
Huang Zijiao performed the 'upskirt technique', and Xiao S fought back on the spot: a strange interaction in the variety show industry!

author:Happy life


The show scene was shocked to see the "skirt door"

An interaction between Huang Zijiao and Xiao S on a popular variety show became the center of the topic. In the broadcast clip, Huang Zijiao's sudden move lifted the skirt of the host Xiao S on the same stage, which immediately made the staff outside the venue nervous and shouted.

Huang Zijiao performed the 'upskirt technique', and Xiao S fought back on the spot: a strange interaction in the variety show industry!

Xiao S didn't seem to be intimidated, but responded to Huang Zijiao with a slap, and then the two continued the recording of the show. This scene was screenshotted and spread by netizens, and the Internet fried in an instant. All kinds of comments poured in, and some netizens ridiculed: "Lao Huang, next time you lift your skirt, remember to shout 'plot needs' first, it's not easy to write a screenplay!" while some joked: "Is this a modern version of a 'slap in the face' sitcom?"


Huang Zijiao's historical "upskirt" review

Not only that, Huang Zijiao seems to have "rich experience" in this regard. He confessed on the show that he had lifted his teacher's skirt when he was a student.

Huang Zijiao performed the 'upskirt technique', and Xiao S fought back on the spot: a strange interaction in the variety show industry!

This revelation immediately caused even more controversy, making Huang Zijiao's behavior the focus of public discussion. Netizens excitedly participated in this topic, and the comment area became a complaining conference: "Mr. Huang, have you decided to take the path of a funny artist since you were a child?"

Huang Zijiao performed the 'upskirt technique', and Xiao S fought back on the spot: a strange interaction in the variety show industry!

At the same time, there are also worried voices, worried that such behavior will have a negative impact on the audience, especially affecting children: "If these programs are placed in prime time, children will not be allowed to learn badly?"

Behind the screams of the staff

Let's take a look at the staff who are yelling at the show. They reacted strongly to this dramatic scene, and were clearly taken aback by the sudden scene.

Huang Zijiao performed the 'upskirt technique', and Xiao S fought back on the spot: a strange interaction in the variety show industry!

What are they worried about? Are they worried about the recording of the show, or are they worried that the show may be criticized by the audience for such behavior? Or maybe they are more worried about whether this kind of interaction will go beyond the bottom line of the show's production. Netizens also started a heated discussion about this, "Is the screaming of the staff speaking for us as the audience?"


Huang Zijiao's "upskirt" consideration

For Huang Zijiao's series of upskirt behaviors, the public has mixed reviews. On the one hand, some people think that this is Huang Zijiao's sense of humor and casualness as a senior variety artist, which is an entertainment interaction under the effect of the show, and on the other hand, some people think that this behavior is disrespectful to others, and even a kind of sexual harassment.

Huang Zijiao performed the 'upskirt technique', and Xiao S fought back on the spot: a strange interaction in the variety show industry!

The discussion in the comment area became more hot: "Lao Huang, can we change a new trick?" "Haha, the next episode of the show preview: Huang Zijiao lifted his skirt, don't believe it and wait and see!"

An extended discussion of the "upskirt" phenomenon

On social media, #黄子佼曾在节目上掀小S裙子#的话题持续发酵. Netizens took this incident as an opportunity to explore the boundaries of the interaction between men and women in variety shows.

Huang Zijiao performed the 'upskirt technique', and Xiao S fought back on the spot: a strange interaction in the variety show industry!

Some people said, "This is the daily life of the Wanwan show, what else can we expect?" and others expressed dissatisfaction: "This kind of behavior should be condemned, both in the show and in life." "In this wave of discussion, we can see all kinds of voices, people start to reflect and discuss, trying to find a line in the loud laughter.

Huang Zijiao performed the 'upskirt technique', and Xiao S fought back on the spot: a strange interaction in the variety show industry!

The "upskirt" culture of variety shows

Through this incident, we can find that some interactions in variety shows may cross the socially accepted bottom line. Although Huang Zijiao's behavior may be just a temporary joke, such a joke is indeed thought-provoking.

Huang Zijiao performed the 'upskirt technique', and Xiao S fought back on the spot: a strange interaction in the variety show industry!

When young users on social media discuss this topic, they are not only discussing Huang Zijiao's behavior, but also discussing the current variety show culture. Does this culture invisibly amplify some inappropriate behaviors, and does it imperceptibly affect the values of the audience, especially the young audience?

Huang Zijiao performed the 'upskirt technique', and Xiao S fought back on the spot: a strange interaction in the variety show industry!

In the comment area, the voices of netizens came and went: "Is this the unspoken rule of variety shows? I don't think so!" "If this is for laughter, then is the laughter we need too low?" What do you think about this? Welcome to leave your thoughts in the comment area, let's discuss it together!

Huang Zijiao performed the 'upskirt technique', and Xiao S fought back on the spot: a strange interaction in the variety show industry!

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