
Elderly people with weak legs and can't exert their strength? Doctor: Supplementing with 3 vitamins makes the legs stronger when walking

author:Physician Director Hu

Uncle Liu is 62 years old this year, usually in good health, and the annual physical examination has not detected the chronic diseases of the elderly, but in recent days, he always feels that his legs are weak, he has no strength when walking, and he can't make energy, especially when he gets up in the morning, he doesn't stand firm and falls down one morning, but fortunately he didn't fall into a big problem.

Uncle Liu thought that it might be that he didn't sleep well recently to have these symptoms, so he didn't tell his family about the physical discomfort, and went to the pharmacy to buy a few pairs of plasters to put on, but the discomfort symptoms have not improved, but have become more and more serious, and there is also a situation of low back and leg pain, Uncle Liu tossed and turned at night, unable to sleep, and finally it was really uncomfortable to tell the family about these situations.

Elderly people with weak legs and can't exert their strength? Doctor: Supplementing with 3 vitamins makes the legs stronger when walking

The family did not delay, immediately took Uncle Liu to the hospital, arrived at the hospital, the doctor carefully inquired about the specific situation, and prescribed relevant examinations, other electrocardiograms, blood tests and other obvious abnormalities, through bone densitometry and other systematic examinations, Uncle Liu suffered from osteoporosis.

Elderly people with weak legs and can't exert their strength? Doctor: Supplementing with 3 vitamins makes the legs stronger when walking

Uncle Liu hadn't suffered from any serious illness yet, and he was very nervous when he heard the news, "Doctor, this disease can be cured, it's not serious." The doctor saw Uncle Liu's worries, and hurriedly said: "Uncle, don't worry too much, the elderly due to the reduction of sex hormones, resulting in osteopenia, with age, the ability to absorb nutrients will also decrease, and some elderly people will have osteoporosis." ”

According to the doctor's understanding, Uncle Liu usually has bad habits of smoking and drinking, less physical activity, and insufficient sunshine, which are all factors that induce osteoporosis.

Elderly people with weak legs and can't exert their strength? Doctor: Supplementing with 3 vitamins makes the legs stronger when walking

Uncle Liu's condition is not too serious, the doctor prescribed him vitamin D and other drugs, and informed him of the precautions, and then Uncle Liu took vitamin D at home for a period of time, the discomfort symptoms have disappeared, and the bone density has returned to normal during the reexamination.

Elderly people with weak legs and can't exert their strength? Doctor: Supplementing with 3 vitamins makes the legs stronger when walking

With the growth of age, to the stage of middle-aged and elderly people, sometimes there will be weak legs, unable to exert energy, some are suffering from osteoporosis like Uncle Liu, and some are other physiological and pathological reasons. If you want to walk more strongly, you need to supplement 3 kinds of vitamins, in addition, we should take more measures to protect the legs and enhance the strength of the legs in daily life.

1: Why do the elderly have weak legs and can't exert their strength?

In terms of physiological factors, the elderly are overworked, and their legs may be weak and weak.

Compared with the younger population, the elderly have a decline in physical fitness, the body's immunity is reduced, if the long-term activity is too large, without proper rest, the body can not be completely repaired, there may be leg weakness, and there may be other uncomfortable symptoms

The effect of mood may lead to negative symptoms such as depression and anxiety in the elderly, which may lead to weakness in the limbs, weakness of the hands and feet, and inability to exert energy, which is a manifestation of somatization. Older people are also likely to experience these symptoms when they are angry, angry, and extremely sad.

Elderly people with weak legs and can't exert their strength? Doctor: Supplementing with 3 vitamins makes the legs stronger when walking

There are many possibilities in pathological factors, such as Uncle Liu's weak legs and lack of strength, because he suffered from osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a very common disease for the elderly, and it is more common in people over the age of 60. In the early stages of this disease, there are often no obvious symptoms, so it is difficult for patients to notice. The patient gradually develops general fatigue, often feels fatigued, especially after exertion, and it is difficult to lift heavy objects that can be lifted normally.

Elderly people with weak legs and can't exert their strength? Doctor: Supplementing with 3 vitamins makes the legs stronger when walking

Typical symptoms of bone pain follow, mostly low back and leg pain, some patients will have generalized pain, and some will have diffuse pain, without specific pain points. Fractures occur when osteoporosis is severe, and it is easy to occur during daily activities and sudden falls and trauma, and the most common sites are found in the thoracolumbar spine and hips. If left untreated, it can also compress the heart and lungs, leading to respiratory and circulatory disorders.

Elderly people with weak legs and can't exert their strength? Doctor: Supplementing with 3 vitamins makes the legs stronger when walking

Osteoporosis in elderly women is often due to the influence of estrogen secretion after menopause, the secretion of estrogen after menopause is reduced, and osteoclasts cannot be effectively inhibited, osteoclasts are active in the bones, normal bone cells are decomposed and absorbed, and bone mass is lost, resulting in osteoporosis.

With age, the decrease in sex hormones will also inhibit the renewal and growth of osteoblasts, coupled with the decline of the body's organ function, the absorption capacity of nutrients decreases, resulting in osteoporosis.

Elderly people with weak legs and can't exert their strength? Doctor: Supplementing with 3 vitamins makes the legs stronger when walking

Of course, there are also the effects of diseases or drugs, such as hyperthyroidism, diabetes, Cushing's syndrome and other endocrine diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, systemic lupus erythematosus and other diseases, long-term use of glucocorticoids, methotrexate and other drugs will also affect the synthesis of osteoblasts.

If the usual nutrient intake is insufficient, or the nutrient intake is unbalanced, resulting in malnutrition, the patient will also have symptoms of weakness in the limbs, weak legs, and inability to exert energy.

The occurrence of vascular diseases of the lower limbs can also lead to weakness and weakness of the legs, such as deep vein thrombosis, obstruction of venous return of the lower limbs, resulting in the surrounding tissues and blood circulation throughout the body, and insufficient blood supply to the veins of the lower limbs.

Elderly people with weak legs and can't exert their strength? Doctor: Supplementing with 3 vitamins makes the legs stronger when walking

Neurological lesions, such as cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral infarction, craniocerebral tumor, brain trauma, etc., and cerebral arteriovenous vascular blockage, will also lead to a decrease in muscle strength in the limbs, and the symptoms of weak legs and inability to exert strength can be found in people with stroke.

A variety of factors can lead to weak legs, lack of strength, in other words, when the legs are weak, not strong to be careful of the occurrence of a variety of diseases. In addition, the legs are swollen, and the skin is significantly depressed when pressed by the fingers, so be careful of the occurrence of kidney and heart diseases. Symptoms such as numbness, pain, coldness, itching, wounds that are difficult to heal, and darkening of the skin should be a sign that may be sent by certain diseases, and leg problems should not be underestimated.

Elderly people with weak legs and can't exert their strength? Doctor: Supplementing with 3 vitamins makes the legs stronger when walking

After the disease is investigated, we can supplement these 3 vitamins for weak legs and weak legs in the bones, which can effectively improve discomfort symptoms such as weakness in the legs.

2: Supplement 3 kinds of vitamins to make your legs stronger when you walk

Elderly people with weak legs and can't exert their strength? Doctor: Supplementing with 3 vitamins makes the legs stronger when walking

1. Vitamin D

Vitamin D can be supplemented in moderation, which can effectively promote calcium absorption in the gastrointestinal tract, avoid calcium loss, reduce calcium excretion, and play a preventive role in bone diseases such as osteoporosis.

Studies have shown that vitamin D supplementation is also effective in reducing the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

The best way to supplement vitamin D in daily life is to be exposed to the sun, compared to children and adults, because the elderly's ability to absorb vitamin D is reduced, and the sun exposure time can be extended, but care should be taken not to expose to the sun to avoid heat stroke. When the daily light is insufficient, it can also be supplemented in the diet, foods rich in vitamin D include animal liver, egg yolk, fish, etc.

Patients with severe symptoms can take vitamin D supplements under the professional guidance of their doctors, and should pay attention to taking them strictly according to the doctor's instructions to avoid taking too much to increase the blood calcium level, which increases the risk of kidney stones, arrhythmia and other diseases.

Elderly people with weak legs and can't exert their strength? Doctor: Supplementing with 3 vitamins makes the legs stronger when walking

2. Vitamin K

Weak legs, not strong, you can supplement an appropriate amount of vitamin K, it not only has the effect of promoting blood clotting function, but also helps in the absorption of calcium, vitamin K can be the calcium in the blood "guide" to the bones, effectively maintain bone health, prevent osteoporosis and other diseases.

In daily life, green vegetables, animal liver, meat, dairy products and other foods are rich in vitamin K, and the elderly with weak legs and poor energy can eat these foods in moderation in three meals a day, and special groups can take vitamin K supplements according to the doctor's instructions.

Elderly people with weak legs and can't exert their strength? Doctor: Supplementing with 3 vitamins makes the legs stronger when walking

3. Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 can also maintain bone health, it can effectively reduce homocysteine in the blood, thereby reducing the risk of osteoporotic diseases. Animal liver, beef, whole-wheat bread and other foods are rich in vitamin B12, which can be eaten in moderation in daily life.

Elderly people with weak legs and can't exert their strength? Doctor: Supplementing with 3 vitamins makes the legs stronger when walking

In addition to supplementing these 3 vitamins, the elderly also need to do these things if they want to walk stronger legs.

Three: How to make the legs stronger?

The elderly can choose to do some suitable sports, such as brisk walking, tai chi, cycling, etc., to exercise leg muscles, strengthen strength, and also improve joint mobility, which is of great help to improve cardiopulmonary function and prevent diseases. However, it is necessary to pay attention to moderate exercise, and stop in time once symptoms such as weakness and pain in the legs appear.

Elderly people with weak legs and can't exert their strength? Doctor: Supplementing with 3 vitamins makes the legs stronger when walking

In daily life, it is necessary to change the bad posture, such as lying down for a long time, lying down for a long time will cause muscle atrophy, and it is easy to have symptoms such as weak legs and lack of strength.

Squatting, sitting or standing for long periods of time can also cause your legs to become weak and unstrained, requiring frequent changes in position.

Diet to achieve balanced nutrition, many elderly people only eat vegetarian or eat too much meat, this is unhealthy eating habits, the elderly originally absorb nutrients on the decline, if not actively supplement a variety of nutrients, resulting in malnutrition and other diseases, it is not conducive to leg health.

Elderly people with weak legs and can't exert their strength? Doctor: Supplementing with 3 vitamins makes the legs stronger when walking

Uncle Liu's legs are weak and unable to exert strength because he suffers from osteoporosis, and the elderly should also be careful that this symptom is affected by the disease, pay more attention to the condition of the legs, including skin color, temperature, etc., and seek medical treatment in time if they are not suitable. If you want to walk more vigorously in your daily life, you can supplement vitamin D, vitamin K, and vitamin B12 in an appropriate amount to maintain the health of your leg bones.


[1] Liu Yong, Chen Yun, Fu Li, Xu Qian, Zhuang Kui, Research progress of exercise and vitamin D on frailty in the elderly[C].The 13th National Sports Science Conference

[2] What is the reason for weak legs when you wake up in the morning? Family Medicine. Happy health

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