
Impotence at a young age? Doctor's reminder: Beware of the lack of 2 vitamins, supplement in time

author:Dr. Sun's class
"I'm only 28 years old, why am I impotent?" Xiao Li (pseudonym) sat anxiously in front of the doctor, unable to accept this cruel reality. In his impression, impotence seems to be an exclusive problem for middle-aged and elderly people, and he is in his youth, how can he encounter this kind of trouble? What made him even more unsettling was that this problem had affected his married life and strained his relationship with his wife. After learning more about Xiao Li's lifestyle and diet, the doctor uncovered an unexpected truth - perhaps a lack of two key vitamins.

Xiao Li, as a senior programmer of a well-known Internet company, is busy with work every day, and the pace of life is spinning like a flywheel. He rarely has time to exercise, often sleepless late at night, and his eating habits are extremely unstable, with takeout and fast food frequently occupying his table. In recent months, he has noticed an abnormality in his sexual performance, and this sudden disturbance has made him feel heavy and uneasy. At first, he thought it was caused by too much stress, so he tried to relax and even bought some health supplements. However, instead of alleviating his condition, his condition worsened, and his sexual problems became more and more pronounced, and his inner anxiety became more and more serious.

Impotence at a young age? Doctor's reminder: Beware of the lack of 2 vitamins, supplement in time

After careful consideration and listening to his wife's concerned advice, Xiao Li finally made up his mind and decided to go to the hospital for a comprehensive and detailed physical examination. After a detailed medical test, the doctor solemnly informed him that the lack of vitamin D and B12 in his body may be the root cause of this series of discomforts. This sudden diagnosis shocked Xiao Li - he couldn't believe that these two often overlooked vitamins could have hidden dangers that cause impotence?

Doctors explain that vitamin D and vitamin B12 play a vital role in maintaining men's health. Not only does vitamin D contribute to bone health, but it is also closely related to hormone levels in the body, especially testosterone. Vitamin D deficiency may lead to a decrease in testosterone levels, which can implicitly impair male sexual performance.

Impotence at a young age? Doctor's reminder: Beware of the lack of 2 vitamins, supplement in time

Vitamin B12 is an important guarantee for the health of the nervous system, and a deficiency of this vitamin may lead to nerve conduction disorders, which can affect sexual function. Vitamin B12 plays a vital role in red blood cell production, and once deficient, it is easy to induce anemia, resulting in physical exhaustion and lack of energy, which indirectly adversely affects male sexual function.

The doctor conducted an in-depth exploration of Xiao Li's daily life, and inquired in detail about his eating habits, work and rest rules and other lifestyle details. Li admits that he barely basks in the sun, spends long hours in the office, and lacks fresh vegetables and fruits, not to mention foods rich in vitamins D and B12. The doctor clearly pointed out that the lack of these vitamins in his body was due to the lack of his daily diet and lifestyle habits.

"Your lifestyle is most likely the culprit that causes impotence. After careful consideration, the doctor said: "In order to solve the problem once and for all, we need to start from the root cause and make comprehensive adjustments and optimization of your diet and lifestyle habits. The doctor prescribed Xiao Li some vitamin D and B12 supplements, and advised him to spend more time in the sun, increase outdoor activities, and adjust his diet to eat more foods rich in these vitamins, such as fish, egg yolks, dairy products and green leafy vegetables.

Impotence at a young age? Doctor's reminder: Beware of the lack of 2 vitamins, supplement in time

Xiao Li resolutely decided to take the doctor's instructions as a guide to action and strictly follow them. Make time out of the sun every day, increase outdoor exercise, stay away from fast food and takeout, start cooking your own meals, and pay attention to nutrition. A few months later, Xiao Li was pleasantly surprised to find that his condition gradually improved, his sexual function returned to normal, and his mental state became fuller.

"I never imagined that these humble vitamins would have such a big impact on my health." Xiao Li said with emotion. He also took the initiative to share his experience with his friends, reminding everyone to pay attention to vitamin intake and avoid falling into the same predicament as himself.

Through Xiao Li's experience, we can see that the busy lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits of modern young people can easily lead to vitamin deficiencies, which in turn can lead to various health problems. Vitamins D and B12, although often overlooked, play an irreplaceable and pivotal role in maintaining men's health.

We should pay attention to our daily diet and lifestyle, conduct regular health check-ups, and detect and correct nutritional deficiencies in time. When male friends face sexual function problems, they should not blindly use health products or drugs, but should first find out the root cause and take scientific treatment.

Impotence at a young age? Doctor's reminder: Beware of the lack of 2 vitamins, supplement in time

Do you have similar habits? Feel free to share your thoughts and experiences, and let's explore how to stay healthy and avoid unnecessary health problems through simple life adjustments. Your sharing may help more friends and let us move towards a healthy life together. #头条创作挑战赛#

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