle Meng was a little skeptical at first. However, considering that his condition had not improved much for many years, he decided to give it a try. Every night before going to bed, he would take vitamin B on time. Although he didn't see any noticeable changes at first, he didn't give up and persevered in taking medicine every day.

Just after he had been doing it for almost a month, he began to notice some improvement in his blood sugar levels. Not only is the diet more relaxed, but the dosage of the drug has also been reduced. Uncle Meng was very pleased, and he realized that this piece of vitamin B is very effective in controlling blood sugar.

With the help of vitamin B, Uncle Meng's pancreatic islet function has improved, and his blood sugar level has gradually stabilized. Real-life cases have raised a flame of hope in the hearts of diabetics, but there are also people who wonder how a small piece of B vitamins works, and the researchers have also given the answer.

WHO research has found that a capsule of vitamin B before bedtime, the pancreatic islets or slowly become stronger, understand it

Eating B vitamins before bed helps to improve the function of pancreatic islets because B vitamins have the effect of regulating insulin secretion and cellular energy metabolism. The B vitamins include vitamins such as vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B3 (niacin), vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) and vitamin B12 (cyanamide), all of which have a certain effect on the function of pancreatic islets.

First, the mechanism of action of B vitamins has an important impact on the function of pancreatic islets. B vitamins are essential for human growth and development and cell metabolism. Among them, vitamin B1 plays an important role in glucose metabolism and insulin secretion, which can promote the insulin secretion function of pancreatic islet β cells, improve the utilization of insulin, and reduce blood sugar levels.

Vitamins B2 and B3 can promote cellular energy metabolism and ATP production, and have a regulatory effect on glucose metabolism and pancreatic islet function. Vitamin B6 plays an important coenzyme role in glucose metabolism and can promote the secretion and utilization of insulin.

WHO research has found that a capsule of vitamin B before bedtime, the pancreatic islets or slowly become stronger, understand it

Vitamin B12 plays an important role in islet function and the nervous system, regulating insulin sensitivity and nerve conduction velocity. These mechanisms of action of B vitamins make them have a certain effect on the function of pancreatic islets.

Secondly, islet function is an important mechanism for maintaining blood glucose stability. Pancreatic islets are an important organ in the human endocrine system, which mainly secretes insulin and glucagon to regulate blood sugar balance. Insulin is an important hormone that can promote the absorption and utilization of glucose, reduce blood sugar concentration, and play an important role in cell metabolism and energy metabolism.

Glucagon can increase blood sugar levels and regulate blood sugar stability. Disorders in the function of pancreatic islets can lead to an increase or decrease in blood sugar, and the appearance of diseases such as diabetes. Therefore, maintaining the normal function of pancreatic islets is of great significance to human health.

Finally, eating B vitamins before bed can help improve islet function. Before going to bed is an important period for the human body to rest, and the quality of sleep directly affects the normal function of pancreatic islets. Vitamins B1, B2 and B3 in the vitamin B family can help the conversion and metabolism of energy in the human body, and vitamins B6 and B12 can improve the resistance of the nervous system and cells, thereby improving the stability and vitality of pancreatic islet function.

WHO research has found that a capsule of vitamin B before bedtime, the pancreatic islets or slowly become stronger, understand it

In addition, when the body is asleep, the absorption and utilization of vitamin B will also increase, so eating vitamin B before bed can better regulate the function of pancreatic islets. Some of the components in the B vitamin complex also have a calming effect, which can promote sleep quality, improve nutrient absorption and metabolic status during sleep, and thus help improve the function of pancreatic islets.

In summary, vitamin B group has a significant effect on the improvement of pancreatic islet function. Eating vitamin B before going to bed can more effectively play the role of vitamin B in regulating pancreatic islet function, which is conducive to maintaining normal blood sugar metabolism and pancreatic islet function.

WHO research has found that a capsule of vitamin B before bedtime, the pancreatic islets or slowly become stronger, understand it

Therefore, by eating vitamin B before bedtime, it can improve the vitality and stability of pancreatic islet function, which is conducive to the maintenance of human health. However, it should be noted that for taking vitamin B before bedtime, it is necessary to take reasonable medication according to the individual's physical condition and the doctor's advice to avoid adverse consequences caused by overdose or improper medication.

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