
Queen Victoria: Born 9 children in 17 years, she still eats herself fat into balls, and she doesn't like to bathe

author:Yuling YD tweeted

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Queen Victoria, one of the great women in British history, left a legacy during her reign and became a symbol of the times. However, in her later years, her image became somewhat different from the queen we had in mind. In this article, we'll dive into her eating habits and bathing habits to understand how she differs and reinvent her life story.

Her childhood:

To understand why Queen Victoria is so passionate about food, we need to go back to her early years. Victoria was the granddaughter of King George III of England, and although she seemed far from the throne at the time, medical and sanitary conditions were quite poor at the time, and the danger of consanguineous marriage made her have relatively few children. Thus, Victoria was in the fifth line of succession to the throne at birth.

Queen Victoria: Born 9 children in 17 years, she still eats herself fat into balls, and she doesn't like to bathe

Her strict diet:

However, Victoria's mother, Princess Victoria, intended from an early age to raise her according to the standards of a "quasi" heir. Although Victoria has always been a fat doll and loved to eat as a child, her mother has imposed strict dietary restrictions, and dinner is usually only bread and milk, and Victoria cannot eat anything else. This made Victoria's childhood far inferior to that of a free little girl.

She became Queen:

When Victoria turned 18, King William IV died and she became the new queen. Although she is the fifth in line to the throne, her mother has been working on a demanding diet plan for her because her mother believes Victoria needs to maintain her weight to accommodate future marriages.

Queen Victoria: Born 9 children in 17 years, she still eats herself fat into balls, and she doesn't like to bathe

Her marriage and diet:

Queen Victoria eventually married her cousin, Prince Albert, not emotionally attracted at the beginning, but Victoria won her cousin's heart by controlling her diet and weight. After marriage, pregnancy allowed her to eat more and she could finally enjoy delicious food without restrictions. She had 9 children with Prince Albert, and her figure gradually became plump and she never lost weight again.

Her personal losses:

Unfortunately, however, Prince Albert died of a serious illness, followed by the death of Queen Victoria's mother, a major loss that hit Victoria deeply. She thought about abdicating and just wanted to live in seclusion, but she had a great responsibility for the country on her shoulders, which made her feel stressed and sad, and she could only relieve her inner pain through food. She gradually increased her food intake and not only liked to eat a variety of foods, but also tried fresh delicacies. Even if binge eating causes gastrointestinal problems, she resolutely binges and seems to have a tendency to "self-destruct".

Queen Victoria: Born 9 children in 17 years, she still eats herself fat into balls, and she doesn't like to bathe

Her later life:

In her later years, Queen Victoria not only loved good food, but also was obsessed with whisky, which was indispensable every day. Therefore, in the photos and portraits of her later years, we can see that she eats herself like a "ball", looks round and plump, full of "nobleness".

Tradition of not loving bathing:

As for the question that Queen Victoria did not like to bathe, this was common in high society at that time, as well as throughout Europe. In the Victorian era, medical conditions were backward, and many doctors believed that bathing would reduce immunity, so bathing was discouraged. In the humid and cold British climate, bathing is almost a luxury for many. Therefore, it is understandable that Queen Victoria did not like to bathe in the context of the times.

Queen Victoria: Born 9 children in 17 years, she still eats herself fat into balls, and she doesn't like to bathe


Although Queen Victoria's later life and eating habits differed from our traditional image of the Queen, she remained a great monarch in British history, leaving behind a glorious historical era. Her hobbies, flaws and pains brought her closer to ordinary people and deserved to be remembered forever by the British people. This life story tells us that even great people have their own human nature and characteristics,

These characteristics make up her unique side. Although she immersed herself in food and drink, she did not forget the country and her responsibilities as queen.

Queen Victoria's later years, although there are some characteristics that do not fit our image of the Queen, also highlight her true side as a human being. Her dietary proclivities and tradition of not loving bathing liberated her from the traditional image of a queen and brought her closer to ordinary people. This not only gives us a better understanding of her humanity, but also makes her unique in history.

Queen Victoria: Born 9 children in 17 years, she still eats herself fat into balls, and she doesn't like to bathe

Queen Victoria was a charismatic and resilient woman who not only led England to greatness, but also had a personal life unlike any other. She fulfilled the responsibilities of the country in her own way and achieved a glorious era. Her life story tells us that great people also have their own characteristics and humanity, which makes her all the more worthy of respect and nostalgia.

The life of Queen Victoria is a glorious chapter in British history, she was not only a queen, but also an individual full of humanity and emotion. Her eating habits and tradition of not bathing may be part of her uniqueness, but that doesn't detract from her place and influence in history. The story of Queen Victoria tells us that even at the pinnacle of power, everyone has their own uniqueness, which is their humanity and charm.

The article tells about Queen Victoria in British history, her relationship with food and figure, and her habit of not bathing. Now I will first write a revelation of no less than 500 words for you, and then a summary of no less than 800 words, as you requested.


The story of Queen Victoria's life offers some profound insights. First of all, her appetite and figure problems reflect that everyone has their own desires and struggles. Even a queen is inevitably troubled by the temptation of food and figure. This tells us that success and setbacks, persistence and indulgence are all related, and that everyone needs to face their own weaknesses and temptations, no matter how high their status.

Secondly, Queen Victoria's early experiences had a profound impact on her later eating habits. She was under strict control by her mother during her childhood and could only eat limited food. This made her crave freedom and food. This tells us that family and education have an important influence on a person's habits and desires. In the family, try to cultivate healthy eating habits to help children establish a healthy lifestyle.

In addition, Queen Victoria's efforts in marriage are also a revelation. In order to win the favor of her cousin, she did not hesitate to control her diet, which showed her dedication and hard work in marriage. This tells us that marriage requires dedication and effort from both parties, and sometimes it is necessary to give up some of their own desires to please their partner.

Above all, Queen Victoria's sense of responsibility and dedication. Despite the great bereavement she suffered in her later years, she remained true to her country's responsibilities. She spent her life fulfilling her commitment to her country and creating a glorious era in British history. This tells us that leaders should have a strong sense of responsibility to put the country and their people first, regardless of their personal circumstances.


The story of Queen Victoria's life is an illuminating case that sheds light on the personal struggles and tenacity of a great leader. Although her appetite and stature issues attracted widespread attention in later life, we should see her story more about aspects of human nature, family, marriage and responsibility.

Queen Victoria's early experiences shaped her special relationship with food, suggesting that family and education play a key role in shaping a person's habits and desires. We should strive to foster a healthy lifestyle, especially in the family.

The effort in her marriage is also a demonstration that marriage requires the dedication and effort of both parties. Sometimes, in order to sustain a marriage, one must give up some personal desires in order to please their partner.

Most importantly, Queen Victoria has demonstrated a deep sense of responsibility and dedication to her country. She stood by her country's responsibilities in the face of bereavement, creating a glorious era in British history. This reminds us that leaders should have a strong sense of responsibility to put the well-being of their country and their people above their personal interests.

Queen Victoria's life reflects the struggles and efforts of a leader, but also the story of an ordinary person, full of human weaknesses and tenacity. Her story will always be remembered and learned.

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