
After jumping into the river to save people, the takeaway brother who was "trapped".

author:Golden Sheep Net

The first time I met Peng Qinglin was in the early summer of 2023. It was an ordinary Tuesday afternoon, Peng Qinglin, who had been working as a delivery boy in Hangzhou for more than a year, jumped from the third bridge of the Qianjiang River into the Qiantang River with a drop of more than 10 meters on the way to deliver the order, saving a woman who had committed suicide.

At that time, attention and honor were overwhelming. Donations, condolences, interviews, countless activities, the most beautiful Hangzhou people, Hangzhou Asian Games torchbearers, Hangzhou good people...... All kinds of new identities fell on his head involuntarily, and in the initial panic, Peng Qinglin began to slowly adapt.

The first time I saw Peng Qinglin, it was December, but the winter in Hangzhou was far less cold than in the north, it was at two o'clock in the afternoon on a Saturday, at the gate of Peng Qinglin's newly rented house, the reporter met him who had just finished delivering the lunch rush hour.

After jumping into the river to save people, the takeaway brother who was "trapped".


After jumping into the river to save people, after a brief few months of recuperation, Peng Qinglin had already resumed his work as a delivery boy in September this year, but his work location was changed from Xihu District to Shangcheng District. The unfamiliar area made him a little uncomfortable, and the number of orders sent was somewhat reduced compared to before, but he felt that there was no problem.

After being interviewed countless times, Peng Qinglin recognized the reporter at a glance. After a brief greeting, without extra greetings, Peng Qinglin stopped the electric car and went upstairs, neatly and simply, the reporter followed him into his room on the fourth floor, speechless all the way.

The house was newly rented by Peng Qinglin a few months ago, with two bedrooms and one living room, less than 70 square meters, which is relatively better than the previous residence. However, the living room is a little messy, and it should not have time to clean up yet. Seeing that there were living people, the two stray cats adopted by Peng Qinglin hid under the bed at once.

After jumping into the river to save people, the takeaway brother who was "trapped".

Or tired, Peng Qinglin has very few words, and spends most of his time replying to WeChat messages. He is now a squad leader, with 17 delivery people under him, and he has to help them solve problems at any time between deliveries.

About ten minutes later, Peng Qinglin received the takeaway ordered in advance, and he temporarily planned to add two eggs to stir-fry, but it can be seen from the environment of the kitchen that he rarely starts a fire in ordinary times.

During the meal, talking about the topic of raising cats, Peng Qinglin recovered his true character as a "social cow", and the conversation began to gradually increase. During the day, Peng Qinglin only had three and a half hours of rest, and he had to take half of it for online classes. On November 18, he became a freshman majoring in modern logistics management at the Experimental College of the Open University of China.

After jumping into the river to save people, the takeaway brother who was "trapped".

In addition to these, Peng Qinglin has to participate in activities and give interviews from time to time, which makes him feel more tired than before. In order to squeeze in more free time, he would often send it to 2 a.m., "one or two more shifts a day, so that I could spare one or two days a week." ”

But Peng Qinglin feels that his life is much more fulfilling now than before, so full that he has not had time to play games for a long time.

In the past, he didn't have a clear plan for the future, and what he thought about every day was to deliver today's order. "Now I have the opportunity to go to university, and after I get my degree, I will have more development directions, and I may enter the management team, become a stationmaster or a city manager. After getting his degree, he plans to continue to improve his education.

After jumping into the river to save people, the takeaway brother who was "trapped".

After half a year, when it comes to the situation of jumping into the river to save people, Peng Qinglin seems a little light, "This is just a small thing in life, and when you can reach out, you can stretch out your hand." He said that he had encountered difficulties before, and that people had helped him, and he just wanted to pass on this kindness.

Instead, he told reporters with great interest about the episode the night before, when he and his blind date were walking when a pedestrian fell off an electric car, and he ran over to help.

Peng Qinglin rarely watched the video of himself jumping into the river to save people, and he didn't expect that this jump would attract the attention of so many netizens and the media. He wondered why every time he had a new identity or new news, he would be on the hot search.


For him, jumping into the river to save people and everything that happened next was an accident, "If it wasn't for this accident, I might have been picking up garbage in Tibet by now, but after this accident, I need to think about different things." As early as the beginning of this year, he discussed with a friend that they would go to Tibet to pick up garbage together in half a year. "I have been to Tibet for a long time to live a chic life, and my life is good and not wanton. ”

The accident brought countless honors to Peng Qinglin, but he said that these were not what he wanted, "This is what you forcibly put on my head, it is not what I want, it is not what I have obtained by my own efforts, I am not qualified to judge, and I have no idea about these." ”

After jumping into the river to save people, the takeaway brother who was "trapped".

"At that time, there were a lot of people who wanted to donate money to me, and I counted it, and it was about 1 million yuan. I wondered why I was given money, and if I took it, would I be tied up, and no one could predict the consequences. Peng Qinglin refused to give him a house and donations, and also used part of the prize money to set up the Peng Qinglin Love Public Welfare Center in his hometown, which funded 24 students on the day of its establishment.

The accident also brought continuous heat to Peng Qinglin. Not only in the online world, today's Peng Qinglin, who rides a battery car to deliver food in the streets and alleys of Hangzhou every day, will also be recognized by many businesses and citizens, and will also be asked to take a group photo. Peng Qinglin said that these do not bother him, and he does not reject them, but he also hopes that others will still treat him as an ordinary person.

Naturally, the constant heat also bothered him. The label given to him by the outside world stood there, which made him a little constrained. "There are some things I want to do that I can't do, I want to do it, but I can't do it, because there is heat now, and everything you do has to be evaluated in advance. For example, if I don't want to do food delivery, I can always stop doing it, but if I do do it now, there will be a lot of doubts, and I don't want to explain it to them. ”

It's not like he doesn't want that attention, though. "Whether you have attention or not, I'm just like everyone else, just like you. I also make mistakes, and sometimes I hold a person too high, and I tend to fall even harder. I don't reject or reject these concerns from the outside world, I won't be disappointed if I don't expect them, and I can actually accept some things as long as they are not too excessive. ”

Two "Peng Qinglin"

Peng Qinglin said that the Peng Qinglin that the public knows, pays attention to, and understands is Peng Qinglin on the Internet, and has nothing to do with himself in reality. "Every different identity you see is Peng Qinglin on the Internet, not the real me, what you see is me who magnifies my advantages, and I don't see my shortcomings, brother. Peng Qinglin seems to like to use the term "brother".

In the online world, he is Peng Qinglin, a takeaway brother who jumped into the river to save people, a good person in Hangzhou, and an activist who is brave in the face of righteousness, these identities make him only cautious in his words and deeds. Of course, he never considered himself a hero. "The concept of hero is not like this, you can call me a brave takeaway brother, don't call me a hero, I don't match the word hero. ”

In the real world, he is an ordinary takeaway brother, working alone in Hangzhou for a living, although he just settled in Hangzhou some time ago, he still can't afford to buy a house, "still no car, no house, no wife, no deposit, no personnel." "He is a very direct person, and when he encounters something he is not used to, he will want to scold him, and he will also be irritated because the customer does not write an address or cannot get through the phone.

After jumping into the river to save people, the takeaway brother who was "trapped".

"I like to brag, I like to scare people, I will scare people and things that I can't get used to, I used to be a person who was scared of heaven and earth. But his current identity has bound him, which makes him very confused. Peng Qinglin bluntly said that in the online world, he will also have some burdens to become a public figure. "I am a prodigal son bound by the world, unable to escape the shackles of reality. ”

Peng Qinglin does not deny that he also needs this kind of heat. "Traffic or popularity, there are good and bad, if you can't hold it, you will overturn, but it is also because of the traffic that your media will come, isn't it? ”

Naturally, some bad comments on the Internet will not bother him, "What they are talking about is that Peng Qinglin on the Internet has nothing to do with me, we are separated by two mobile phones, it is too far away." Besides, I can't even get enough sleep every day, bro. Just sleep a few hours a day, how can you have time to pay attention to these things on the Internet. ”

But when the reporter mentioned whether he had thought about using the current popularity of live broadcast to bring goods, Peng Qinglin was a little disdainful, feeling that those were not long-term and meaningless. "Seeing that they make a lot of money, but in fact, it's nothing after this limelight, if I go to bring goods in June, and I make money, even if it won't cool down immediately, but it's to that extent. The pattern should be open, not limited to immediate interests. ”

He said that there have also been merchants who have asked him to bring goods live and even offered millions of high prices. "Even if I can earn 10 million yuan with my popularity, it's nothing more than buying a house and a car, what should I do after the money is spent? I'm now down-to-earth to deliver takeaways, which is very good, and I can earn 10,000 yuan a month, and sometimes I participate in some activities and accept some interviews, isn't it also good? ”

After jumping into the river to save people, the takeaway brother who was "trapped".

"Anything should not only be judged by its benefits, but also by its pros and cons. Peng Qinglin feels that the money brought by popularity and traffic is just that money, and the rest is nothing, so it is better to improve yourself in a down-to-earth manner and make yourself better. If one day these traffic and popularity are gone, he will not feel lost. "What is on the Internet is nihilistic after all, and it is not as reliable as being down-to-earth. ”

Peng Qinglin said that he should open a small yellow car on his social platform and sell tickets for his hometown tourist attractions. "The traffic is here, and it's actually a pity not to use it, people always have to move forward. If one day I really go to the live broadcast to bring goods, it is also to do meaningful things and earn money with conscience, such as helping farmers live broadcast. ”

"Lucky", Peng Qinglin described the past year. "I believe everything is arranged for the best. Whether it is jumping into the river to save people, whether it is the honor that comes with it, or the opportunity, I am lucky. This kind of thing actually happens every day, maybe I belong to the one who is favored by the goddess of fate. ”

After jumping into the river to save people, the takeaway brother who was "trapped".

At half past five in the afternoon, the fragrance of food filled the entire community, rubbing his sleepy eyes, Peng Qinglin, who had just woken up from his sleep, went out again, this time, he couldn't go home until two o'clock in the morning. "Next year, I hope to become a stationmaster and get a degree. Peng Qinglin is trying to take that step.

"Next year, buy a car and go to Tibet to pick up garbage. This is another more important goal of Peng Qinglin's life. "But you always have to wait for the heat to subside. He didn't shy away from saying that the current popularity and traffic would actually be helpful to this life goal, but he also bluntly said that he would do it with or without the current traffic and popularity.

Peng Qinglin hopes that in the future, he can have the ability to influence more people and find more like-minded friends to do this together. "Not just alone, I want to take my future partner with me. He was also looking forward to a good outcome for the blind date the night before......

Editor: Chen Shijie

Source: Poster News

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