
#Record my 2023#Canadian military plane provokes China, crossing the line will be shot down? Recently, Canadian military planes traveled thousands of miles to China's gate to conduct reconnaissance and provocation, and Chinese military planes intercepted and drove them

author:Blue Sea waves


Canadian military aircraft provokes China, crossing the line will be shot down?

Recently, Canadian military planes traveled thousands of miles to China's gate to conduct reconnaissance and provocation, and Chinese military planes intercepted and drove away, and the closest distance between the two planes was only five meters. In response, Canadian Defense Minister Tony Blair protested. So, how should the Chinese Ministry of Defense respond? If Canadian military aircraft and warships come to China's door again to provoke, once they cross the line, they will be shot down and sunk, and will they bear the consequences?

In recent years, military tensions between China and Canada have risen with China's rapid rise. In particular, the recent reconnaissance provocation incident by Canadian military aircraft at China's doorstep has aroused widespread concern. For this incident, the Chinese Ministry of Defense has made it clear that the Canadian protest is invalid! This is a serious violation of China's sovereignty and the basic norms governing international law and international relations.

First of all, the reconnaissance provocation carried out by Canadian military aircraft on China's doorstep is a serious violation of China's sovereignty. China is a country with vast land and a long coastline, and Canadian military aircraft conducting reconnaissance provocations on China's doorstep are a serious violation of China's sovereignty and territorial integrity. Such acts not only violate international law and basic norms governing international relations, but also violate the basic morality and international morality of any country.

Secondly, Canadian Defense Minister Tony Blair's groundless accusations and protests against China are also a serious violation of China's sovereignty. As a nation's defense minister, Blair should be more aware of his responsibilities and missions, rather than wasting time and energy on groundless accusations and protests against China. China's military actions are lawful, reasonable and necessary solely for the purpose of safeguarding national security and territorial integrity. The protest of the Canadian Minister of Defence is not only unfounded, but also inconsistent with the morality and international morality of any country.

However, if Canadian warplanes and warships come to China's doorstep again to provoke, the statement that they will sink once the line is crossed is absurd. Such statements not only lack factual basis, but also lack the morality and international morality of any country. As a country with vast land and a long coastline, China has the right to take the necessary military action to preserve its sovereignty and territorial integrity. However, this does not mean that China can act at will, let alone take military action against other countries at will.

Moreover, China's military actions are not directed against Canada or any other country. China's military actions are aimed at safeguarding its sovereignty and territorial integrity and in responding to threats and challenges from outside. All countries should respect China's national interests and sovereignty, and not waste time and energy on groundless accusations and protests against China.

In short, the reconnaissance and provocation incident carried out by a Canadian military aircraft at China's doorstep is a serious violation of China's sovereignty and territorial integrity. The protest by the Canadian defense minister is also a serious violation of China's sovereignty. China should take the necessary military action to safeguard its sovereignty and territorial integrity, but this does not mean that China can act at will, let alone take military action against other countries at will. All countries should respect China's national interests and sovereignty, and not waste time and energy on groundless accusations and protests against China. #China's overall situation is decided# #China is uncompromising# #Don't go to war with China# #中国绝不会妥协#

#Record my 2023#Canadian military plane provokes China, crossing the line will be shot down? Recently, Canadian military planes traveled thousands of miles to China's gate to conduct reconnaissance and provocation, and Chinese military planes intercepted and drove them
#Record my 2023#Canadian military plane provokes China, crossing the line will be shot down? Recently, Canadian military planes traveled thousands of miles to China's gate to conduct reconnaissance and provocation, and Chinese military planes intercepted and drove them
#Record my 2023#Canadian military plane provokes China, crossing the line will be shot down? Recently, Canadian military planes traveled thousands of miles to China's gate to conduct reconnaissance and provocation, and Chinese military planes intercepted and drove them
#Record my 2023#Canadian military plane provokes China, crossing the line will be shot down? Recently, Canadian military planes traveled thousands of miles to China's gate to conduct reconnaissance and provocation, and Chinese military planes intercepted and drove them
#Record my 2023#Canadian military plane provokes China, crossing the line will be shot down? Recently, Canadian military planes traveled thousands of miles to China's gate to conduct reconnaissance and provocation, and Chinese military planes intercepted and drove them

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