
Hong Kong's legal wording is officially de-colonized! Is Victoria Harbour going to be renamed?


Hong Kong has never been a British "colony".

This point has been emphasized many times in several resolutions and promulgations of the United Nations.

Hong Kong's legal wording is officially de-colonized! Is Victoria Harbour going to be renamed?

Source: Dot News

However, nearly 27 years after Hong Kong's return to the motherland, there are still many "Her Majesty the Queen" and "Ministers of State" in Hong Kong's laws, and there have been voices calling for their deletion.


The Hong Kong government gazetted the Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2024 last week and submitted it to the Legislative Council for its first reading on May 22, with words such as "Her Majesty's Government", "Governor", "Victoria" and "Legislative Council".

Hong Kong's legal wording is officially de-colonized! Is Victoria Harbour going to be renamed?

Source: Sing Tao Headlines

With the success of the "decolonization" in the legal provisions, everyone's attention began to pay attention to many street names full of colonial connotations in Hong Kong, such as Victoria Park, King's Road, Portiter Street, etc.

So what's next?

In fact, this question is very interesting, and there is also a lot of discussion on the Internet, and it is roughly divided into three points of view.

The first point of view is that if Hong Kong wants to be completely "decolonized", it should.


Hong Kong Street Names: Be sure to change them!

"The murderers who burned the Old Summer Palace, the leaders of the war criminals in every war of aggression against China, named the streets of Hong Kong after these people, and the landmarks Victoria shouted Victoria all day long."

Hong Kong's legal wording is officially de-colonized! Is Victoria Harbour going to be renamed?

Source: Internet

Second point of view:

"In Hong Kong, there is no need to change the name of a place."

Netizens who support this point of view will elaborate from it.


Hong Kong Street Names: No Amendments Required!


The first, as well as the carve-up frenzy set off by imperialism.

After the British occupied Hong Kong Island, the Kowloon Peninsula and the New Territories, they used members of the royal family, Hong Kong governors, military officers, etc., to erect various bronze statues.

Hong Kong's legal wording is officially de-colonized! Is Victoria Harbour going to be renamed?



In 1941, a series of so-called "colonial" transformations followed.

They replaced the long-standing system of the Common Era in Hong Kong with the Emperor's Chronology, with the aim of "".

The names of places named after the British royal family, governor-general, etc., have been modified.

Hong Kong's legal wording is officially de-colonized! Is Victoria Harbour going to be renamed?

Source: Hong Kong Commercial Daily

For example, "Queen's Road" was changed to "Meiji-dori", "Kannao-do" was changed to "Kayoshi-dori", "Kennedy Road" was changed to "Todaisho-do", and "Devoeux Road" was changed to "Showa-dori Street".

These place names, all for.

The third time was after the end of World War II and Japan's defeat.

One month later, the British dismantled all the Japanese wooden street signs and the Japanese wooden signs that showed off the exploits of the Japanese army.

After discussion, it is not difficult for us to find that the change of Hong Kong's geographical name.

In 1997, the Chinese government withdrew sovereignty over Hong Kong, Hong Kong exercises a high degree of autonomy, and the central government does not interfere in the specific operation of the SAR government.

Hong Kong's legal wording is officially de-colonized! Is Victoria Harbour going to be renamed?

Source: Internet

As a result, the view is that:

Since the return of Hong Kong is not a forceful subversion model of subverting the regime through war or revolution.

In addition, Hong Kong's biggest advantage is the convergence of Chinese and Western cultures, if these cultural characteristics are erased.

"I saw that someone was proposing to rename Victoria Harbour. It is still necessary to be cautious about changing place names, especially landmark place names.

As for the humiliation of being usurped, that is a thing of the past. As it develops to this day, China should be more open-minded and tolerant, and show the world its determination and self-confidence to open up. ”

In addition, some media believe that:

If a survey is organized in Hong Kong to see if the common people support changing the existing place names and completely removing the traces of colonization.

Hong Kong's legal wording is officially de-colonized! Is Victoria Harbour going to be renamed?

Source: HK01

Because, changing the name of a place is a huge project.

If the colonization of Hong Kong were to be completely changed, it would be a complicated task to simply post notices, make street signs, change the address of official documents, and change the place of residence of the identity card.

Are the people of Hong Kong willing to bear this complexity?

Finally, for the modification of the street name, there is one more!


Hong Kong street names: some change, some don't!

"The decolonization of geographical names in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is necessary and feasible. ”

Hong Kong's legal wording is officially de-colonized! Is Victoria Harbour going to be renamed?

This type of view states:

"Decolonization" must be done, and it is suggested that if it is temporarily difficult to change the name, then some stone monuments can be erected in streets or some locations with strong colonial colors to explain the historical facts of the disputed points.

Some buildings and street signs with the characteristics of the times have the significance of "check-in" sightseeing, which is one of the cultural and historical monuments in Hong Kong, which can maintain international characteristics while adding Chinese elements, highlighting Hong Kong's inclusive coexistence.

What kind of views do you support? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area.

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