
"Jiangnan ginseng" is boiled like this, moisturizing yin and dryness, regulating the heart and lungs, and it is just right to eat it now!

author:Beiqing Net

As the weather gets cooler, do you find that your tongue coating is white and thick, and your skin is getting drier? This is usually associated with the prevalence of dryness in autumn and winter.

At this time, to deal with dryness, we can choose to eat some sweet and cold foods. For example, water chestnuts, also known as water chestnuts, are a seasonal product in autumn and winter. Northerners call it "Jiangnan ginseng", while southerners give it the reputation of "underground pear".

"Jiangnan ginseng" is boiled like this, moisturizing yin and dryness, regulating the heart and lungs, and it is just right to eat it now!

It has thin skin and tender meat, crisp and delicious, not only contains calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, vitamin C and other nutrients, but also has high medicinal value, especially suitable for autumn and winter consumption.

01 A small water chestnut has many benefits

Since ancient times, water chestnuts have been considered a good health food by ancient Chinese medicine, especially suitable for middle-aged and elderly people.

According to the Qing Dynasty medical monograph "Materia Medica", water chestnut has the effect of "breaking the accumulation, stopping bleeding, stopping dysentery, detoxifying, acne, and clearing the color and sobering up". In the "Compendium of Materia Medica", it is said that water chestnuts have the effects of reducing fire, tonifying the lungs and cooling the liver, and eliminating food and phlegm.

"Jiangnan ginseng" is boiled like this, moisturizing yin and dryness, regulating the heart and lungs, and it is just right to eat it now!

1. Clear away heat and dissolve phlegm

Water chestnut is sweet and cold, can clear lung heat, and is rich in mucus, which has the effect of moistening the lungs and dissolving phlegm, so it can clear phlegm and heat, and help relieve lung fever and cough, cough and vomit yellow sticky thick phlegm and other discomforts.

2. Auxiliary antibacterial

There is a class of substances in water chestnuts that have good antibacterial effects and can inhibit harmful bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli.

3. Laxative

Water chestnut contains crude protein and starch, which can promote the peristalsis of the large intestine, and has certain benefits for food accumulation and dry stool caused by heat evil.

"Jiangnan ginseng" is boiled like this, moisturizing yin and dryness, regulating the heart and lungs, and it is just right to eat it now!

02 Eating water chestnuts is done right, and the benefits are not wasted

When many people eat water chestnuts, they will peel the skin very cleanly, leaving only the innermost white flesh. As everyone knows, this "overly clean" step makes a real treasure wasted.

It is water chestnut, which is the yellow part between the skin and the flesh of water chestnut, which has an antibacterial effect and can inhibit harmful bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli.

"Jiangnan ginseng" is boiled like this, moisturizing yin and dryness, regulating the heart and lungs, and it is just right to eat it now!

People with upper gastrointestinal tract infections have a good effect by eating some raw water chestnuts; In epidemic seasons such as influenza and whooping cough, eating more water chestnuts can not only prevent it, but also play a role in assisting improvement.

However, water chestnuts are not resistant to high temperature and long-term cooking, so when we eat water chestnuts, we can remove the black skin, keep the yellow part, and heat it properly.

03 Eat water chestnuts and try these 3 ways to eat

Water chestnuts can be eaten in a variety of ways, either directly as a fruit, or cooked, dried, chopped and minced to make meatballs...

Horseshoe sugarcane pear water

"Jiangnan ginseng" is boiled like this, moisturizing yin and dryness, regulating the heart and lungs, and it is just right to eat it now!

Air-dried water chestnuts

"Jiangnan ginseng" is boiled like this, moisturizing yin and dryness, regulating the heart and lungs, and it is just right to eat it now!

Stuffed bacon with snails

"Jiangnan ginseng" is boiled like this, moisturizing yin and dryness, regulating the heart and lungs, and it is just right to eat it now!

(CCTV home for dinner)

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