
The United States upgraded its ban on chips against China, and less than three days later, China issued an announcement restricting the export of key materials, the Sino-US trade war and export controls in high-tech industries have had a negative impact on US semiconductor giants

author:Jinsong entertainment talks

The United States upgraded its ban on chips against China, and less than three days later, China issued an announcement restricting the export of key materials

The Sino-US trade war and export controls in high-tech industries have had a negative impact on U.S. semiconductor giants, and the United States is at risk of losing its dominant position in the semiconductor industry. However, in order to continue to maintain its superiority in this field, the United States has continuously increased its suppression and restrictions on China. China has taken economic countermeasures, including strengthening economic resilience and influencing the formation of a new order. The economic game between China and the United States will continue, but de-Sinicization is unrealistic.

The United States upgraded its ban on chips against China, and less than three days later, China issued an announcement restricting the export of key materials, the Sino-US trade war and export controls in high-tech industries have had a negative impact on US semiconductor giants
The United States upgraded its ban on chips against China, and less than three days later, China issued an announcement restricting the export of key materials, the Sino-US trade war and export controls in high-tech industries have had a negative impact on US semiconductor giants
The United States upgraded its ban on chips against China, and less than three days later, China issued an announcement restricting the export of key materials, the Sino-US trade war and export controls in high-tech industries have had a negative impact on US semiconductor giants
The United States upgraded its ban on chips against China, and less than three days later, China issued an announcement restricting the export of key materials, the Sino-US trade war and export controls in high-tech industries have had a negative impact on US semiconductor giants
The United States upgraded its ban on chips against China, and less than three days later, China issued an announcement restricting the export of key materials, the Sino-US trade war and export controls in high-tech industries have had a negative impact on US semiconductor giants
The United States upgraded its ban on chips against China, and less than three days later, China issued an announcement restricting the export of key materials, the Sino-US trade war and export controls in high-tech industries have had a negative impact on US semiconductor giants
The United States upgraded its ban on chips against China, and less than three days later, China issued an announcement restricting the export of key materials, the Sino-US trade war and export controls in high-tech industries have had a negative impact on US semiconductor giants
The United States upgraded its ban on chips against China, and less than three days later, China issued an announcement restricting the export of key materials, the Sino-US trade war and export controls in high-tech industries have had a negative impact on US semiconductor giants
The United States upgraded its ban on chips against China, and less than three days later, China issued an announcement restricting the export of key materials, the Sino-US trade war and export controls in high-tech industries have had a negative impact on US semiconductor giants

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