
"#TV series swim straight forward#" ends warmly today, between 12:00-21:00, the leading actors will parachute into the Z TV video comment area, everyone come and Zhou Yu (@李汶翰饰

author:Z Vision

"#TV series swim straight forward#" ends warmly today, between 12:00-21:00, the leading actors will parachute into the Z TV video comment area, everyone come and interact happily with Zhou Yu (played by @李汶翰), Liang Bingbing (played by @徐娇), Hu Jingtian (played by @施展Alvin) and other leading actors, chat online, and watch the finale of "Swim Forward" together!

"#TV series swim straight forward#" ends warmly today, between 12:00-21:00, the leading actors will parachute into the Z TV video comment area, everyone come and Zhou Yu (@李汶翰饰
"#TV series swim straight forward#" ends warmly today, between 12:00-21:00, the leading actors will parachute into the Z TV video comment area, everyone come and Zhou Yu (@李汶翰饰
"#TV series swim straight forward#" ends warmly today, between 12:00-21:00, the leading actors will parachute into the Z TV video comment area, everyone come and Zhou Yu (@李汶翰饰

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