
It's persimmon season again, how to eat and how to choose, it's very important!

author:Shangguan News

"July peaches, August pears, September persimmons red skin"

It's persimmon season again, how to eat and how to choose, it's very important!

Recently, everyone's favorite persimmon has gradually become available

Its sweet taste is loved by all "foodies"

But before eating persimmons

There are also these details to pay attention to oh~

First, because persimmons contain soluble tannins, they bind to proteins on the surface of the tongue, causing a dry taste.

Not only that, the tannin components in persimmons can also bind to proteins in the stomach to form stomach persimmon stones. For example, after eating a large number of hairy crabs and persimmons, the tannins in persimmons and the protein in hairy crabs are easy to react to produce precipitates - tannic acid protein, its solubility is reduced, not conducive to digestion, and even forms small pieces, so when eating a large number of persimmons on an empty stomach or eating more high-protein foods at the same time, there is a risk of causing stomach discomfort, stomach pain and other symptoms. If the stomach persimmon stone is severe, it may also cause symptoms such as stomach bleeding.

It's persimmon season again, how to eat and how to choose, it's very important!

Soft and hard persimmons How to choose?

Soft persimmon: Generally speaking, soft persimmon skin orange-red, soft and sweet, when purchasing, pay attention to the overall same soft, hard and soft is not good.

Hard persimmon: hard persimmon skin blue, hard but not brittle, slightly worse sweetness, touch with hand when purchasing, feel hard is better.

Look at the storage time Pick persimmons

・If you want to eat it directly after purchase, you can choose soft persimmons, because this persimmon is naturally deastringent on the tree, the skin is thin, juicy and sweet. But this persimmon is too soft, inconvenient to carry and store, and the storage time is not long;

If you buy persimmons and are ready to eat them for a period of time, you can choose to buy raw persimmons, and store them in a ventilated and cool place for a long time after buying them;

If you want to buy persimmons to eat for a period of time, you can buy crisp persimmons, which are raw persimmons picked and deastringent with warm water, alcohol, phosphorus dioxide and other methods and put on the market, the flesh is crisp, sweet taste, can be put for about a month.

It's persimmon season again, how to eat and how to choose, it's very important!


It's persimmon season again, how to eat and how to choose, it's very important!

-Raw material-

Persimmons, warm water


Pick hard persimmons and wash them

Find a thermal bucket, a lunch box with better heat preservation can also be used, and put persimmons in

Pour warm water at about 45°C and cover

Put it in a warm place for more than 48 hours, change the water 3-4 times during the period, let the water maintain a certain temperature, and you can eat it after 2 days~

■Persimmon sauce

It's persimmon season again, how to eat and how to choose, it's very important!

-Raw material-

Persimmons, maltose, granulated sugar, lemon


・Pick the softer persimmons, peel and cut into chunks and set aside

・Put the chopped persimmon cubes in a pot, add water and lemon juice to a boil over medium heat, then reduce the heat and add maltose to continue simmering, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon while cooking

After the maltose is completely dissolved, you can add granulated sugar and continue to mix until thick

■Persimmon pie

It's persimmon season again, how to eat and how to choose, it's very important!

-Raw material-

Persimmon, flour, bean paste filling


・Wash and peel persimmons and mash into puree

Add the persimmon puree to the flour little by little and knead continuously into a dough

Rise for about 15 minutes, remove and cut into small pieces of appropriate size

Press flat with the palm of your hand, take an appropriate amount of bean paste filling and put it in it, tighten the mouth like a bun and then flatten it

Put an appropriate amount of oil in a pot, heat over low heat, and fry the flattened persimmon cakes on low heat until golden brown on both sides

It's persimmon season again, how to eat and how to choose, it's very important!

You also unlock which persimmons are available to eat

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Source: @i Jinshan



Editor: Big Garfield

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