
Yu Feihong is over 50 years old and finally told the truth about not marrying for life, do you know why?

author:Sheep entertain y
Yu Feihong is over 50 years old and finally told the truth about not marrying for life, do you know why?

In the Chinese entertainment industry, there is such a woman, who has won the love of countless audiences with her unique charm and talent. She is Yu Feihong, an actress over 50 years old, who has become a goddess in the hearts of many people with her profound acting skills and independent attitude to life. However, her marital status has been the focus of attention. Recently, Yu Feihong finally told the truth that she will not marry for life, let's find out together.

Yu Feihong is over 50 years old and finally told the truth about not marrying for life, do you know why?

First of all, we must understand that Yu Feihong chose not to marry for life, not because she has any prejudice or fear of marriage, but because she has a clear plan and pursuit of her life. She once said, "I don't want to limit my life to a small family, I want to see the bigger world, to pursue my own dreams." This spirit of independence is an important reason why she chose not to marry for life.

Secondly, Yu Feihong is a very independent woman, she has her own career, her own life, and her own friends. She doesn't need to depend on anyone and doesn't need anyone to take care of her. She once said: "I am a person who can take care of myself and I do not need the sympathy and pity of others." This spirit of independence is also an important reason why she chose not to marry for life.

Yu Feihong is over 50 years old and finally told the truth about not marrying for life, do you know why?

Moreover, Yu Feihong is a very pursuing woman, she has very high requirements for herself, she hopes that she can achieve something in her career and enjoy it in life. She once said, "I don't want to waste my life on something that doesn't matter, I want to devote my time and energy to something I really love." This spirit of pursuing excellence is also an important reason why she chose not to marry for life.

Finally, Yu Feihong is a very real woman, she will not change her lifestyle due to social pressure or the expectations of others. She once said: "I am me, I have my own way of life, and I will not change because of what other people think." This spirit of insisting on herself and living her true life is also an important reason why she chose not to marry for life.

Yu Feihong is over 50 years old and finally told the truth about not marrying for life, do you know why?

In general, Yu Feihong chose not to marry for life because she has a clear plan and pursuit of her life, and because she is a very independent, pursuing and real woman. Her spirit deserves to be learned and respected by each and every one of us.

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